XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
emanom (goflib-0.20.1) [xmmsas_20230412_1735-21.0.0]
- Open EPIC MOS Event List
- Extract INSTRUME and FILTER attributes from EPIC MOS Event List for error checking
- Use evselect to create EPIC MOS Event List of corner-only chip pixel events.
- Loop through chips 2-7 (since chip 1 has no corner data):
- Extract LIVETI0n attribute from header.
- Filter corner-only Event List for current chip in low band (400-800 keV).
- Filter corner-only Event List for current chip in high band (2500-5000 keV).
- Calculate hardness ratio of corner-only high_band/low_band counts.
- From hardness ratio (HR) set anomalous set flag accordingly.
- G: HR noan_lim, chip is good.
- I: noan_lim HR anom_lim, chip may be useable for keV.
- B: HR anom_lim, chip is not useable for keV.
- O: chip is not in use.
- U: the count rate is too low to determine the chip state.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2023-04-16