creates a source and background spectrum for each
selected source in each of the specified reflection orders. And also,
you can create a background model spectrum, using the parameter
withbackgroundmodel (see rgsbkgmodel
documentation). The source spectrum is not background-corrected by
default (parameter bkgcorrect). The background spectra is
not used by this or the following stage, but it can be used for a
later analysis, and therefore is produced by default (parameter
withbkgset). Note that the format of the spectra conforms to
the new OGIP standard, which is supported as of LHEASOFT Version 5.1
(XSPEC Version 11.1). This is a spectrum of counts with the exposure
time correction and background scaling factor recorded separately for
each channel.
if withheliocorr is enabled, the task heliocentriccorr is executed for all spectra, writing the heliocentric velocity keyword (VHELICOR) in the spectrum header.