Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
evimageset | yes | dataset | ' ' | none |
Input image file (from emeventsproj)
badpixset | no | dataset | badpix.out | none |
Output bad pixels file
incremental | no | boolean | no | yes/no |
Add newly found bad pixels to the bad pixels file contents
probathreshold | no | real |  |
False detection probability per pixel
halfwidth2d | no | integer | 2 |  |
Half width for 2D searches (images)
findbadsegments | no | boolean | yes | yes/no |
Look for bad segments of rows or columns as well
halfwidth1d | no | integer | 3 |  |
Half width for 1D searches (columns/rows)
findbright | no | boolean | yes | yes/no |
Look for too bright pixels, rows and columns
minratio | no | real | 1.5 |  |
Minimum ratio to neighbours for bright features (when findbright=Y)
finddead | no | boolean | yes | yes/no |
Look for too dark pixels, rows and columns
maxratio | no | real | 0.5 |  |
Maximum ratio to neighbours for dark features (when finddead=Y)
niter | no | integer | 10 |  |
Maximum number of iterations of the full detection process
usecal | no | boolean | yes | yes/no |
Get uplinked and dead pixels from the CAL
includedeadpixels | no | boolean | no | yes/no |
Include dead pixels from CAL in output list
ignoreccfbright | no | boolean | no | yes/no |
Ignore the bright pixels declared in the CAL (except uplinked)
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |