Name | Description | Unit | Format | Stacked
Name | Description | Unit | Format | Stacked | |
1 | ML_ID_SRC | unique detection number | int. | ||
2 | BOX_ID_SRC | corresponding eboxdetect input source number | int. | ||
3 | ID_INST | instrument ID. 0: all-EPIC, 1: PN, 2: MOS1, 3: MOS2, preceded by the observation identifier in pointing-summary rows. | int. | ||
4 | ID_BAND | energy band number (0: total) | int. | ||
5 | ID_CLUSTER | cluster id of detections which have been fit simultaneously | int. | ||
6 | SCTS | background-corrected counts under the entire PSF of the detection | cts | real | total |
7 | SCTS_ERR | source counts error | cts | real | total |
8 | X_IMA | position of the detection in X image direction | image px | real | combined fit |
9 | X_IMA_ERR | error of X_IMA, corresponding to a |
image px | real | combined fit |
10 | Y_IMA | position of the detection in Y image direction | image px | real | combined fit |
11 | Y_IMA_ERR | error of Y_IMA, corresponding to a |
image px | real | combined fit |
12 | EXT | extent radius of the detection in image pixels, i.e. gaussian sigma or beta model core radius | image px | real | combined fit |
13 | EXT_ERR | statistical error of the extent | image px | real | combined fit |
14 | DET_ML | detection likelihood, normalized to two degrees of freedom | real | equiv. likelihood | |
15 | EXT_ML | likelihood of the detection to be extended | real | combined fit | |
16 | BG_MAP | background at the position of the detection | cts/px | real | total |
17 | EXP_MAP | vignetting corrected exposure of the detection: PSF-weighted mean of the subimages (radius CUTRAD) about the detection | s | real | total |
18 | FLUX | flux under the entire PSF of the detection | erg/cm |
real | weighted sum |
19 | FLUX_ERR | statistical error of the flux | erg/cm |
real | weighted error |
20 | RATE | count rate under the entire PSF of the detection, corrected for background, vignetting, detector efficiency and gaps | cts/s | real | total |
21 | RATE_ERR | statistical error of the count rate | cts/s | real | total |
22 | RA | right ascension of the detection | degrees | dble. | combined fit |
23 | DEC | declination of the detectino | degrees | dble. | combined fit |
24 | RADEC_ERR | combined R.A.-Dec. statistical error
arcsec | real | combined fit |
25 | LII | galactic longitude of the detection | degrees | dble. | combined fit |
26 | BII | galactic latitude of the detection | degrees | dble. | combined fit |
27 | RAWX | raw-X coordinate of the detection | px | int. | per image only |
28 | RAWY | raw-Y coordinate of the detection | px | int. | per image only |
29 | OFFAX | off-axis angle | arcmin | real | per image only |
30 | CCDNR | chip number | int. | per image only | |
31, | HRi | hardness ratio of count rates: | real | derived from the | |
33, 35, 37 | ( |
HR(band m , band n) =
(rate(n) |
total rates | ||
32, | HRi_ERR | statistical error of HRi | real | of HRi | |
34, 36, 38 | ( |
39 | CUTRAD | source cut out radius | image px | real | combined fit |
40 | MASKFRAC | PSF weighted on-chip fraction | real | max. of minima | |
41 | EEF | encircled energy fraction | real | combined fit | |
42 | VIGNETTING | Vignetting as function of off-axis angle and energy; only valid in the intermediate emldetect source list. | real | NULL | |
43 | ONTIME | Integration time of the CCD, not vignetting corrected. NULL, if CCD no. is not defined (i.e. source center on bad pixels, gaps, damaged CCDs) | s | real | total |
44 | PILEUP | pile-up level of the detection in the active instrument configuration | |||
real | maximum | ||||
45 | DIST_NN | distance to nearest neighbour | arcsec | real | combined fit |
46 | FLAG | quality flag placeholder (to be set by dpssflag) | char. | – |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27