This SAS routine allows to compare real columns from two files, with absolute and relative tolerance. It ends in error whenever two values don't match.
The calling sequence is:
compare_realcols table=newfile(:table) reftable=reffile(:table) colnames="column list" (abstol=tol1 reltol=tol2 operation=op) # newfile(:table): name of the first file with table (first by default) # reffile(:table): name of the second file with table (first by default) # "column list" : names of the columns to be compared (separated by a blank) # tol1 : absolute tolerance on difference (1E-4 is default) # tol2 : relative tolerance on difference (1E-4 is default) # op : OR (default) to apply the less stringent of both tests AND to apply the most stringent of both tests