ChangeLog for lcplot ==================== Version 1.23 - 2022-06-03 (AG) -------------- + Added src/ in order to make the plots with Python utilities. Version 1.22.1 - 2018-04-20 (EO) -------------- + src/lcplot_mod.f90: Increased up to 256 the length of input, output and device file strings to avoid crashing when path is too long. Version 1.22 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ------------------------------ + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.21 - 2016-07-15 (AI) ------------------------------- + (src/lcplot_mod.f90) "label" variable renamed (this word is not allowed in gfortran). Version 1.20.1 - 2013-03-05 (NW) ------------------------------- A check for NaN values is now included and a warning is called if all of the data points have values=NaN. The PSF FRAC. INCLUDED length has also been reduced to make the output plot clearer. The documentation has been updated to include the new warning. Version 1.20 - 2012-03-07 (NW) ------------------------------- The lengths of certain characters have been reduced to avoid overwriting observation information on the output plot, in response to SPR 6636. Version 1.19.1 - 2007-06-07 (NW) ------------------------------- Previously when the non background subtracted curve was supplied the title of the plot was 'background subtracted'. It has now been changed to 'Non background subtracted'. Version 1.19 - 2005-09-06 (NW) ------------------------------- Added a new parameter 'tests' which allows the user to decide if they want to carry out both probability of constancy tests or just the chi-squared test or the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The documentation has also been updated. Version 1.18.1 - 2005-01-28 (NW) ------------------------------- Changes made to identifying NULLS and some arithmetic changes made to stop lcplot crashing with NULL and negative values. Version 1.18 - 2004-19-14 (NW) ------------------------------- Small changes introduced to allow lcplot to read the source RA and DEC from the headers correctly and thus plot the correct information on the the output plot (SPR-3282). Version 1.17.1 - 2004-05-14 (NW) ------------------------------- Small change introduced to stop lcplot crashing with some lccorr files (SPR-3312) and changes to the presentation of the header information of the output plot (SPR-3289). Version 1.17 - 2002-07-25 (NW) ------------------------------- Updated the DEPEND file. It now includes a dependence on sas. Version 1.16.1 - 2002-06-04 (NW) ---------------------- Made changes to the plot, by increasing the size and colour of the text to make it more readable and changing the plot layout in general. Version 1.16 - 2002-06-03 (NW) ---------------------- Made the updates necessary for the new version of param Version 1.15 - 17-04-02 ----------------------- A loop included that removes bins with a low exposure and therefore large errors, from the plot as requested by JO. Documentation also updated. Version 1.14.1 - 09-01-02 ----------------------- Data now referenced to TSTART and not to TIMEZERO, according to the OGIP recommendation. Documentation also changed to incorporate this change. Version 1.14 - 7-12-01 ----------------------- Version number increment as requested for the new public release cycle. Version 1.13.9 - 4-12-01 ----------------------- Even more information has been added to the output plot in response to SPR 2659: which OSW a light curve has come from, the filename of the plotted file and the plotted bin size. Version 1.13.8 - 20-11-01 ----------------------- New information has been added to the output plot: exposure ID, source number, source position, source and background re-extraction region areas, background light curve subtraction, fraction of the PSF included in the source lightcurve, and is a correction applied for this. The version of lcplot is also included in the bottom left hand corner. The documentation has consequently been updated. Version 1.13.7 - 07-11-01 ----------------------- A new parameter has been introduced (bkgdyscale) which by default is set to `no', but can be set to `yes' so that the y-scale of the background counts is the same as the source counts, in response to SPR-2616. Version 1.13.6 - 22-10-01 ----------------------- The test has been radically changed so that it doesn't test the .ps file, as these are never standard. Version 1.13.5 - 19-10-01 ----------------------- The test has been changed so that if it does fail, the output is not long and a small revision has been made to the errors, as they were not accurate. Version 1.13.4 - 7-09-01 ----------------------- The times, aswell as the dates, are now printed in the title of the output of lcplot and the format of TIMEZERO has been changed so that more decimal places are shown, in response to SPR 2509. Version 1.13.3 - 22-05-01 ----------------------- The documentation has been updated to include examples of how to use lcplot. The program only calls a warning, rather than an error for if the values of the count rates and their associated errors are <0.0, so that it can be used after background subtraction of images with few counts. Version 1.13.2 - 27-04-01 ----------------------- The dimensions of the array Label were not consistent throughout the task. This has been rectified. The test harness has been changed to be variable for Linux or Unix, because the environment variables are different. In this way, the test can be passed on Linux or Unix. Version 1.13.1 - 08-02-01 ----------------------- The environment variables for `pgplot' were different to those at the `static build' and hence the test was not passed, as the output files were different to the comparison files. The environment variables for `pgplot' are now changed, so the output files of the `static build' should pass the test. Version 1.13 - 19-12-00 ----------------------- The lcplot test no longer uses gs, as requested by the SPR 2153. Version 1.12.1 - 9-11-00 ----------------------- lcplot now accepts single time series FITS files or several time series FITS files produced by `elcbuild' for EPIC and `omlcbuild' for the OM. Documentation also updated. Version 1.12 - 31-10-00 ----------------------- Updated lcplot GROUPS description and the lcplot documentation Version 1.11 - 03-10-00 ----------------------- Updrade the version number as required for the SAS V5 Version 1.10.1 26-09-00 ----------------------- Update the .info file (remove the non existing interactive GROUP) Version 1.10 22-05-00 -------------------- Add in the config directory Version 1.9 18-04-00 -------------------- The following SPR has been corrected: SSC-SPR-1642 lcplot (version 1.8): documentation macros Version 1.8 07-03-00 -------------------- The following SPRs have been corrected: SSC-SPR-1529 lcplot (version 1.7): The precise description of chi2 and KS tests should be given into description. SSC-SPR-1530 lcplot (version 1.7): When testing the input file format check, the error message is not well adapted SSC-SPR-1531 lcplot (version 1.7): when output file already exists, lcplot always overwrite it SSC-SPR-1532 lcplot (version 1.7): the variance is computed by dividing by n : the number of elements as it should be n-1 Version 1.7 09-02-00 -------------------- - Version in the documentation compatible with the version of the task Version 1.6 26-11-99 -------------------- - Distribution file added, and newlines to Makefile too Version 1.5 24-08-99 -------------------- One SPR fixed: - SSC-SPR-1152: Looks for TIMEZERO/TIMEDEL in primary header Version 1.4 29-07-99 -------------------- - Fixes SSC-SPR-1124: lcplot : Task parameters do not conform to convention - SSC-SPR-1125 was in fact out of the scope; the bug was elsewhere. - SSC-SPR-1126 fixes the bug raised in the previous SPR. Version 1.3 04-06-99 -------------------- - Change read/write access to the directory Version 1.2 11-05-99 -------------------- - DEPEND now includes taskmain (SPR 930) - Test hardness checks on the existence of the output file - EXTERNALS=pgplot included in src/Makefile. Version 1.1 -01-12-98 ---------------------------- - fixed SSC-SPR-0667 Inconsistent error message with wrongly named input file - fixed SSC-SPR-0668 The contents of the lightcurve supplied are inconsistent - fixed SSC-SPR-0669 The value of TIMEDEL should be an MJD - fixed SSC-SPR-0670 The plot produced by LCPLOT does not agree with that from FPLOT Version 1.0 -07-10-98 ---------------------------- - fixed SSC-SPR-0568, version number should be .ge. 1.0 Version 0.1 -10-08-98 ---------------------------- Version 0.1 Delivered on 02/10/98