Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
imagesets | yes | filename | image.fits | |
Names of EPIC fits images | ||||
boxlistset | yes | filename | eboxlist.fits | |
Name of output source list | ||||
bkgimagesets | no | filename | bkgimage.fits | |
Names of spline background
maps | ||||
expimagesets | no | filename | expimage.fits | |
Names of exposure
images | ||||
detmasksets | no | filename | detmask.fits | |
Name of detection mask | ||||
mergedlistset | no | filename | mergedlist.fits | |
Name of merged source
list (not yet implemented) | ||||
usemap | no | boolean | false | |
true: map mode; false: local mode | ||||
usematchedfilter | no | boolean | false | |
Matched filter flag; not supported in current version | ||||
withdetmask | no | boolean | false | |
Detection mask flag | ||||
withexpimage | no | boolean | false | |
Exposure image flag | ||||
withoffsets | no | boolean | false | |
Controls whether the offsets will be
read from the merged (eident) source list – obsolete. | ||||
boxsize | no | integer | 5 | 3 or 5 |
Size of detection box
(3x3 or 5x5 pixels) | ||||
nruns | no | integer | 3 | 1 |
Number of detection runs
(detection box size is doubled after each run) | ||||
likemin | no | float | 10.0 | [1.0 |
Minimum detection likelihood | ||||
ecf | no | float | 1.0 | [0.0 |
Energy conversion factors, given in units of | ||||
hrdef | no | integer | 1 2 2 3 3 4 | 0,10 |
Array of six integer numbers specifying
the upper and lower energy band for each of (up to) three hardness ratios | ||||
pimin | no | integer | 2000 | [1 |
Lower PI channel limits of input images | ||||
pimax | no | integer | 4500 | [1 |
Upper PI channel limits of input images | ||||
imagebuffersize | no | integer | 640 | 100 |
Parameter that
controls memory requirements for mosaic images (cf. emldetect
description). | ||||
withimagebuffersize | no | boolean | no | |
Allow user-defined values of
imagebuffersize. | ||||
obsmode | no | string | no | pointing|slew |
Observation mode of input data:
pointing (default) or slew. Parameter introduced with task version 4.24 (2015). | ||||
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
File names must be ordered by instrument and energy band; maximum of six
energy bands per instrument.
One per energy band per instrument.
One per instrument.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27