ChangeLog for startsas ====================== Version 0.7 - 2021-11-10 (EO) ----------- + src/startsas/ Fixed SPR 7638 regarding parameters cifbuild_opts and odfingest_opts. These options allow to enter a string with parameters to run cifbuild and odfingest. The string must be of the form 'param0=value0 param1=value1 .... paramN=valueN" where param0, param1, ..., paramN are valid parameters for cifbuild and odfingest. They are not checked against the cifbuild or the odfingest parameter files. Version 0.6 - 2021-10-14 (EO) ----------- + src/startsas/ Until now the 'startsas.log' file was written in the starting directory. By using a feature introduced in pysas 1.3, now this file can be put in the same workdir that is going to be used as working directory by means of the workdir parameter. However, this must be done before running startsas. To achieve such result, set the environment variable SAS_TASKLOGDIR equal to the absolute path of the directory where we want to get the startsas.log. E.g.: export SAS_TASKLOGDIR=`pwd`/my_workdir where my_workdir is what will be used in parameter workdir when running startsas. The directory must be ccreated before running startsas. DEPEND file updated to require pysas 1.3. Version 0.5.1 - 2021-05-11 (EO) ------------- + doc/startsas_description.tex: Upated documentation. Version 0.5 - 2021-03-15 (EO) ----------- + config/startsas.par: - Redefined workdir as optional. Default is "pwd" which is interpreted as to take as working directory the directory from where startsas is launched. If not defined absolutely ('/' is not the first character of the string), it is assumed to be a subdirectory of the startsas launch directory. - Added parameter 'sasfiles', boolean, default 'no'. This parameter is the parent for 'sas_ccf'and 'sas_odf'. Both are kept as mandatory subparameters but now they must be defined with absolute path. Version 0.4 - 2021-03-02 (EO) ----------- + src/startsas/ - Removed any tar files downloaded during processing. - sas_ccf and sas_odf are now mandatory with workdir as its parent parameter. In case any or both of these two subparameters are given the workdir must be present and be set as workdir=other. Then sas_ccf and sas_odf values are expected in workdir. + config/startsas.par: sas_ccf and sas_odf now are decalred mandatory with workdir defined as its parent parameter. workdir is by default set to 'pwd', but if sas_ccf and sas_odf are present in the command line or in the args list, then workdir must be present and set as workdir=other. + doc/startsas_description.tex: Updated. + src/startsas/bin/startsas: If no arguments are given then startsas is executed with args = ['-h'], so as the command 'startsas' will output the standard help for the task. Version 0.3 - 2021-03-02 (EO) ----------- + DEPEND: pysas 0.7 -> 1.0. + config/startsas.par: Added paramater 'workdir' which allow to specify the working directory. If not specified, the default is the directory from where the task is started. Can use environment variables like $HOME or even bac tick commands like `pwd`, in the directory defintion. + src/startsas/ * String docs refurbished to provide proper help on the task. * Added logging via TaskLogger class (pysas.logger). * Task produces startsas.log with full DEBUG information. File is created in append mode. It is created in the directory where the task is started. * Kept sas_ccf and sas_odf parameters to allow setting SAS_CCF and SAS_ODF from ipython/notebook interfaces. * Logging to console is controlled via -V/--verbosity option. * stderr when working from a notebook is kept out of it. Version 0.2 - 2020-10-20 (EO) ----------- + src/startsas: Added handler for PPS level downloads. Version 0.1 - 2020-09-09 ------------------------ + First version.