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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

atthkgen (atthkgen-1.22.2) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


   subroutine atthkgen

     * get ODF 
     * get start and end times of complete observation
     * open output fits file
     * loop through time (timestep)
         set attitudeFromAhf to true + call OAL_getAttitude (get AHF attitude)
         set AHF info to OAL_getAttitude info (or to NULL if bad)
         calculate summed attitude information for AHF 
         set attitudeFromAhf to false + call OAL_getAttitude (get OM attitude)
         set OM info to OAL_getAttitude info (or to NULL if bad)
         calculate summed attitude information for AHF OM
         calculate AHF-Om difference
     * end loop through time
     * get median infomation at correct point in loop (AHF/OM values)
     * calculate mean attitude information (AHF/OM)
     * loop through time (timestep)
         calculate differences (AHF-PNT, OM-PNT)
     * end loop through time
     * get median infomation at correct point in loop (Diff PNT values)
     * calculate mean attitude information (Diff PNT)
     * fill fits file columns (AHF, OM)
     * fill in differences columns 
     * add keywords, means, medians and history to fits file

   end subroutine  atthkgen

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27