XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
eootepileupmask (ebkgmap-2.10.2) [xmmsas_20230412_1735-21.0.0]
Output Files
- If outputstyle=`sky':
- maskset: The mask image/cube is written.
- rateset (only when withrateimage=yes): The rate (count per frame) image/cube is written.
- pileupmaskset (only when withrateimage=yes): The piled-up mask (namely neither OOTE nor RGA spikes) image/cube is written.
These datasets contain the same keywords in the primary HDU as the template image, except for DSS-related keywords. Extra extensions in the template image are not propagated.
- If outputstyle=`raw':
- ootecubeset: an OOTE-map cube is contained in the primary image extension.
The format of this cube is described in the task documentation of eexpchipmap.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2023-04-16