Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
inpdirectory | no | string | none | |
Directory path-name of the input files directory - defaults to the current directory.
| ||||
outdirectory | no | string | none | |
Directory path-name of the output files directory - defaults to inpdirectory
| ||||
comment | no | string | none | |
User's comments for output
| ||||
nsigma | no | real | 2 | |
Number of | ||||
combine | no | boolean | yes | |
Condition for combining the Engineering-2 subwindows
| ||||
spectrumhalfwidth | no | real | -8.0 | -20 to 20 |
Half-width of the spectrum extraction region (in pixels, if negative, and in FWHWs otherwise)
| ||||
bkgoffsetleft | no | real | 0. | -20 to 20 |
Offset of the left background extraction region from the edge of the
spectrum extraction area; in pixels, if negative, or in FWHWs otherwise.
| ||||
bkgwidthleft | no | real | -8. | -40 to 40 |
Width of the left background extraction region; in pixels, if negative,
or in FWHWs otherwise.
| ||||
bkgoffsetright | no | real | 0. | -20 to 20 |
Offset for the right background extraction region; in pixels, if
negative, and in FWHWs otherwise.
| ||||
bkgwidthright | no | real | -8. | -40 to 40 |
Width of the right background extraction region; in pixels, if negative,
or in FWHWs otherwise.
| ||||
spectrumsmoothlength | no | integer | ||
Length of the smoothing window for smoothing the extracted
spectra, if necessary. Values 0 or 1 of this parameter imply
no smotthing.
| ||||
extractionmode | no | integer | ||
Switch between different extraction modes. The
value 0 corresponds to the normal extraction (summation of
counts in the cross-dispersion direction); 1 corresponds to the Optimal
Extraction (Horne's algorithm [2]);
2 corresponds to the spline smoothing of the spectrum cross-section;
3 corresponds to the Gaussian fit of the spectrum cross-section.
| ||||
extractfieldspectra | no | boolean | no | |
Condition for extraction either only the target object spectrum or
all available spectra of the sources in the field
| ||||
mod8correction | no | integer | 1 | 0 to 3 |
Condition for removing the modulo-8 noise: 0: correction not applied;
1: correction applied using the modulo-8 map extracted from the
input image; 2: correction applied using the modulo-8 map extracted
from the OM CCF flat field; 3: correction applied multiplying
the input image by the OM CCF flat field.
| ||||
plotbinsize | no | integer | ||
Size of spectrum wavelength bins for the output plot
(in Å)
| ||||
plotflux | no | integer | 2 | 0 to 2 |
Flag for plotting the spectrum only (value 0), the background only
(value 1), or both of them (value 2)
| ||||
scalebkgplot | no | boolean | no | |
Condition for scaling the background plot differently from the spectrum
| ||||
removescatteredlight | no | boolean | no | |
Condition for removing scattered light features by the task omgprep
| ||||
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27