ChangeLog for dsplot ==================== Version 1.27 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ------------------------------ + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.26.3 - 2009-04-08 (AI) ------------ + Debug line removed Version 1.26.2 - 2009-04-02 (AI) ------------ + Support to multixmmselect added Version 1.26.1 - 2009-08-31 (AI) ------------ + Modifications is several source files to make dsplot gcc 4.3 compliant Version 1.26 - 2008-09-29 (CG) ------------ + (config/dsplot.par)+(src/ Adding parameters tofile / file for directly dump of output contents Version 1.25.2 - 2007-07-03 (CG) -------------- + (src/ Ignoring NaN values for plotting. Subsequent work around for MacOSX (Panther) due to use of "isnan". (Same) SOC-SPR-2530 fixed Version 1.25.1 - 2007-07-02 (CG) -------------- + (src/ Ignoring NaN values for plotting. SOC-SPR-2530 fixed Version 1.25 - 2006-11-24 (AI) ------------ + (src/ New keywords added to the xmgrace output file. SOC-SPR-2536 fixed Version 1.24.1 - 2004-03-15 (AI) ------------ + Fixed error related to the VERSION number. Version 1.24 - 2004-03-15 (AI) ------------ + Documentation updated: parameters overhauled. Version 1.23 - 2003-10-30 (AI) ------------ + changed USEDLIBS in lib/grace/Makefile for static builds. Open SPRs/SCRs: *none* Version 1.22 - 2003-08-06 (UL) ------------ + launch Grace subprocess now always explicitely with -nosafe opttion to enable local file modification in batch mode (needed by 1-D region import from xmmselect); this closes SPR 2466: "xmmselect" should start Grace with the `-nosafe' option Version 1.21 - 2003-07-02 (UL) ------------ + fixed problem of SPR 2456: Test harnbess fails on Mac OS X [test harnesses run with Verbosity>0 cause diagnostic messages to get intermixed with Grace commands when dstoplot writes to stdout] Version 1.20 - 2003-06-16 (GV) ------------ + Misc. fixes to make gcc-3.3 happy: include and/or proper initialization of base classes. Version 1.19 - 2003-03-14 (UL) ------------ + added boolean parameter "withalltablesafter" + "subtitle" in view of supporting visualization of hkgtigen diagnostic mode output + documentation updated; parameter and layout files overhauled Version 1.18 - 2003-01-21 (UL) ------------ + several stdc++ compliance fixes enforced by gcc-3.2 Version 1.17 - 2003-01-17 (UL) ------------ + extended functionality to plot abscissa data ranges separately or overlaid onto normal plot (e.g. GTIs onto time-series plot); needed for implementing SCR 102 but also otherwise useful Version 1.16 - 2002-07-12 (UL) ------------ + now depends on package sas + strstream -> stringstream Version 1.15 - 2002-05-27 (UL) ------------ + made param-2.0 compliant Version 1.14.6 - 2002-03-13 (UL) -------------- + fixed couple of minor doc problems Version 1.14.5 - 2002-02-20 (UL) -------------- + small adjustmens to test harness to account for gracebat/grbatch differences Version 1.14.4 - 2002-03-15 (UL) -------------- + small fix to make optmized compilation succeed Version 1.14.3 - 2002-02-14 (UL) -------------- + meliorated robustness against invalid row-ranges in vector column specifiers + closed SPR 2271: Does not build statically Version 1.14.2 - 2002-02-07 (UL) -------------- + grbatch -> gracebat in several tests Version 1.14.1 - 2002-01-30 (UL) -------------- + closed SPR 1921: documentation for dstoplot not visible (combined task description for dsplot/dstoplot has been split into two separate ones) Version 1.14 - 2002-01-24 (UL) ------------ + implemented SCR 41: add support for error bars + minor mods to enhance standard conformance (std:: in .h etc.) Version 1.13 - 2000-12-21 (UL) ------------ + implemented SCR 20: Specification of boundaries (it still does not work due to an unresolved Grace problem) + new parameters 'xlog'/'ylog' to get logarithmic axes + trivial change to make optimizer happy Version 1.12.2 - 2000-11-16 (UL) -------------- + fixed SPR 1853: Cannot plot RGS net spectral files Version 1.12.1 - 2000-10-27 (UL) -------------- + modified GROUPS entry in task info file Version 1.12 - 2000-09-25 (UL) ------------ + fixed "make dist" error in parameter files Version 1.11 - 2000-07-21 (UL) ------------ + fixed bug introduced in 1.10 (causes seg-faults under certain circumstances) + reimplement pre-1.10-behavior: if table contains only one numerical column this is plotted as Y against index as X Version 1.10 - 2000-07-14 (UL) ------------ + closed SPR 950: Dsplot should support vector columns + added support for boolean columns Version 1.9.4 - 2000-07-10 (UL) ------------- + tested with grace-5.1.1 + fixed problem with occasional SIGPIPE exceptions in xmmselect (caused by user closing Grace window explicitely) Version 1.9.3 - 2000-06-30 (UL) ------------- + fixed SPR 1647: missing link to ds9 Version 1.9.2 - 2000-06-22 (UL) ------------- + fixed another small documentation problem Version 1.9.1 - 2000-06-20 (UL) ------------- + fixed SPR SPR 1547: DOC::broken links Version 1.9 - 2000-05-09 (UL) ----------- + added task info file + write value of x-axis offset to parameter Version 1.8 - 2000-04-25 (GV) ----------- + ({src,test}/Makefile) put dstoplot in USEDLIBS instead of putting dstoplot.o in the dsplot_OBJS. This change is dictated by the new taskmain objects. To be decided whether this is a bug or a feature. Version 1.7 - 2000-02-24 (UL) ----------- + changes enforced by dal-1.104 Version 1.6 - 2000-02-08 (UL) ----------- + Grace::toRegion() does now recognize all Grace region types (fixes xmmselect SPR 1086 : task crashes when trying to read in 1D reg.) Version 1.5 - 2000-01-07 (UL) ----------- + fixed SPR 1064: static build fails + fixed SPR 1030: xmgrace incompatible Version 1.4 - 1999-12-17 (UL) ----------- + brought in line with selectlib-4.23 (Region->GeoRegion) Version 1.3.1 - 1999-11-09 (UL) ------------- + fixed SPR 936: grbatch does not exist any longer ? Version 1.3 - 1999-11-03 (UL) ----------- + fixed SPR 841 : test harness fails on linux (was due to faulty test harness `pipedstoplot' which called dstoplot with non-existing argument `set=test.dat' and relied on piped-command chain to fail of any of the commands within in the pipe failed) Version 1.2 - 1999-10-29 (UL) ----------- + updated documentation (in line with 1.0 changes - see below) Version 1.1 - 1999-10-26 (UL) ----------- + generate coordinate grid lines in scatter plots by default Version 1.0 - 1999-10-25 (UL) ----------- + first official version after task approval + fixed SPR 641 : dsplot does not handle vector columns (now a warning is printed and task bails out on vector columns) + added support for scatter plots + added "withoffsetx" parameter (for rate curves with large time tags) + various upgrades to Grace class Version 0.19 - 1999-10-24 (UL) ------------ + write data points as doubles (this _really_ fixes SPR 760 (see below)) Version 0.18 - 1999-10-11 (UL) ------------ + brought in line with dal-1.74 + fixed SPR 760 : insufficient precsision in dstoplot output Version 0.17 1999-09-24 (MB) ------------ + added layout file Version 0.16 1999-08-31 (UL) ------------ + lib/grace/ commented out check for existence of parameter file containing made region definitions; this is a temporary workaround for an apparent synchronisation problem in the grace library. Version 0.15 1999-08-31 (HS) ------------ + modified dsplot/dstoplot such that if no table is specified by the parameter --table (which is in set:table notation) the first table in set is used. Version 0.14 1999-08-26 (MB) ------------ + proper metatask + fixed index problem + updated to more modern parameter interface Version 0.13 1999-08-20 (MB) ------------ + fixed problems with x axis + added test harness for running twice + no longer assigns to cout Version 0.12 1999-05-13 (GV) ----------- + bring in line with new error Version 0.11 1999-03-02 (MB) ------------ + fixed mandatory parameters Version 0.10 - 1999-02-19 (UL) ------------ - lib/grace/ added ACEgrFlush() after ACEgrPrintf() in Grace::regionSelection() + removal of temp file Version 0.9 (MB) ----------- - added missing package utils in grace test harness. Version 0.8 (MB) ----------- - fixed egcs problems. - added EXTERNALS Version 0.7 (MB) ----------- - added writeSet to CurvePlotter interface. Version 0.6 (MB) ----------- - disabled part of test harness that requires an X server. Version 0.5 (MB) ----------- - added Grace object that encapsulates talking to a running xmgr. - added output file specification to ds(to)plot. Version 0.4 (MB) ----------- - fixed problem in parameter files. Version 0.3 (MB) ----------- - Can now also read data file with 1 column. - Upgraded the parameter file. - Fixed the examples in the documentation. Version 0.2 (MB) ----------- - Changed task name to dstoplot, added task dsplot that kicks off xmgr. Version 0.1 (MB) ----------- - Initial delivery.