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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

imgdisplay (imgdisplay-1.51) [xmmsas_20230412_1735-21.0.0]


imgdisplay is a simple wrapper task around the image display program(s) Ds9/SAOtng which allows the user to control the program from the command line. In more detail, the user can:
  1. Launch a new Ds9/SAOtng process
  2. Terminate a running Ds9/SAOtng process
  3. Load an image into a running Ds9/SAOtng process
  4. Flip a displayed image around X and/or Y
  5. Read region selections from a running Ds9/SAOtng

All operations are triggered via corresponding task parameters. If multiple operations are specified, the execution order follows the given sequence of task parameters below. Example:

imgdisplay startviewer=true viewer=ds9 withimagefile=true imagefile=freadface.fits
               flipx=true stopviewer=true
This launches a new Ds9 process (or connects to an already running process), displays the FITS image fredface.fits, flips it around the X-axis, and finally terminates the Ds9 process.

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2023-04-16