Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
odfdir | no | f | . | |
Directory where the ODF files are to be looked for. |
withodfdir | no | b | no | yes no |
Look for the ODF files in odfdir? Otherwise use SAS_ODF. |
outdir | no | f | . | |
Directory where the summary file should be written. |
summaryfile | no | f | 0000_0000000000_SCX000SUM.SAS | |
Name of the summary file. For this to work usecanonicalname
must be set to no. |
usecanonicalname | no | b | yes | yes no |
utogenerate the summary name based on the ODF identifier? |
writepath | no | b | yes | yes no |
Write path to ODF in the summary file? This appears as
PATH in the summary file. |
findinstrumentmodes | no | b | yes | yes no |
Determine the instrument modes? |
usehousekeeping | no | b | yes | yes no |
Extract instrument parameters from housekeeping data? |
oalcheck | no | b | no | yes no |
Check via the ODF Access Layer that the ODF is complete? |
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |