interface raDecToPixels subroutine raDecToPixelsScalar(ra, dec, wcs, xPixel, yPixel) real(double), intent(in) :: ra,& dec type(WcsT), intent(in) :: wcs ! defined in ssclib/wcs_aux real(single), intent(out) :: xPixel,& yPixel end subroutine raDecToPixelsScalar subroutine raDecToPixelsVector(ra, dec, wcs, xPixel, yPixel) real(double), intent(in) :: ra(:),& dec(size(ra)) type(WcsT), intent(in) :: wcs ! defined in ssclib/wcs_aux real(single), intent(out) :: xPixel(size(ra)),& yPixel(size(ra)) end subroutine raDecToPixelsVector subroutine raDecToPixelsArray(ra, dec, wcs, xPixel, yPixel) real(double), intent(in) :: ra(:,:),& dec(size(ra,1),size(ra,2)) type(WcsT), intent(in) :: wcs ! defined in ssclib/wcs_aux real(single), intent(out) :: xPixel(size(ra,1),size(ra,2)),& yPixel(size(ra,1),size(ra,2)) end subroutine raDecToPixelsArray end interface
This subroutins returns the pixel coordinates for the given set of the celestial coordinates in degree.