imageTooSmall | error |
| ImageSize value has to be positive. |
allFilesFailed | error |
| Failed in creating every output file. |
NoSrcNumSpecified | error |
| srcnum is mandatory when withsrclist=no and withcat=yes. |
NoCoordsSpecified | error |
| ra and dec are mandatory when withsrclist=no and withcat=no.' |
NotFoundDETID | error |
| DETID is not found in the table, even though it has to be used. |
NotFoundSRCID | error |
| SRCID is not found in the table, even though it has to be used. |
NoObsIdFoundInCat | error |
| No column of OBSID (or alike) is found in the given catalogue. |
WrongDataTypeObsId | error |
| OBS_ID datatype is wrong. |
noPgplotGifDevice | error |
| Failed to open the PGPLOT GIF device. Check your PGPLOT environment. |
tooManyMatches | error |
| More than one entry match for the corresponding source in the catalogue. |
fileExists | warning |
corrective action: Output file exists and clobber is not set. |
< | warning |
| 9
corrective action: < |
71>> NoSrcTableSource table is not found in 1st Extension or before.
smallerDimensionForSumIauname | warning |
corrective action: The size of IAUNAME found may be too big, so it may be trimmed. |
< | warning |
| 9
corrective action: < |
81>> NotFoundObsIdInPrimaryOBS_ID attribute is not found in the primary header but in the header in one of the subsequent extentions.
typeMismatchInAttribute | warning |
corrective action: The datatype of the attribute is different from what is supposed to be. |
< | warning |
| 9
corrective action: < |
92>> catalogueNotReadSRC_NUM is not specified, hence the given catalogue is not read.
NotUseDetidInSrcList | warning |
corrective action: Although the column DETID is found in the source list, that from the external catalogue is used. |
< | warning |
| 1
corrective action: < |
002>> NotUseSrcidInSrcListAlthough the column SRCID is found in the source list, that from the external catalogue is used.
NotUseCatnameInSrcList | warning |
corrective action: Although the column IAUNAME or alike is found in the source list, that from the external catalogue is used. |
< | warning |
| 1
corrective action: < |
013>> srcOutOfFieldThe source location is out of the field of view of the input image, hence the output image is not created.
tooSmallLWidth | warning |
corrective action: Lwidth for PGPLOT is set to be the minimum value, 2. |
< | warning |
| 1
corrective action: < |
024>> noMatchingSrcNo match is found in the catalogue for the source of interest.