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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

edetect_stack (edetect_stack-0.8.1) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]

Output Files

  1. stacked EPIC edetect_stack source list
  2. intermediate output of individual tasks called by edetect_stack (cf. Subsection 3.3)
  3. optionally: optional output of individual tasks called by edetect_stack (cf. Subsection 3.3)

Table 2: Columns of the stacked source table
\begin{table}% (supertabular's \tablecaption isn't working)\end{table}

  Name Description Unit Format Stacked
  Name Description    Unit    Format Stacked
 1 ML_ID_SRC unique detection number   int.  
 2 BOX_ID_SRC corresponding eboxdetect input source number   int.  
 3 ID_INST instrument ID. 0: all-EPIC, 1: PN, 2: MOS1, 3: MOS2, preceded by the observation identifier in pointing-summary rows.   int.  
 4 ID_BAND energy band number (0: total)   int.  
 5 ID_CLUSTER cluster id of detections which have been fit simultaneously   int.  
 6 SCTS background-corrected counts under the entire PSF of the detection cts real total
 7 SCTS_ERR source counts error cts real total
 8 X_IMA position of the detection in X image direction image px real combined fit
 9 X_IMA_ERR error of X_IMA, corresponding to a $1\sigma$-error in chi-squared statistics image px real combined fit
10 Y_IMA position of the detection in Y image direction image px real combined fit
11 Y_IMA_ERR error of Y_IMA, corresponding to a $1\sigma$-error in chi-squared statistics image px real combined fit
12 EXT extent radius of the detection in image pixels, i.e. gaussian sigma or beta model core radius image px real combined fit
13 EXT_ERR statistical error of the extent image px real combined fit
14 DET_ML detection likelihood, normalized to two degrees of freedom   real equiv. likelihood
15 EXT_ML likelihood of the detection to be extended   real combined fit
16 BG_MAP background at the position of the detection cts/px real total
17 EXP_MAP vignetting corrected exposure of the detection: PSF-weighted mean of the subimages (radius CUTRAD) about the detection s real total
18 FLUX flux under the entire PSF of the detection erg/cm$^2$/s real weighted sum
19 FLUX_ERR statistical error of the flux erg/cm$^2$/s real weighted error
20 RATE count rate under the entire PSF of the detection, corrected for background, vignetting, detector efficiency and gaps cts/s real total
21 RATE_ERR statistical error of the count rate cts/s real total
22 RA right ascension of the detection degrees dble. combined fit
23 DEC declination of the detectino degrees dble. combined fit
24 RADEC_ERR combined R.A.-Dec. statistical error ( $\sqrt{\sigma_\alpha^2+\sigma_\delta^2}$ = $\sqrt{2}\,\sigma_\textrm{1d}$) arcsec real combined fit
25 LII galactic longitude of the detection degrees dble. combined fit
26 BII galactic latitude of the detection degrees dble. combined fit
27 RAWX raw-X coordinate of the detection px int. per image only
28 RAWY raw-Y coordinate of the detection px int. per image only
29 OFFAX off-axis angle arcmin real per image only
30 CCDNR chip number   int. per image only
31, HRi hardness ratio of count rates:   real derived from the
33, 35, 37 ($i \in [1,4]$) HR(band m , band n) = (rate(n)$-$rate(m)) / (rate(n)$+$rate(m)). No energy conversion factors are applied.     total rates
32, HRi_ERR statistical error of HRi   real of HRi
34, 36, 38 ($i \in [1,4]$)        
39 CUTRAD source cut out radius image px real combined fit
40 MASKFRAC PSF weighted on-chip fraction   real max. of minima
41 EEF encircled energy fraction   real combined fit
42 VIGNETTING Vignetting as function of off-axis angle and energy; only valid in the intermediate emldetect source list.   real NULL
43 ONTIME Integration time of the CCD, not vignetting corrected. NULL, if CCD no. is not defined (i.e. source center on bad pixels, gaps, damaged CCDs) s real total
44 PILEUP pile-up level of the detection in the active instrument configuration      
    real maximum    
45 DIST_NN distance to nearest neighbour arcsec real combined fit
46 FLAG quality flag placeholder (to be set by dpssflag)   char.

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27