A basic familiarity with the functionality provided by these tasks is recommended. This is not a pre-requisite of making use of epicbscalgen though.
unix> epicbscalgen -V 5 eventtable=ev.ds 2>&1 | tee log(sh syntax) which duplicates the standard error and output stream and logs all output in the file log. While the task is running the convergence process can then be monitored by periodically checking the content of log for the actual values of
unix> fgrep 'Iteration' log unix> fgrep 'New set of Euler angles' logWith each iteration,
23h59m48.12s / 45o38'14.55"or
123.23445 / 45.238474
If done, hit the Enter key in the terminal window from which the task was started. If all input is ok, execution shall proceed normally, otherwise an error message should be produced.
There is an alternative reference source input method available that is activated with the withrefsrclist parameter. Here an eboxdetect-compliant source list data set is required from which the true celestial coordinates will be obtained. As in the scheme described above in a first iteration a source detection will be performed on the image from the given event list and the result displayed using Ds9. Then, the given reference source list is read and likewise displayed on the image however with a different color and the markers labeled with the respective source indices. The user is now requested to perform the cross-correlation between the two source marker sets by activating, i.e. including, the corresponding markers from the source detection run and labeling them with the right indices. Detailed on-screen instructions on this are given when this input scheme is selected.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27