badInput | error |
| No, or incorrectly named extension in input events file |
badInstrument | error |
| Instrument not supported |
badMode | error |
| Mode not supported |
noBadpixfindModes | error |
| No badpixfind modes chosen |
nonEqualLists | error |
| userflagbadpix lists (rawx, rawy, type, yextent) must
be of equal size |
badThresholds | error |
| low threshold values must be less than high threshold
values (also, for thresholdlabel = PEAK,
threshold values must be in range 0–100 |
userListValuesOutOfRange | error |
| some userflagbadpix list input
values are invalid |
badLothresh | error |
| Lothresh value finds too many ( 10000) dead pixels -
dataset is probably filled with many zeros |
noGoodPixsFound | warning |
| No good
pixels found
corrective action: Continue with `thresholds OK?' message |
eventsOutOfWindow | warning |
| Events found
outside of RAWX/RAWY window - these are ignored
corrective action: Continue with warning message |
eventsOutOfOrder | warning |
| Events out of time
order - flickering analysis may be in error
corrective action: Continue with warning message |
insufficientData | warning |
| insufficient
data (events/timeslots) to perform flickering analysis - aborted
corrective action: Continue with warning message - no flickering analysis |
findRealSources | warning |
| Chosen
narrowerthanpsf parameter is very low - real sources may be found
corrective action: Continue with warning message |
badEnergyThresholds | warning |
| hienergythresh must be greater than loenergythresh - no Energy filtering performed
corrective action: Continue with no energy filtering |
lowExposure | warning |
| Exposure time very low - spurious bad pixels may be found (low number statistics)
corrective action: Continue with warning message |