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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

movecalc (movecalc-1.6) [xmmsas_20230412_1735-21.0.0]


This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
tableyestable name name of existing table
A table specifier which must point to an existing table in a data set that contains the columns specified via parameters xcol/ycol. On successful exit the two columns named via parameters xmovcol/ymovcol will have been added to the table
objtrackyesdata settrack.dsname of existing data set
Name of a data set created by task iauephem which defines the position of the moving object as a function of time.
xcolnocolumn nameXname of existing column in table table
The name of the column containing tangent plane projected X-coordinates of the events.
ycolnocolumn nameYname of existing column in table table
The name of the column containing tangent plane projected Y-coordinates of the events.
timecolnocolumn nameTIMEname of existing column in table table
The name of the column containing event arrival time tags.
xmovcolnocolumn nameX_MOVvalid column name
Name of the column to be added to the input table table containing X-coordinates of the events in the moving reference frame; must be different from name of corresponding input column xcol.
ymovcolnocolumn nameY_MOVvalid column name
Name of the column to be added to the input table table containing Y-coordinates of the events in the moving reference frame; must be different from name of corresponding input column ycol.
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2023-04-16