Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
tablelist | yes | table | name of existing table | |
List of tables that contains the event data - need to at least contain the columns
named with the xcolumn, ycolumn, ecolumn parameters. | ||||
colortable | no | string | RGB_Scheme | name of predefined color table |
The energy bands for the pre-defined color table are explained in the text. | ||||
min | no | real | 300 | |
Explicit minimum value of ecolumn column. This value is used for filtering.
| ||||
max | no | real | 7000 | |
Explicit maximum value of ecolumn column. This value is used for filtering.
| ||||
ximagebinsize | no | real | 80 | |
to evselect
as parameter ximagebinsize | ||||
withfiltertransmission | no | boolean | yes | yes/no |
factor the filter's transmission into vignetting weight | ||||
withxranges | no | boolean | false | true |
passed to evselect
as parameter withxranges | ||||
ximagemin | no | real | 1 | |
passed to evselect
as parameter ximagemin | ||||
ximagemax | no | real | 600 | |
passed to evselect
as parameter ximagemax | ||||
yimagebinsize | no | real | 80 | |
passed to evselect
as parameter yimagebinsize | ||||
withyranges | no | boolean | false | true |
passed to evselect
as parameter withyranges | ||||
yimagemin | no | real | 1 | |
passed to
as parameter yimagemin | ||||
yimagemax | no | real | 600 | |
passed to evselect
as parameter
yimagemax | ||||
scalmin | no | real | 2.25 | |
Min value for log scaling (counts/ks/arcmin | ||||
scalmax | no | real | 675 | |
Max value for log scaling (counts/ks/arcmin | ||||
fileset | no | string | default | name of output data set |
The name
of the data set the color images as count rates. This file is a RGB
cube ready to be displayed with Ds9. Leaving the default value,
task creates the following file name:
PppppppooeeEPX000RGBIMA0000.FIT, where ppppppooee is the extended
observation Id. | ||||
outputchoice | no | string | ppmfile | dataset |
If set to dataset image is written to a data set whose name is given
via parameter colorset. Otherwise, image is written in PPM format
to standard file named via ppmfile. | ||||
colorset | no | string | default | name of data set |
The name of the data set the color image shall be written to if
outputchoice=dataset. Depending on the value of ascube
the data will either be written to three separate arrays corresponding
to the red, green, and blue components or three slices of a 3-D data
cube in the primary array, respectively. The data set can be read
and the contents displayed with Ds9. Leaving the default value,
task creates the following file name:
PppppppooeeEPX000RGBCOL0000.FIT, where ppppppooee is the extended
observation Id. | ||||
ppmfile | no | string | default | name of file |
If outputchoice=ppmfile the name of a PPM data file
that the color image shall be written to. If ppmfile=stdout
the data shall be written to standard output. Leaving the default value,
task creates the following file name:
PppppppooeeEPX000RGBIMA0000.PPM, where ppppppooee is the extended
observation Id.
| ||||
ascube | no | boolean | false | false |
Boolean parameter determining whether the red, green, and blue component
images are to be written as three separate array extensions to
the data set designated with colorset or as three slices of a
single 3-dimensional data cube in the primary array. | ||||
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27