Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
imagefile | yes | dataset | | |
Input object image in detector coordinates.
specfile | yes | dataset | | |
Input spectral file (to obtain EXPOSURE).
spmapdet | no | dataset | default | |
User-specified SP det coord map (will derive name if not given)
ccds | no | boolean | true | T T T T T T T |
Include CCD (MOS)/Quad (PN)?
elow | no | integer | 400 |
The low energy for the band in eV
ehigh | no | integer | 1250 |
The high energy for the band in eV
speccontrol | no | integer | 1 |  |
1 for a power law model, 2 for a broken power law
pindex | no | real | 1.2 |
Fitted power law index, only if spectrumcontrol=1
pnorm | no | real | 0.0250005 |  |
Scale factor for power law index, only if spectrumcontrol=1
bindl | no | real | 1. | |
Fitted soft broken power law index, only if spectrumcontrol=2
bindh | no | real | 0.5 | |
Fitted hard broken power law index, only if spectrumcontrol=2
bbreak | no | real | 3.0 |  |
Break energy for broken power law model, only if spectrumcontrol=2
bindex | no | real | 0. | |
Broken power law index from Xspec fits, only if spectrumcontrol=2
bnorm | no | real | 0. | |
Normalization for broken power law, only if spectrumcontrol=2
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |