Parameters for EPN ----------------------------------------------------- HK file type: HBRConfigurationNonPeriodicHousekeeping [4 parameters] ----------------------------------------------------- HBR_0_ACTIVATION_STATUS Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 1] HBR_1_ACTIVATION_STATUS Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 2] HBR_2_ACTIVATION_STATUS Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 3] HBR_3_ACTIVATION_STATUS Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 4] -------------------------------------- HK file type: MainPeriodicHousekeeping [19 parameters] -------------------------------------- CAMEX_GAIN_CCD1 string [F1227] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD2 string [F1226] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD3 string [F1225] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD4 string [F1234] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD5 string [F1233] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD6 string [F1232] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD7 string [F1241] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD8 string [F1240] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD9 string [F1239] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD10 string [F1248] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD11 string [F1247] CAMEX_GAIN_CCD12 string [F1246] FILTER string [F1118 subject to F1119 == "STOPPED"] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EPN Filter Wheel CLOSE = Closed FILTC-MEDIUM = Medium FILTRA-THIN1 = Thin1 FILTRB-THIN = Thin2 FILTRB-THIN2 = Thin2 FILTRD-THICK = Thick NO STOP POS = CalibrationPosition NO STOP POS. = CalibrationPosition OPEN = Open FILTER_WHEEL_POSITION Real32 [F1122 subject to F1119 == "STOPPED"] FILTER_POTENTIOMETER Real32 [F1122] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EPN Filter (-12.35,-7.85) = CalOpen (-7.85,-3.35) = Open (48.25,52.75) = CalClosed (52.75,57.25) = Closed (108.4,112.9) = CalThin1 (112.9,117.4) = Thin1 (168.65,173.15) = CalThin2 (173.15,177.65) = Thin2 (228.85,233.35) = CalMedium (233.35,237.85) = Medium (288.65,293.15) = CalThick (293.15,297.65) = Thick FRAME_TIME_PARAMETER Int8 [F1294] CLOCK_RESET_TIME_COARSE Int32 [F1030] CLOCK_RESET_TIME_FINE Uint16 [FU036] CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND Uint16 [F1052] -------------------------------------------- HK file type: AdditionalPeriodicHousekeeping [16 parameters] -------------------------------------------- LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q0_CCD0 Uint16 [F1515] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q0_CCD1 Uint16 [F1516] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q0_CCD2 Uint16 [F1517] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q1_CCD0 Uint16 [F1615] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q1_CCD1 Uint16 [F1616] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q1_CCD2 Uint16 [F1617] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q2_CCD0 Uint16 [F1715] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q2_CCD1 Uint16 [F1716] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q2_CCD2 Uint16 [F1717] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q3_CCD0 Uint16 [F1815] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q3_CCD1 Uint16 [F1816] LOWER_THRESHOLD_Q3_CCD2 Uint16 [F1817] CMCORR_Q0 Uint16 [F1525] CMCORR_Q1 Uint16 [F1625] CMCORR_Q2 Uint16 [F1725] CMCORR_Q3 Uint16 [F1825] QUADRANT_UNDERSAMPLING_Q0 Int8 [F1534] QUADRANT_UNDERSAMPLING_Q1 Int8 [F1634] QUADRANT_UNDERSAMPLING_Q2 Int8 [F1734] QUADRANT_UNDERSAMPLING_Q3 Int8 [F1834] A1_CMLINE_PIXSET String [F1628] A1_CMLINE_CCD Int8 [F1629] A1_CMLINE_NUMB Int8 [F1630]