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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

emldetect (emldetect-7.8) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
imagesetsyesfilename listimage.fits 
Names of input EPIC fits images$^{1,2}$ or event lists$^3$ (if useevents = true; event-list mode not yet implemented)
Name of input eboxdetect source list
Name of output emldetect source list
Use exposure maps
expimagesetsnofilename listexpimage.fits 
Names of exposure maps$^{1,2}$
If true, only sky pixels inside the detection mask will be used in the PSF fits.
detmasksetsnofilename listdetmask.fits 
Names of detection masks$^{3}$
bkgimagesetsyesfilename listbkgimage.fits 
Names of background images$^{1,2}$
Controls whether source maps (one per input image) will be written
sourceimagesetsnofilename listsrcmap.fits 
Names of source maps$^{3}$ (one per input image)
Name of merged source list – obsolete
Minimum detection likelihood for including a source in the output list
Required likelihood improvement for source extent
Source selection radius for multi-source fitting (expressed as fraction of the normalized PSF integrated to the desired radius).$^4$ Values larger than 1.0 are interpreted as a fixed radius given in units of image pixels.
Source cut-out radius for PSF-fitting (expressed as fraction of the normalized PSF integrated to the desired cut-out radius).$^4$ Values larger than 1.0 are interpreted as a fixed event cut-out radius given in units of image pixels.
Energy conversion factors, given in units of $10^{11}$ counts cm$^2$ / erg $^{1,2}$
XID-band energy conversion factors, given in units of $10^{11}$ counts cm$^2$ / erg $^3$
Photon mode flag (mode not yet implemented)
Fit source positions
Fit source extent
Fit source counts (not yet implemented)
Allow fitted count rates to become negative
Determine statistical errors
Flag for reading offsets from eident source list – obsolete
Controls whether XID band output will be written
Read PSF from the calibration database. This parameter is obsolete and has no effect anymore.
extentmodelnostringgaussiangaussian | beta
Model function for source extent
psfmodelnostringellbetaellbeta | medium | slew
Model PSF: fully 2d parameterized analytical EPIC PSFs (ellbeta, default from version 5.17.2 on) or medium accuracy PSF for observations in pointing mode; slew for pn observations in slew mode
Minimum allowed value for the extent parameter of an extent model in image pixels
Maximum allowed value for the extent parameter of an extent model in image pixels
If true, the likelihood contribution of the brightest pixel will be ignored (i.e., detections relying on a single pixel will be disregarded).
Maximum number of neighbouring sources to be fit simultaneously (nmaxfit$*$nmulsou $\leq 10$)
Allow fit to split up one input source in maximum nmulsou sources (nmaxfit$*$nmulsou $\leq 10$)
Lower energy boundaries of images; units: eV; one value per input image and up to six energy bands per instrument.
Upper energy boundaries of images; units: eV; one value per input image and up to six energy bands per instrument.
hrpndefnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4 4 50,10
Array of up to eight indices (integer) specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of the hardness ratios for PN; i.e. two numbers per energy band.
hrm1defnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4 4 50,10
Array of up to eight indices (integer) specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of the hardness ratios for MOS1; i.e. two numbers per energy band.
hrm2defnointeger1 2 2 3 3 4 4 50,10
Array of up to eight indices (integer) specifying the upper and lower energy band for each of the hardness ratios for MOS2; i.e. two numbers per energy band.
xidpndefnointeger2 3 40,10
Index of the energy band(s) from which the images / start values for the XID band are taken for PN
xidm1defnointeger2 3 40,10
Index of the energy band(s) from which the images / start values for the XID band are taken for MOS1
xidm2defnointeger2 3 40,10
Index of the energy band(s) from which the images / start values for the XID band are taken for MOS 2
Run emldetect on XID-band image with positions and source extent fixed to input values
Allow splitting up into multi-PSF fitting only for sources above threshold
Value of threshold for multi-PSF fitting
threshcolumnnostringLIKELIKE | SCTS | RATE
Column in input list on which threshold will be applied
Use two-stage process for multi PSF (nmulsou $>$ 1) fitting
Parameter that controls memory requirements for mosaic images.
Allow user-defined values of imagebuffersize.
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

$^1$ Space-separated list, sorted by instrument and energy band. I.e., energy band one to energy band $n$ of instrument one is followed by energy band one to $n$ of instrument two.
$^2$ One per instrument per energy band; space-separated list, maximum of six energy bands per instrument.
$^3$ One per instrument; space-separated list.
$^4$ A parameter value of $1.0$ would thus correspond to an infinite radius.

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27