XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

attfilter (attfilter-1.4) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


This section documents warnings and errors generated by this task (if any). Note that warnings and errors can also be generated in the SAS infrastructure libraries, in which case they would not be documented here. Refer to the index of all errors and warnings available in the HTML version of the SAS documentation.

 The pyramid filter is not implemented yet.
 There appears to be an excessive number of very short GTIs (see parameters mingtisize, maxfracshort) - review the specified tolerance limits.
corrective action: none
Except for this, no errors or warnings are generated by the task directly. Only a subset of possible warnings and errors from the used packages, oal, dal, selectlib, and tabgtigen can occur. 

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27