subroutine hkauxplot subroutine getparams # read the parameters from hkauxplot.par file subroutine check_table # open selected input file and check subroutine get_y_cols # extract selected y-axis columns from infile foreach y_column fill_y_axis_array next if (.not. auxfile) then if (TIME column) then if (string) then call ert2seconds # convert '1999-12-15T12:00:00.000' to obt fill x-axix array else fill x-axis array end if else fill x-axis array end if else if (FRAME column) then sort frames by ccd # segregate columns by frame numbers and CCDID fill x-axis array if (convert) then call oal_frametoObt # convert frame to time using framecounter_to_OBT end if else fill x-axis array end if end if if (gtiyes) then call get_gti # open GTI file selected, extract GTIs equate time and gtitime # create gti_array, 1 or 0 if 'GTI' or not end if create_plot_titles # use keywords from infile for plot labels call do_plot subroutine do_plot open_plot_device Loop: start_new_page # plot_title get_sub_interval_x do column = 1 , ncolumns if (gtiyes) then do ccdno = 1 , n_selected_ccds plot_panel if (gtiyes) then plot_gti_panel foreach ON_GTI_area fill_gti_area next end if if (last_panel) then finish_page start_new_page end if end do else plot_panel if (last_panel) then finish_page start_new_page end if end do if (last_panel) then if (points_remain) then finish_page start_new_page end if end if next close_plot end subroutine do_plot end subroutine hkauxplot