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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

ssclib (ssclib-4.36.3) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]

EllipseT structure definition

A structure definition is provided:

  type, public :: EllipseT
    real(single) ::&
      phase,&		! radians
      rotatedAngle	! radians
    character(10) :: unit	! eg 'pixels', 'detxy', 'tanxy'
    logical(bool) :: isCircle
  end type EllipseT

An overloaded subroutine is also provided to initialize a variable of this type:

  interface initializeEllipseT
    subroutine initializeEllipseTScalar(ellipse)
      type(EllipseT), intent(out) :: ellipse
    end subroutine initializeEllipseTScalar

    subroutine initializeEllipseTVector(ellipse)
      type(EllipseT), intent(out) :: ellipse(:)
    end subroutine initializeEllipseTVector
  end interface

For scalar or vector ellipse the values set are:

  ellipse%xAmp          = 0.0
  ellipse%yAmp          = 0.0
  ellipse%phase         = 0.0
  ellipse%shortSemiAxis = 0.0
  ellipse%longSemiAxis  = 0.0
  ellipse%rotatedAngle  = 0.0
  ellipse%unit          = 'none'
  ellipse%isCircle      = .false.

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27