XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
XMMextractor_tools (pyutils-0.8.5) [xmmsas_20230412_1735-21.0.0]
Current functions
At the moment, these are the current functions present in XMMextractor_tools:
- ODF_times: Searches in the SUM.SAS file the duration and times of the observation.
- angular_distance: Returns in degrees the angular distance between two objectives.
- add_source_to_region_file: Creates a region file text that can be read with ds9.
- produce_ps_file: Produces a PS file.
- deg_to_hours: Transforms degrees to hours.
- deg_to_sexagesimal: Transform degrees into sexagesimmal degrees.
- event_file_spectral_info: returns information regarding the timing of the event file.
- get_back_scale: returns the backscale.
- get_area_scale: returns the areascale.
- get_entries: Returns the number of entries loaded in the header of a FITS file.
- print_sas_setup: shows the information regarding the current SAS setup.
- set_coordinates: set the coordinates for a given Observation object (from pyOAL).
- produce_image: produces an image for EPIC.
- produce_image_4GUI: produce an image to be used for the GUI.
- produce_smooth_image: produces an smooth image.
- GTI_file_info: returns the ONTIME parameter for a GTI file.
- get_OM_science_modes: returns a tuple of booleans representing the current science modes available for the observation.
- get_bkg_region_SP_creation: returns the background information for a region.
- get_src_region_SP_creation: returns the source information for a region.
- get_src_region_LC: returns the source region information (for light curves)
- event_file_info: returns basic information concerning an event files.
- get_bkg_region_LC: returns the background region information (for light curve)
- prepare_region_log_file: Writes into a log file the information from a region.
- build_expression: Writes a basic expression for either a source or background region.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2023-04-16