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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

ewavelet (ewavelet-3.12) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


1. Run ewavelet on MOS1 image, saving reconstruction image and background image. Use all permitted convolution scales and a detection threshold of 4.0.

ewavelet imageset=M1_IMAGE_8000.FIT expmapset=M1_EXPMAP8000.FIT
         srclistset=ewavlist_m1.fits minscale=1 maxscale=32 threshold=4.0
         makerecon=yes recimageset=m1_rec.fits 
         savebkgrnd=yes bkgrndset=m1_bkg.fits

2. Use ewavelet to create a reconstruction image and background image based on the existing ewavelet source list “my_ewavlist_m1.fits”. Use maxscale=32 in order to include sources detected at all scales. In this mode no source detection is performed.

ewavelet imageset=M1_IMAGE_8000.FIT expmapset=M1_EXPMAP8000.FIT
         withinputlist=yes inputlist=my_ewavlist_m1.fits 
         makerecon=yes recimageset=my_m1_rec.fits 
         savebkgrnd=yes bkgrndset=my_m1_bkg.fits 

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27