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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

edetect_stack (edetect_stack-0.8.1) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
eventsetsnofilename listevent.fits 
Blank-separated name(s) of input event files, from which images and masks are extracted. Alternatively: name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4).
This parameter is mandatory, if you want to run all stages of the edetect_stack source detection.
attitudesetsnofilename listattitude.fits 
Blank-separated name(s) of input attitude files, from which the common coordinate system of the stacked observations is derived. One per observation identifier. Alternatively: name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4).
This parameter is mandatory, if you want to run all stages of the edetect_stack source detection.
summarysetsnofilename listsummary.fits 
Blank-separated name(s) of input odf summary files, as provided by odfingest. One per observation identifier. Alternatively: name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4).
This parameter is mandatory, if you want to run all stages of the edetect_stack source detection.
mlminnofloat6.0[0.0 : 100.0]
Minimum detection likelihood to be reached in total or in at least one pointing to transfer a source from the intermediate to the final output list.
piminnointeger200 500 1000 2000 4500[0 : 30000]
Lower boundaries of energy bands in source detection. Units: eV
pimaxnointeger500 1000 2000 4500 12000[0 : 30000]
Upper boundaries of energy bands in source detection. Units: eV
ecfnofloat0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0[0.0 : 1000.0]
Energy conversion factors, given in units of $10^{11}$ counts cm$^2$ / erg, used to derive source fluxes. One value per observation per instrument per energy band. 3XMM values are chosen automatically, if parameter ecf is not set and standard energy bands are used.
Name of output edetect_stack source list
minstagenostring1[1 : 12] or stage name
Index or name of stage at which edetect_stack should be started. If set, it has priority over the "run*" parameters.
maxstagenostring12[1 : 12] or stage name
Index or name of stage at which edetect_stack should be stopped. If set, it has priority over the "run*" parameters.
Prefix of all files for which the default name structure is used.
informationalnostring default | all | none
Write / omit informational output: sensitivity maps, mosaic images (default: yes), cheesed background images and masks, emldetect source images (default: no).
compressnobooleanfalsetrue | false
Compress FITSfiles right after creation. Slows down I/O, reduces hard disk usage significantly.
attcalc  (stage 1)
runattcalcnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task attcalc to establish a common coordinate system. If set to “false”, this has to be done manually before starting edetect_stack.
attcalc: 1. Base name of event lists written by attcalc, expanded by edetect_stack to <att_eventset><pointing ID><instrument>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4). Output files, if runattcalc is set to “true” (default), input files to the following tasks otherwise.
with_att_nominalcoordnobooleanfalsetrue | false
User input of parameters att_nominalra and att_nominaldec. If “false”: optimum values are derived by edetect_stack from the attitude files.
att_nominalranoangle0.0[0.0 : 360.0]
attcalc: Celestial right ascension coordinate of central reference point, if with_att_nominalcoord is set to “true” (default: “false”).
att_nominaldecnoangle0.0[-90.0 : +90.0]
attcalc: Celestial declination coordinate of central reference point, if with_att_nominalcoord is set to “true” (default: “false”).
with_att_imagesizenobooleanfalsetrue | false
User input of parameter att_imagesize. If “false”: optimum value is derived by edetect_stack from the attitude files.
att_imagesizenoangle0.36[0.0 : ]
attcalc: Image half-size in degrees, if with_att_imagesize is set to “true” (default: “false”).
evselect  (stage 2)
runevselectimagesnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task evselect to produce images. If set to “false”, the files have to be provided as input.
evselect: 1. Base name of image files, expanded by edetect_stack to <ev_imageset><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4). Output files, if runevselectimages is set to “true” (default), input files to the following tasks otherwise.
ev_xcolumnnostringXcolumn name
evselect: Name of column with spatial X coordinates for image creation.
ev_ycolumnnostringYcolumn name
evselect: Name of column with spatial Y coordinates for image creation.
evselect: Binning factor for the X axis in image creation.
evselect: Binning factor for the Y axis in image creation.
ev_withxrangesnobooleanfalsetrue | false
evselect: Use the ev_ximagemin and ev_ximagemax values for the X coordinate ranges for image creation. If true, the parameter ranges are used; if false, the ranges are determined from the data.
evselect: If set, the lower limit of the X coordinate for image creation.
evselect: If set, the upper limit of the X coordinate for image creation.
ev_withyrangesnobooleanfalsetrue | false
evselect: Use the ev_yimagemin and ev_yimagemax values for the Y coordinate ranges for image creation. If true, the parameter ranges are used; if false, the ranges are determined from the data.
evselect: If set, the lower limit of the Y coordinate for image creation.
evselect: If set, the upper limit of the Y coordinate for image creation.
ev_withimagedatatypenobooleantruetrue | false
evselect: Boolean to choose whether to use the value of the ev_imagedatatype parameter to set the data type of the output image; if the value is false then evselect tries itself to determine the best value for the image data type. Please note: “stand-alone” evselect sets this parameter to “false” by default, edetect_stack to “true”.
ev_imagedatatypenostringInt32Int8 | Int16 | Int32 | Real32 | Real64
Data type to use for the output image. If not set, evselect decides for itself what data type to use. Please note: “stand-alone” evselect sets this parameter to “Real64” by default, edetect_stack to “Int32”.
eexpmap  (stage 3)
runeexpmapnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task eexpmap to produce exposure maps. If set to “false”, the files have to be provided as input.
eexpmap: 1. Base name of unvignetted exposure image files, expanded by edetect_stack to <eexp_expimageset><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4). Output files, if runeexpmap is set to “true” (default), input files to the following tasks otherwise.
eexp_attrebinnofloat2.0[0.0 : 60.0]
eexpmap: Positional accuracy of attitude rebinning in arcseconds. Changes in the attitude less than eexp_attrebin are ignored when rebinning the attitude data. Please note: “stand-alone” eexpmap sets this parameter to 4.0 by default, edetect_stack to 2.0.
emask  (stage 4)
runemasknobooleantruetrue | false
Run task emask to produce detection masks. If set to “false”, the files have to be provided as input.
emask: 1. Base name of detection mask files, expanded by edetect_stack to <emask_detmaskset><pointing ID><instrument>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4). Output files, if runemask is set to “true” (default), input files to the following tasks otherwise.
emask_threshold1nofloat0.5[0.0 : 1.0]
emask: Threshold parameter 1: fraction of maximum exposure. Please note: “stand-alone” eexpmap sets this parameter to 0.3 by default, edetect_stack to 0.5.
emask_threshold2nofloat1.0[0.0 : 10.0]
emask: Threshold parameter 2: threshold for gradient of exposure. Please note: “stand-alone” emask sets this parameter to 0.5 by default, edetect_stack to 1.0.
emask_withregionsetnobooleanfalsetrue | false
emask: Read a FITS region file and exclude circular/box regions from the mask.
emask: Name of the FITS region file providing the regions to be excluded, if emask_withregionset is set to true.
eboxdetect (local mode)  (stage 5)
runeboxdetectlocalnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task eboxdetect to produce local-mode input source lists per observation. If set to “false”, the files have to be provided as input.
eboxdetect: 1. Base name of local-mode box list files, expanded by edetect_stack to <ev_imageset><pointing ID>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4). Output files, if runeboxdetectlocal is set to “true” (default), input files to the following tasks otherwise.
eboxl_likeminnofloat5.0[1.0 : 50.0]
eboxdetect: Minimum detection likelihood for including a source in the output list. Please note: “stand-alone” eboxdetect sets this parameter to 10.0 by default, edetect_stack to 5.0.
eboxl_boxsizenointeger53 | 5
eboxdetect: Size of detection box (3x3 or 5x5 pixels).
eboxl_nrunsnointeger1[1 : 4]
eboxdetect: Number of detection runs (detection box size is doubled after each run). Please note: “stand-alone” eboxdetect sets this parameter to 3 by default, edetect_stack to 1.
esplinemap  (stage 6)
runesplinemapnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task esplinemap to produce spline background maps. If set to “false”, the files have to be provided as input.
esplinemap: 1. Base name of background map files, expanded by edetect_stack to <esp_bkgimageset><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4). Output files, if runesplinemap is set to “true” (default), input files to the following tasks otherwise.
esp_scutnofloat0.002[0.0 : 10.0]
esplinemap: Source cut-out flux level in [counts/arcsec$^2$]. Please note: “stand-alone” esplinemap sets this parameter to 0.01 by default, edetect_stack to 0.002.
esp_mlminnofloat1.0[0.0 : 1000.0]
esplinemap: Minimum single band detection likelihood for sources to be cut out.
esp_fitmethodnostringsplinespline | model
esplinemap: Background fitting method: spline fit or 2-component background model.
with_esp_nsplinenodesnobooleanfalsetrue | false
User input of parameter esp_nsplinenodes. If “false”: A standard value of one node per 50 pixels is derived by edetect_stack from the image size.
esp_nsplinenodesnointeger13[10 : 40]
esplinemap: Number of nodes in spline fit. Please note: “stand-alone” esplinemap sets this parameter to 13.0 by default. edetect_stack uses a default value that depends on image size in pixels.
esp_excesssigmanofloat4.0[1.0 : 6.0]
esplinemap: Threshold for sigma excesses with respect to background spline fit.
esp_nfitrunnointeger4[1 : 5]
esplinemap: Number of iterations for removal of excesses. esp_nfitrun=1 means no removal. Please note: “stand-alone” esplinemap sets this parameter to 3 by default, edetect_stack to 4.
esp_snrminnofloat30.0[1.0 : 1000.0]
esplinemap, fitmethod smooth: Desired minimum signal to noise ratio during adaptive smoothing.
esp_smoothsigmanofloat15[0.0 : 100.0]
esplinemap, fitmethod smooth: Minimum width of Gaussian smoothing kernel in pixel.
esp_withexpimageset2nobooleanfalsetrue | false
esplinemap: Use both vignetted and unvignetted exposure maps for fitmethod=model.
esplinemap: 1. Base name of vignetted exposure maps for fitmethod=model, expanded by edetect_stack to <esp_expimagesetvig><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4).
esp_withcheeseimagenobooleantruetrue | false
esplinemap: Optional output of “cheesed” photon images where sources have been masked out. Please note: “stand-alone” esplinemap sets this parameter to “false” by default, edetect_stack to “true”.
esplinemap: 1. Base name of diagnostic output cheesed image files, expanded by edetect_stack to <esp_cheeseimageset><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4).
esp_withcheesemasknobooleanfalsetrue | false
esplinemap: Optional output of a cheese-mask images. Values 0 stand for masked areas, 1 for valid image areas.
esplinemap: 1. Base name of diagnostic output cheese mask image files, expanded by edetect_stack to <esp_cheesemaskset><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4).
eboxdetect (map mode)  (stage 7)
runeboxdetectmapnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task eboxdetect to produce map-mode input source lists per observation. If set to “false”, the files have to be provided as input.
eboxdetect: 1. Base name of map-mode box list files, expanded by edetect_stack to <ev_imageset><pointing ID>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4). Output files, if runeboxdetectmap is set to “true” (default), input files to the following tasks otherwise.
eboxm_likeminnofloat5.0[1.0 : 50.0]
eboxdetect: Minimum detection likelihood for including a source in the output list. Please note: “stand-alone” eboxdetect sets this parameter to 10.0 by default, edetect_stack to 5.0.
eboxm_boxsizenointeger53 | 5
eboxdetect: Size of detection box (3x3 or 5x5 pixels).
eboxm_nrunsnointeger3[1 : 4]
eboxdetect: Number of detection runs (detection box size is doubled after each run).
eboxm_hrdefnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4[0 : 10]
eboxdetect: Array of six integer numbers specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of (up to) three hardness ratios.
esensmap  (stage 8)
runesensmapnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task esensmap to produce sensitvity maps.
esensmap: 1. Base name of sensitivity image files, expanded by edetect_stack to <esen_sensimageset><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits, or 2. a list of file names, or 3. name of an ASCII file preceeded by '@', containing one file name per line (cf. 3.4).
emosaic  (stage 9)
runemosaicnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task emosaic to produce a mosaic image for illustrative purposes.
emosaic: Base name of illustrative mosaic images, expanded by edetect_stack to <emos_mosaicedset>_EPIC_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits and <emos_mosaicedset>_<instrument>.fits.
eboxdetect (map mode, stacked)  (stage 10)
runeboxdetectstacknobooleantruetrue | false
Run task eboxdetect in map mode to produce stacked input source lists. If set to “false”, the file has to be provided as input.
eboxdetect: Name of stacked box source list. Output file, if runeboxdetectstack is set to “true” (default), input file otherwise.
eboxs_likeminnofloat5.0[1.0 : 50.0]
eboxdetect: Minimum detection likelihood for including a source in the output list. Please note: “stand-alone” eboxdetect sets this parameter to 10.0 by default, edetect_stack to 5.0.
eboxs_boxsizenointeger53 | 5
eboxdetect: Size of detection box (3x3 or 5x5 pixels).
eboxs_nrunsnointeger3[1 : 4]
eboxdetect: Number of detection runs (detection box size is doubled after each run).
eboxs_hrdefnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4[0 : 10]
eboxdetect: Array of six integer numbers specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of (up to) three hardness ratios.
emldetect  (stage 11)
runemldetectnobooleantruetrue | false
Run task emldetect to produce the stacked output source list.
emldetect: Name of intermediate stacked source list.
eml_psfmodelnostringellbetaellbeta | medium | slew
emldetect: Model PSF: fully 2d parameterized analytical or medium-accuracy EPIC PSFs.
Users are strongly encouraged to use the new ellbeta PSF for which this task was designed.
eml_mlminnofloat0.001[0.0 : 100.0]
emldetect: Minimum detection likelihood to include a source in the intermediate source list. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to 10.0 by default, edetect_stack to 0.001 in order to create the intermediate source list.
eml_dmlextminnofloat4.0[0.0 : 100.0]
emldetect: Minimum likelihood to regard a source as extended. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to 10.0 by default, edetect_stack to 4.0.
eml_fitextentnobooleantruetrue | false
emldetect: Fit source extent. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to “false” by default, edetect_stack to “true”.
eml_minextentnofloat1.5[0.0 : 300.0]
emldetect: Minimum allowed value for the extent parameter of an extent model in image pixels.
eml_maxextentnofloat20.0[0.1 : 300.0]
emldetect: Maximum allowed value for the extent parameter of an extent model in image pixels.
eml_extentmodelnostringbetagaussian | beta
emldetect: Model function for source extent, if eml_fitextent is set to “true”. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to “gaussian” by default, edetect_stack to “beta”.
eml_nmaxfitnointeger1[1 : 10]
emldetect: Maximum number of neighbouring sources to be fit simultaneously (eml_nmaxfiteml_nmulsou $\leq 10$).
eml_nmulsounointeger2[1 : 3]
emldetect: Allow fit to split up one input source in maximum nmulsou sources (eml_nmaxfiteml_nmulsou $\leq 10$). Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to 1 by default, edetect_stack to 2.
eml_fitpositionnobooleantruetrue | false
emldetect: Fit source positions.
eml_determineerrorsnobooleantruetrue | false
emldetect: Determine statistical errors.
eml_ecutnofloat15.0[0.4 : 100.0]
emldetect: Source cut-out radius for PSF-fitting. Values lower than 1.0: cut-out radius expressed as fraction of the normalized PSF. Values larger than 1.0 are interpreted as a fixed event cut-out radius given in units of image pixels. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to 0.68 by default, edetect_stack to 15.0.
eml_scutnofloat0.9[0.4 : 100.0]
emldetect: Source selection radius for multi-source fitting. Values lower than 1.0: selection radius expressed as fraction of the normalized PSF. Values larger than 1.0 are interpreted as a fixed event cut-out radius given in units of image pixels.
eml_withsourcemapnobooleanfalsetrue | false
emldetect: Produce simulated source maps.
emldetect: Base name of output source map files, if eml_withsourcemap is set to “true”, expanded by edetect_stack to <eml_sourceimageset><pointing ID><instrument>_<E_low>_<E_high>.fits.
eml_hrpndefnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5[0 : 10]
emldetect: Array of up to eight indices (integer) specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of the hardness ratios for PN; i.e. two numbers per energy band.
eml_hrm1defnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5[0 : 10]
emldetect: Array of up to eight indices (integer) specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of the hardness ratios for MOS1; i.e. two numbers per energy band.
eml_hrm2defnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5[0 : 10]
emldetect: Array of up to eight indices (integer) specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of the hardness ratios for MOS2; i.e. two numbers per energy band.
eml_withthresholdnobooleantruetrue | false
emldetect: Allow splitting up into multi-PSF fitting only for sources above threshold. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to “false” by default, edetect_stack to “true”.
emldetect: Value of threshold for multi-PSF fitting, if eml_withthreshold is set to true. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to 20.0 by default, edetect_stack to 10.0.
eml_threshcolumnnostringLIKELIKE | SCTS | RATE
emldetect: Column in input list on which eml_threshold will be applied, if eml_withthreshold is set to true.
eml_withhotpixelfilternobooleanfalsetrue | false
emldetect: If true, the likelihood contribution of the brightest pixel will be ignored (i.e., detections relying on a single pixel will be disregarded).
eml_withtwostagenobooleantruetrue | false
emldetect: Use two-stage process for multi PSF (eml_nmulsou >1) fitting. Please note: “stand-alone” emldetect sets this parameter to “false” by default, edetect_stack to “true”.
eml_withxidbandnobooleanfalsetrue | false
emldetect: Write XID band output for the X-ray follow-up and identification programme.
eml_xidfixednobooleanfalsetrue | false
emldetect: Run emldetect on XID-band image with positions and source extent fixed to input values.
eml_xidecfnofloat0.0[0.0 : 1000.0]
emldetect: XID-band energy conversion factors, given in units of $10^{11}$ counts cm$^2$ / erg.
eml_xidpndefnointeger2 3 4[0 : 10]
emldetect: Index of the energy band(s) from which the images / start values for the XID band are taken for PN.
eml_xidm1defnointeger2 3 4[0 : 10]
emldetect: Index of the energy band(s) from which the images / start values for the XID band are taken for MOS1.
eml_xidm2defnointeger2 3 4[0 : 10]
emldetect: Index of the energy band(s) from which the images / start values for the XID band are taken for MOS2.
Final stacked source list  (stage 12)
finalizenobooleantruetrue | false
Calculate the final stacked source list from the intermediate emldetect source list.
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27