Optionally, an EPIC background TS can be supplied and in this
case the initial source TS will be also background corrected (backscale correction included ). The first version of
will only accept background TS with exactly the same
start and stop time and bin size as in the source TS. The background
TS will be corrected for relative effects related to the geometrical
area of the source TS. The results of the background corrected rates
and errors are stored in columns BACKV and
BACKE in the output file. Bear in mind that a big background
area will slow down epiclccorr run.
epiclccorr also needs as input the event file used to create both source and background time series.
will perform the Absolute corrections making
use of the arfgen
and evselect
SAS tasks. A broad energy
spectrum (50 eV energy bin) will be created using the Data SubSpace
(DSS) expressions and it will be passed to arfgen
task. This task takes calibration information provided by the CAL,
performs the necessary corrections for instrumental factors, such us,
Vignetting, Bad Pixels, Chip Gaps, PSF, filter transmission, Quantum
Efficiency, to get the corresponding Absolute Correction for the
source TS. If the extraction region is too complex, arfgen
fail trying to calculate the source position from the DSS. In this
case, the withsourcepos parameter must be used, and the user
must introduce the source coordinates.
epiclccorr output also contains the following extensions:
epiclccorr is also compatible with the output of barycen task.
The following corrections will not be included in the first version:
The relative corrections will be performed by designing and
coding specific algorithms for each instrument EPICMOS and
EPICPN and each mode. A detailed description can be found in
section .