XMM-Newton Data Files Handbook

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5.3.4 Scope: epn

There will be one instance of each of these files.

Calibration type: ADUConv
Description: Conversion factors of the digitised signal to pulse invariant, and further to observed energy units (keV), not accounting for charge transfer efficiency and redistribution

Calibration type: Background
Description: Spectrum and scalar modifiers for correlation to the EPIC radiation monitor spectra

Calibration type: BadPix
Description: Table of bad columns/pixels including reference to the actual on-board table. Includes true flickering pixels (which cannot be reliably characterised by a noise value)

Calibration type: CTI
Description: Average Charge Transfer Inefficiency values for the relevant clock shifts, needed to calculate the charge loss as a function of event coordinates and observing mode

Calibration type: CalSourceData
Description: Spectrum and intensity maps of the on-board calibration sources

Calibration type: DarkFrame
Description: Average dark frame and image of statistical dark fluctuations for the default set of observing modes. Primarily used to estimate probability of false signal. Includes "flickering pixels" showing a large but quantifiable fluctuation

Calibration type: Efficiency
Description: EPIC PN to RGS effective area ratio

Calibration type: FilterTransV
Description: Filter (optical) transmission curves

Calibration type: HKParmInt
Description: Housekeeping parameter ranges used to generate good time intervals

Calibration type: LinCoord
Description: Contains the transformation matrix to convert CCD pixel coordinates into angular and linear offsets from the boresight

Calibration type: ModeParam
Description: Observation mode fixed parameters

Calibration type: QuantumEf
Description: Spatially varying CCD quantum efficiency

Calibration type: Redist
Description: Analytical model for the CCD energy redistribution

Calibration type: Reject
Description: Low energy rejection refinement. Correction for incorrect offset shifts

Calibration type: TimeCorr
Description: Frame time per CCD mode. Provides the time offset corrections to convert spacecraft time stamp to mean photon absorption time

Calibration type: TimeJump
Description: EPIC-pn time jump parameters

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre