ML_ID_SRC | emldetect source number |
BOX_ID_SRC | corresponding eboxdetect input source number |
ID_INST | instrument ID; 1: PN, 2: MOS1, 3: MOS2; 0: summary row |
ID_BAND | energy band number (band number 0: summary band) |
ID_CLUSTER | cluster id; sources fit simultaneously have same number |
SCTS | source counts |
SCTS_ERR | source counts error |
X_IMA | source image pixel X coordinate |
X_IMA_ERR | error of image pixel X coordinate |
Y_IMA | source image pixel Y coordinate |
Y_IMA_ERR | error of image pixel Y coordinate |
EXT | source extent, gaussian sigma or beta model core radius (image pixel) |
EXT_ERR | extent error |
DET_ML | likelihood of detection |
EXT_ML | likelihood of extent |
BG_MAP | background at source location (counts/pixel) |
EXP_MAP | exposure, PSF-weighted mean of the subimages around the source |
(seconds, vignetting corrected) | |
FLUX | source flux (cgs units) |
FLUX_ERR | source flux error |
RATE | source count rate (counts/sec) |
RATE_ERR | count rate error |
RA | source right ascension (degrees) |
DEC | source declination (degrees) |
RADEC_ERR | combined R.A.-Dec. error (arcsec) |
LII | source galactic longitude (degrees) |
BII | source galactic latitude (degrees) |
RAWX | raw X source coordinate |
RAWY | raw Y source coordinate |
OFFAX | off-axis angle (arcsec) |
CCDNR | chip number |
HRi ( |
hardness ratios 1..4 |
HRi_ERR ( |
hardness ratio error |
CUTRAD | source cut out radius |
MASKFRAC | PSF weighted on-chip fraction |
EFF | encircled energy fraction |
VIGNETTING | vignetting |
ONTIME | Integration time of the CCD, not vignetting corrected. Set to NULL, if CCD |
no. is not defined (i.e. source center on bad pixels, gaps, damaged/noisy CCDs) | |
PILEUP | pile-up level of the detection in the active instrument configuration |
DIST_NN | distance to nearest neighbour (arcsec) |
FLAG | quality flag placeholder (to be set by dpssflag) |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27