Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |
evlist | yes | unknown | list | 1-2 |
RGS event file list.
srclist | yes | unknown | list | 1-2 |
RGS source list file.
timebinsize | yes | 1 | real | |
Size of time bins.
outputsrcfilename | no | string | | src_rates.ds |
Source output file name.
withbkgsubtraction | no | bool | no | |
Enable background subtraction
outputbkgfilename | no | string | | bkg_rates.ds |
Background output file name.
withfiltering | no | bool | no | |
Enable wavelength filtering for time serie extraction
filtering | no | string | “wavelength” | “wavelength”“energy” |
Parameter to choose to use either wavelength or energy to filter the event list |
lambdamin | no | real | | |
Wavelength min value
lambdamax | no | real | | |
Wavelength max value
energymin | no | real | | |
Energy min value
energymax | no | real | | |
Energy max value
withccdselection | no | bool | no | |
Enable CCD selection filtering for time serie extraction
ccds | no | int | list | [1:9] |
List of CCDs
withtimeranges | no | bool | no | |
Use min/max values for time series extraction
timemin | no | time | | |
Start time for time series
timemax | no | time | | |
Stop time for time series
orders | no | list | 1 2 | 1-2 |
RGS orders to be used in the selection expression
sourceid | no | int | 1 | |
Source identifier that appears in the source list file.
Parameter | Mand | Type | Default | Constraints |