call readParameters() call readArrayData(imageSetName, image) Get_string_expressions_of_InstStr_ObsId call loadSources(thumbOnes, ComArgs) ! optionally with the catalogue Set_thumbCommon call calcSrcImageCoords(imageSet, thumbOnes, thumbCommon) if (withSrcList) then if ( srcIdNumber <= 0 ) then ! All sources srcBegin = 1 srcEnd = numSources else ! One specified source srcBegin = srcIdNumber srcEnd = srcIdNumber end if else ! Single source mode srcBegin = 1 srcEnd = 1 end if Set_srcIndexForPrint do iSrc = srcBegin, srcEnd if (.not. srcInCatFlag(iSrc)) cycle if (isAutoFname) then thumbOnes(iSrc)\%filename = trim(getThumbnailName(thumbOnes(iSrc), outFilenameStyle)) else thumbOnes(iSrc)\%filename = trim(outGifName) end if if (isFileExistingAndQuit(trim(thumbnailName))) cycle if (isDryRun) cycle ! In reality this is out of this loop. call makeAndSaveThumbnail(thumbOnes(iSrc), thumbCommon) end do