badZclipLevels | error |
| The maximum permitted image brightness is less than the minimum. |
badPGPLOTdevice | error |
| Invalid device for PGPLOT |
badImageTransferId | error |
| Invalid zscaletype value |
badImageStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of imagestyle. |
badZclipValues | error |
| withzclip=yes and zhistolo zhistohi. |
badNcutSortStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of ncutsortstyle. |
badRadiusStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of radiusstyle. |
badLabelStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of labelstyle. |
imageAllZero | error |
| trimborder=yes but whole image is blank. |
sizelessImageArray | error |
| The image is of zero size. |
badXclipValues | error |
| withxyclip=yes and xfraclo xfrachi. |
badYclipValues | error |
| withxyclip=yes and yfraclo yfrachi. |
badContourStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of contourstyle. |
badImageStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of imagestyle. |
badWcsType | error |
| The WCS system is not RA—TAN/DEC–TAN. No other coordinate system is yet recognized by the task. |
badWcsWorldUnit | error |
| The WCS world unit is not degrees. No other unit is yet recognized by the task. |
badGridStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of gridstyle. |
pgcrvlErr | error |
| Error in drawing the RA/Dec grid. Rerun with gridstyle=none. |
noSourcesSelected | error |
| No sources passed the filtering expression. |
allRadiusRowsNull | error |
| All the rows specified by radiusexpression are null-valued. |
badInstrum | error |
| Unrecognised value of instrumentId obtained from the image dataset. |
badLabelColumnDataType | error |
| The data type of the result of labelexpression has not been recognized. |
badLabelsStyle | error |
| Unrecognised value of labelstyle. |
badColourMap | error |
| Unrecognised (zero) value of colourmap. |
badBrightnessRange | warning |
| The minimum and maximum image brightness truncation levels are the same.
corrective action: Contours are not plotted if they were requested. |
contourSeparationTooLarge | warning |
| The contour separation specified by contourseparation results in 1 contour.
corrective action: None. |
sourcesOutside | warning |
| There are source positions outside the displayed image area. No cause for alarm.
corrective action: None. |