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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

ssclib (ssclib-4.36.1) [xmmsas_20230412_1735-21.0.0]

Get ubound

This returns ubound() for either a given aryEdgesInfoT variable (See Section 2.3) or pair of lbound and size.

  interface getUbound
    function getUboundFromEdgesInfo(aryEdgesInfo) result(outUbound)
      type(AryEdgesInfoT), intent(in) :: aryEdgesInfo
      integer :: outUbound(aryEdgesInfo\%aryDimension)	! return
    end function getUboundFromEdgesInfo
    function getUboundFromScalars(inLbound, arySize) result(outUbound)
      integer, intent(in) :: inLbound(:), arySize(size(inLbound))
      integer :: outUbound(size(inLbound))	! return
    end function getUboundFromScalars
  end interface

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2023-04-16