interface getDetImageEdgesInfo subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoDouble(detImage, outBinSizeXY, outOffsetXY) real(double), intent(in) :: detImage(:,:) real(single), intent(in), dimension(2), optional :: outBinSizeXY, outOffsetXY type(aryEdgesInfoT) :: getDetImageEdgesInfo end subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoDouble subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoSingle() end subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoSingle subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoInt32() end subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoInt32 subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoInt16() end subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoInt16 subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoInt8() end subroutine getDetImageEdgesInfoInt8 end interface
As for the input array (detImage), all the Real and Integer types are allowed, and that is the only difference in the interface.
outBinSizeXY (optional) is a 1-dimensional array with the size of 2. The default is (/ 80.0, 80.0 /).
outOffsetXY (optional) is a 1-dimensional array with the size of 2; if outOffsetXY=(/a, b/) is given, the (a,b) in PHYSICAL coordinates is located at the centre of the array. In default, (a, b)==(0.0, 0.0).
This function returns type(aryEdgesInfoT) (defined in array_utils).