If the chain runs to completion, a number of important output
files will appear. The chain product filenames have the extension
`.FIT'. The names of the files start with `p' for the products
and with `g' for the intermediate or auxiliar images and source lists.
Some images of bright sources can be badly affected by the Mod-8 noise
pattern (combined with coincidence loss). The spectra of such sources
are unreliable.
It is wise to check the output files (p* and g* files)
from omgchain.
A useful first step is to inspect the output PDF-spectra curve plots
- watch out for frequent drop-outs, isolated high or
substantial negative values. Establish that the background spectrum is
reasonable. One should also examine the rotated image
(produced by omgprep), for example, with the ftool,
fv or with the ds9 programme. Check
whether all the sources are detected. For this purpose overlay the image
source list onto skymap usingimplot, e.g.