---------------------------------- HK file type: PeriodicHousekeeping [22 parameters] ---------------------------------- FILTER_WHEEL string [E1257] FILTER_WHEEL_POSITION Uint16 [E1317] FILTER Uint16 [E1317] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS1 Filter 0 = Closed 247 = CalThin1 267 = Thin1 514 = CalThin2 534 = Thin2 781 = CalMedium 801 = Medium 1047 = CalThick 1067 = Thick 1314 = CalOpen 1334 = Open 1580 = CalClosed CLOCK_RESET_TIME_COARSE Int32 [E1573] CLOCK_RESET_TIME_FINE Uint16 [EU573] CLOCK_WRAP_AROUND Uint16 [E1044] MEAN_TEMPERATURE Real32 [E1311] GAIN_CCD_1 string [E1113] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS Read Out Gain CHAIN/10NOD0 = LOW CHAIN/10NOD1 = LOW CHAINNORNOD0 = NORMAL CHAINNORNOD1 = NORMAL GAIN_CCD_2 string [E1201] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS Read Out Gain CHAIN/10NOD0 = LOW CHAIN/10NOD1 = LOW CHAINNORNOD0 = NORMAL CHAINNORNOD1 = NORMAL GAIN_CCD_3 string [E1302] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS Read Out Gain CHAIN/10NOD0 = LOW CHAIN/10NOD1 = LOW CHAINNORNOD0 = NORMAL CHAINNORNOD1 = NORMAL GAIN_CCD_4 string [E1248] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS Read Out Gain CHAIN/10NOD0 = LOW CHAIN/10NOD1 = LOW CHAINNORNOD0 = NORMAL CHAINNORNOD1 = NORMAL GAIN_CCD_5 string [E1201] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS Read Out Gain CHAIN/10NOD0 = LOW CHAIN/10NOD1 = LOW CHAINNORNOD0 = NORMAL CHAINNORNOD1 = NORMAL GAIN_CCD_6 string [E1302] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS Read Out Gain CHAIN/10NOD0 = LOW CHAIN/10NOD1 = LOW CHAINNORNOD0 = NORMAL CHAINNORNOD1 = NORMAL GAIN_CCD_7 string [E1248] This parameter is translated as follows: Translator's name: EMOS Read Out Gain CHAIN/10NOD0 = LOW CHAIN/10NOD1 = LOW CHAINNORNOD0 = NORMAL CHAINNORNOD1 = NORMAL EDU_0_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1398] EDU_0_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1399] EDU_1_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1400] EDU_1_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1401] EDU_2_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1402] EDU_2_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1403] EDU_3_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1404] EDU_3_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1405] EDU_4_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1406] EDU_4_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1407] EDU_5_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1408] EDU_5_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1409] EDU_6_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1410] EDU_6_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1411] EDU_7_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [E1412] EDU_7_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [E1413] ----------------------------------------------------- HK file type: HBRConfigurationNonPeriodicHousekeeping [16 parameters] ----------------------------------------------------- HBR_0_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 1] HBR_0_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 1] HBR_1_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 2] HBR_1_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 2] HBR_2_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 3] HBR_2_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 3] HBR_3_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 4] HBR_3_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 4] HBR_4_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 5] HBR_4_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 5] HBR_5_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 6] HBR_5_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 6] HBR_6_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 7] HBR_6_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 7] HBR_7_ACTIVATION_STATUS Int8 [HBRACTIV subject to HBRID == 8] HBR_7_PROCESSING_MODE Uint16 [HBRPROC subject to HBRID == 8] ------------------------------------------------------- HK file type: HBRThresholdValuesNonPeriodicHousekeeping [24 parameters] ------------------------------------------------------- HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_0 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 1] HBR_LOW_THR_0 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 1] HBR_HIG_THR_0 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 1] HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_1 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 2] HBR_LOW_THR_1 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 2] HBR_HIG_THR_1 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 2] HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_2 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 3] HBR_LOW_THR_2 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 3] HBR_HIG_THR_2 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 3] HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_3 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 4] HBR_LOW_THR_3 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 4] HBR_HIG_THR_3 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 4] HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_4 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 5] HBR_LOW_THR_4 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 5] HBR_HIG_THR_4 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 5] HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_5 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 6] HBR_LOW_THR_5 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 6] HBR_HIG_THR_5 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 6] HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_6 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 7] HBR_LOW_THR_6 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 7] HBR_HIG_THR_6 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 7] HBR_PATTERN_REFERENCE_7 Uint16 [PATTERN subject to HBRID == 8] HBR_LOW_THR_7 Uint16 [LTHRESH subject to HBRID == 8] HBR_HIG_THR_7 Uint16 [UTHRESH subject to HBRID == 8]