Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
evtfile | yes | string | ||
Input event list from which the images will be created.
| ||||
ootfile | no | string | ||
Input out-of-time event list (only for EPIC-pn) from which the out-of-time images will be created.
| ||||
fwcfile | no | string | ||
Input filter-wheel-closed event list from which the filter-wheel-closed images will be created.
Needed if withfwcimages is set to “yes” (default)
| ||||
attfile | no | string | ||
Input attitude file, needed if withexposure is set to “yes” (default)
or if withattcalc is set to “yes”.
| ||||
gtifile | no | string | ||
Input good-time-interval file, if time selection will be done.
| ||||
withemtaglenoise | no | boolean | true | true |
boolean to choose whether or not noisy EPIC-MOS CCDs will be identified
by emtaglenoise
and removed from the output images.
| ||||
withbadpixupdate | no | boolean | true | true |
boolean to choose whether or not the bad-pixel extensions of all
input event files will be conformed to each other.
| ||||
withfwcimages | no | boolean | true | true |
boolean to choose whether or not filter-wheel-closed images will be created.
| ||||
withwindowmode | no | boolean | false | true |
This parameter allows to include data of CCDs operated in large/small window mode.
Note that in this case no filter-wheel-closed images are created
for the CCDs that are in window mode!
| ||||
pimin | no | integer list | '200 500 1000 2000 4500' | 0,20000 |
Lower energy boundary in PI channels | ||||
pimax | no | integer list | '500 1000 2000 4500 12000' | 0,20000 |
Upper energy boundary in PI channels | ||||
patmin | no | integer list | 0,12 | |
Lower boundary for PATTERN selection | ||||
patmax | no | integer list | 0,12 | |
Upper boundary for PATTERN selection | ||||
flag | no | string | ||
Flag to be used for the selection of the final images according to selectlib | ||||
flagout | no | string | ||
Flag to be used for the selection of events in the shielded detector areas according to selectlib | ||||
ximagemin | no | real | 1 | |
evselect: If set, the lower limit of | ||||
ximagemax | no | real | 640 | |
evselect: If set, the upper limit of | ||||
yimagemin | no | real | 1 | |
evselect: If set, the lower limit of | ||||
yimagemax | no | real | 640 | |
evselect: If set, the upper limit of | ||||
imagebinning | no | string | “imageSize” | “imageSize” |
evselect: Parameter to choose to use either bin size or total image size to determine the
binning factor for image extraction.
If set to “binSize”, values are taken from ximagebinsize and yimagebinsize.
If set to “imageSize”, values are taken from ximagesize and yimagesize. | ||||
ximagebinsize | no | real | 1 | |
evselect: If set, the binning factor for | ||||
yimagebinsize | no | real | 1 | |
evselect: If set, the binning factor for | ||||
ximagesize | no | integer | 600 | |
evselect: If set, the size of the image (i.e. number of image pixels) along the | ||||
yimagesize | no | integer | 600 | |
evselect: If set, the size of the image (i.e. number of image pixels) along the | ||||
withxranges | no | boolean | false | true |
evselect: boolean to choose whether or not to use the ximagemin and ximagemax
values for the | ||||
withyranges | no | boolean | false | true |
evselect: boolean to choose whether or not to use the yimagemin and yimagemax
values for the | ||||
squarepixels | no | boolean | false | true |
evselect: When ximagesize and yimagesize are set, forces the | ||||
raimagecenter | no | real | ||
evselect: If set, right ascension for the center of the output image, in decimal degrees. | ||||
decimagecenter | no | real | ||
evselect: If set, declination for the center of the output image, in decimal degrees. | ||||
withcelestialcenter | no | boolean | false | true |
evselect: Boolean to determine if the image is shifted so that it is centered on the sky position
specified by raimagecenter and decimagecenter. | ||||
withattcalc | no | boolean | no | |
boolean to choose whether or not to new image coordinates will be calculated according to nominalra, nominaldec, and imagesize | ||||
nominalra | no | real | 0.0 | 0 |
attcalc: Celestial RA coordinate of central reference point (If withattcalc = yes) | ||||
nominaldec | no | real | 0.0 | -90 |
attcalc: Celestial Dec coordinate of central reference point (If withattcalc = yes) | ||||
imagesize | no | real | 0.36 | |
attcalc: Half-size of final image (in degrees) (If withattcalc = yes) | ||||
withexposure | no | boolean | true | true |
boolean to choose whether or not exposure maps will be created with eexpmap.
| ||||
withmask | no | boolean | true | true |
boolean to choose whether or not a mask will be created. (If withexposure = yes). | ||||
threshold1 | no | float | 0.01 | [0.0 |
emask: Threshold parameter 1: fraction of maximum exposure. (If withmask = yes). | ||||
threshold2 | no | float | 0.5 | [0.0 |
emask: Threshold parameter 2: threshold for gradient of exposure. (If withmask = yes). | ||||
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27