ChangeLog for rgsspecplot
Version 2.26 - 2021-11-03 (AG)
+ Rolled back to the original version (Fortran 90).
Version 2.25.1 - 2021-08-19 (EO)
+ doc/rgsspecplot_description.tex: Removed unnecessary CR+LF
which were present in \author field, not accepted by
macOS LaTeX.
Version 2.25 - 2021-08-18 (AG)
+ Added .pytest_cache to CLOBBERDIRS.
+ Added dark mode to match some of the original plots.
+ Connected the output from pytest to the make test file.
Version 2.24 - 2021-06-24 (AG)
+ Task moved to Python.
+ Python ChangeLog:
Draft 0.2 - 2021-06-18 (AG)
+ Added tests.
+ Fixed some tags not properly loading into the plot.
+ Added PDF and Notebook support.
+ Changed the documentation and the parameters file.
+ Added grouped spectra and COUNT/RATE spectra.
+ Fixed minor labels not displaying the proper information.
Draft 0.1 - 2021-05-06 (AG)
+ Directory structure created by pkgmaker. First draft.
+ Fixed a bug in the par file undetected in the test phase.
+ Removed the limit of two spectra.
Version 2.23 - 2018-02-13 (EO)
+ This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU
Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source
code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public
License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been
included in all SAS source code files.
ESA (C) 2000-2018
This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System
SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with SAS. If not, see .
Version 2.22 - 2017-02-23 (AI)
Array out-of-bound error fixed. SOC-SPR-7421 closed
Version 2.21 - 2011-07-05 (NW)
Ensured that the correction made in version 2.20 is also applied
to the second order spectrum and modified the precision on
the right ascension and declination that is displayed on the
plot, as previously the number of decimal places given resulted
in a truncation of the text to be displayed.
Version 2.20 - 2011-05-26 (NW)
Added 6 lines to the source code to ensure that if there are
insufficient counts in the spectrum and therefore no rebinning
occurs although requested by the user, the x-axis scale is
still correctly display
Version 2.19.1 - 2010-03-03 (EO on behalf of NW)
-src/Makefile: In USEDLIBS removed mssplot and mssl libraries.
They produced a lot of errors of the form "duplicated symbol"
when used together with ssc library on Mac OS X buildings.
-doc/rgsspecplot_description.tex: Removed extra "}" around line 128,
which was breaking the processing of the documentation.
-Cleaned of temporary build.tmp_ files.
-Removed unnecessary bin/devel and lib/... empty subdirectories.
Version 2.19 - 2010-02-25 (NW)
Modified the code to accept spectra given in wavelength space.
The counts/channel is plotted against wavelength (Angstroms) in
this case (SCR 287).
Version 2.18.4 - 2006-09-06 (NW)
Moved the part of the code that determines the first spectrum channel
to before the place where binning can be carried out if the user
requires it, as it was taking the minimum channel as the first channel
in the binned spectrum when rebinning was required, so the wavelength
scale was wrong (SSC-SPR-3628)
Version 2.18.3 - 2005-11-28 (NW)
Added a third type of spectrumtype to the labels (SRC+BKG) at
the request of IMS and have also added a further label to the
plot with information about the source.
Version 2.18.2 - 2005-11-21 (NW)
Changed the limit of the number of sources allowed to 999 (from 100)
in the rgsspecplot.par file as the new pipeline was falling over
with such a low limit.
Version 2.18.1 - 2002-07-25 (NW)
Only uses poissonian errors if there is no STAT_ERR column
Version 2.18 - 2002-07-25 (NW)
Update the DEPEND file and now includes a dependence on sas.
Version 2.17.2 - 2002-07-25 (NW)
Removed the dependency on the STAT_ERR column, now use the square
root of the counts as the error, to close the SPR 2949, `Task
unable to plot total spectrum'. Revised documentation.
Version 2.17.1 - 2002-07-01 (NW)
The way that the binned up data is presented has been changed.
The errors are now the square root of the binned up counts, which
solves the problem of `plots from empty fields are negative on
average', SSC-SPR-2898. This also solves the problem SSC-SPR-2903
`Wrong wavelength and energy scales'. The x-axis has also been
extended to show the whole of the first and last bin
Version 2.17 - 2002-06-03 (NW)
This version contains the changes for the new version of
Version 2.16.11 - 2002-06-03 (NW)
This version does not contain the changes for the new version of
param, only the new documentation.
Version 2.16.10 - 2002-06-03 (NW)
Made the necessary changes for the new version of param and
updated the documentation to describe how the binning is done.
Version 2.16.9 - 2002-05-16 (NW)
Extended the y-scale for the case of a spectral plot which has
maximum counts less than the maximum error, so that the error
values (which are always positive) can be viewed.
Version 2.16.8 - 2002-05-09 (NW)
The data is now plotted as a histogram, as requested in SPR 2860
(histogram-style please). Documentation has been updated.
Version 2.16.7 - 2002-04-25 (NW)
Extended the y-scale for the case of a spectral plot which has
only negative values, so that the error values (which are always
positive) can be viewed.
Version 2.16.6 - 2002-03-15 (NW)
Added the missing error label names as requested for Version 5.3
in the documentation.
Version 2.16.5 - 2002-03-06 (NW)
Changed the way in which the errors are presented, by plotting a
grey histogram of the errors on each plot. The obs id and the exp
idstr have replaced the exp id and if the data were rebinned, the
binning factor, for each plot, is displayed. However, the header
information is only displayed once on the plot. The x-axis of
both plots is now always the same as the first plot. The energy
scale has also been extended.
Version 2.16.4 - 2002-02-26 (NW)
Added if-clause with warning to stop the program entering an
infinite loop if the minimum counts per bin are negative, as
noticed in SSC-SPR-2767, infinite loop.
Version 2.16.3 - 2002-02-20 (NW)
Added two if-clauses with warnings (warnings documented in
documentation) to stop the program terminating with a fatal error,
when there are very few counts in the spectrum and the minimum
counts per bin requested is larger than than the number of counts
in the spectrum, as noticed in SSC-SPR-2767, subscript out of
range in rgsspecplot.
Version 2.16.2 - 2002-02-11 (NW)
Changed the mode `a' to `h' in the rgsspecplot.par, as rgsspecplot
failed distribution check on linux build.
Version 2.16.1 - 2002-02-7 (NW)
Rgsspecplot now plots the weighted mean, when the user requests
that the counts are rebinned to a minimum value per bin.
Version 2.16 - 2002-01-17 (NW)
Rgsspecplot now plots the negative values. The object, exposure
time, ra and dec of the object, aswell as version number of
rgsspecplot have all been added to the output plot.
Version 2.15 - 2002-01-14 (NW)
Rgsspecplot now reads both COUNTS or RATE and also rebins the
spectra, if requested, to a minimum value, specified by the user.
Version 2.14 - 2001-20-11 (CB)
Nothin changed - uploaded on request because of some RGS problems.
Version 2.13.2 - 2001-24-10 (CB)
Ammended code to use spectra produced by latest version
of rgsspecrtrum (fixes SPR 2606)
Version 2.13.1 - 2001-05-10 (CB)
Ammended code to use source-list file produced by latest version
of rgssource (fixes SPR 2378)
Changed config file permissions to 644 (fixes SPR 2325)
Version 2.13 - 2001-04-05 (CB)
Program modified to use the new keywords replacing BETA_REF and
BETA_WId (SPR-2320).
Version 2.12 - 2000-11-28 (CB)
Diagram made clearer- no error bars drawn but a single error bar
showing the maximum error in the counts (SPR-2034).
Version 2.11.1 - 2000-10-16 (CB)
Modified program to run on spectrum files produced by rgsspectrum (SPR-1977).
Version 2.11 - 2000-09-27 (CB)
Ammended configuration file (SPR-1967).
Version 2.10 - 2000-09-21 (CB)
Removed empty layout file.
Version 2.9 - 2000-07-20 (CB)
Corrected error in dependency check.
Version 2.8 - 2000-06-30 (CB)
+ (src/rgsspecplot_mod.f90) Now checks that the number of
spectrum files is either 1 or 2. (SSC-SPR-1536)
Task does not now propmpt the user for a filename if the user
requires a hardcopy (SSC-SPR-1533)
Removed several bugs and tidied up software.
Updated task to read parameters BETA_REF and BETA_WID
from SPECTRUM header of spectrum files (SSC-SPR-1813, 1534 & others).
Rectified error with wavelength scale on graph.
Graph layout changed slightly.
Check added to prevent plot file overwriting an existing one if
+ (doc/rgspecplot_description_tex) format for errors and
documentation changed. (SSC-SPR-1668).
Mandatory parameter "sourcelistset" added (SSC-SPR-1421)
Parameter description changed.
Updated plot shown in document.
Parameterspectrumsets made mandatory (SSC-SPR-1535).
Version 2.7 3rd may 2000
ammended documentation form error and warning messaging
Version 2.6 30th March 2000
updated task to conform to new evselect procedure for spectrum output
format: does not use GROUPING column
Version 2.5 25th January 2000
- Get keywords from PRIMARY header in spectrum file
- Added check for empty spectrum file
- updated task description
Version 2.4: 21st January 2000
Updated task description
Updated test harness
Version 2.3: 6th January 2000
Updated task to comply with rgsregion 2.8 and rgsproc 0.33
Fixed energy scale offset problem.
Version 2.2: 2nd December 1999
Added DISTRIBUTION (world) file
Remarks about this version.
Open SPRs:
- 1234
Version 2.1
updated Depend file
Version 2.0
- Directory structure created by pkgmaker.