Binning | error |
| Source and Background Lightcurve not aligned. |
ZeroBackscale | error |
| Source or Background backscale 0. |
NoCCDID | error |
| No CCDID keyword found in GTI table. The user has to recreate the eventlist, srctslist and bkgtslist files using the latest SAS version. |
EmptyGTIList | error |
| No GTI found to the corresponding CCD. |
ZeroAreaCorrection | error |
| Sum of all CCD areas is empty. Please check your source and background expression. |
EmptyGTI | error |
| GTI extension empty. |
BinSizeTooSmall | error |
| Light curve bin size smaller than frame time. |
CCDs Count Difference | warning |
| A difference in the sum of the counts of single CCDs, with respect to the counts of the original light curve, has been found. |
EventsNotRandomized | warning |
| Events were not randomized.
corrective action: Run epproc or emproc with randomize option enabled. |
ZeroArfgenArea | warning |
| Zero Effective area. Please check your source and background expression. |
wrongArfgenResults | warning |
| The effective area calculated for a particular CCD is too small that arfgen gives wrong results. |
PNTimingRand | warning |
| Randomization for PN Timing or Burst not implemented |
NoPIInfoInDss | warning |
| No PI information in the DSS |