Object Classes

1000 - X-ray binary
1100 - HMXRB                  10 - X-ray pulsar      1 - flares
1200 - HMXRB supergiant       20 - burster           2 - jets
1300 - HMXRB Be star          30 - black hole        3 - eclipsing
1400 - LMXRB                  40 - QPO               4 - ultra-soft transient
1500 - LMXRB Globular cluster 50 - QPO & black hole  5 - soft transient
                              60 - QPO & pulsar      6 - hard transient
                              70 - QPO & bursts      7 - eclipsing dipper
                              80 - QPO,pulsar,bursts 8 - eclipsing ADC
                              90 - pulsar & bursts   9 - dipper

1600 - CV                 10 - Classical Nova         1 - oscillations
                          20 - Recurrent Nova         2 - coherent osc.
                          30 - AM Her (polar)         3 - fast
                          40 - Intermediate polar     4 - slow
                          50 - Dwarf nova             5 - eclipsing
                          60 - Dwarf nova U Gem type  6 -
                          70 - Dwarf Nova Z Cam type  7 -
                          80 - Dwarf Nova SU Uma type 8 -
                          90 - Nova like              9 -

1700 - Gamma ray          00 - source                 1 - pulsar
                          10 - burst
                          20 - burst, soft repeater

1800 - Radio Pulsar
1810 - X-ray pulsator
1820 - Supersoft source
1830 - Isolated neutron star
1840 - Anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP)
1850 - Extrasolar planet
1860 - Brown dwarf
1870 - Protostar of Type 0
1880 - Protostar of Type I
1890 - Luminous Blue Variable (LBV)

1900 - RS CVn star
1910 - Algol star
1920 - Beta Lyr star
1930 - W UMa star
1940 - Symbiotic star
1950 - Zeta Aurigae star
1960 - FK Comae star
1970 - UV Ceti type
1980 - T Tauri star       1 - (naked)
                          2 - (post)
1990 - Herbig Ae/Be star
1991 - Be star

2000 - Wolf Rayet    00 - unknown type   0 - spectral type unknown
                     10 - WN             1 ............... 1
                     20 - WC             2 ............... 2
                     30 - WO             3 ............... 3
                                         4 ............... 4
                                         5 ............... 5
                                         6 ............... 6
                                         7 ............... 7
                                         8 ............... 8
                                         9 ............... 9-11

                 00 - spectral type 0    0 .... luminosity class unknown
2100 - O         10................ 1    1 ..................... I or 0
2200 - B         20................ 2    2 ..................... II
2300 - A         30................ 3    3 ..................... III
2400 - F         40................ 4    4 ..................... IV
2500 - G         50................ 5    5 ..................... V
2600 - K         60................ 6    6 ..................... VI
2700 - M         70................ 7
2800 - Me        80................ 8
                 90................ 9

2900 - Star

                 10 - Luyten color class a
                 20 - Luyten color class a-f
                 30 - Luyten color class f
                 40 - Luyten color class f-g
                 50 - Luyten color class g
                 60 - Luyten color class g-k
                 70 - Luyten color class k
                 80 - Luyten color class k-m
                 90 - Luyten color class m

3000 - Extended galactic or extragalactic
3100 - SNR Crab-like               10 - Shell            1 - Radio Pulsar
3200 - SNR                         20 - Filled-center    2 - Type I
3300 - Star forming region         30 - Composite        3 - Type II
3400 - Cloud                       40 - Dark
3500 - Nebula                      50 - Molecular
3600 - Open star cluster           60 - Planetary
3700 - OB association/HII region   70 - Reflection
3800 - Herbig-Haro object          80 - Globular Cluster
3900 - Diffuse X-ray emission

4000 - White dwarf                00 -         0 -
4100 - White dwarf DA             10 - A       1 - PNN
4200 - White dwarf DB             20 - B       2 - PNN detached binary
4300 - White dwarf DC             30 - C       3 - detached binary
4400 - White dwarf DO             40 - O       4 - O
4500 - White dwarf DZ             50 - Z       5 - Z
4600 - White dwarf DQ             60 - Q       6 - Q
4700 - White dwarf DX             70 - X       7 - X
4800 - White dwarf sD             80 - V       8 - P
4900 - White dwarf PG1159-type    90 - P       9 - H

5000 - Cluster of galaxies        10 - Abell class <0     1 - Cooling Flow
                                  20 - Abell class 0
                                  30 - Abell class 1
                                  40 - Abell class 2
                                  50 - Abell class >2
                                  60 - non-Abell
5100 - Compact group of galaxies
5200 - Group of galaxies

5500 - X-ray background

6000 - Non-active galaxy
6100 - Dwarf Galaxy        10 - radio loud        1 - flat radio spectrum
6200 - Spiral galaxy       20 - HII region        2 - steep radio spectrum
6300 - Elliptical galaxy   30 - Multiple nuclei   3 - inverted radio spectrum
6400 - Starburst galaxy    40 - Barred
6500 - Interacting galaxy  50 - Unbarred
6600 - Irregular galaxy    60 - Mixed
6700 - Galaxy              70 - Nebulous region
6800 - Lenticular galaxy
6900 - Normal galaxy

7000 - AGN Unclassified
7100 - Seyfert         10 - radio loud           1 - flat radio spectrum
7200 - QSO             20 - radio loud/polarized 2 - steep radio spectrum
7300 - BL Lac          30 - radio quiet          3 - inverted radio spect
7400 - Liner           40 - radio loud/invert sp 4 - type 1
7500 - Radio Galaxy    50 - radio loud/flat sp   5 - type 1.5
7600 - IR Galaxy       60 - radio loud/steep sp  6 - type 2
7700 - OVV             70 - radio pol/invert sp
                       80 - radio pol/flat sp
                       90 - radio pol/steep sp
7800 - NEL (Narrow Emission-Line) galaxy
7900 - NLS1 (Narrow-Line Seyfert 1) galaxy

8000 - Solar system object
8100 - Planet          10 - Mercury
                       20 - Venus
                       30 - Earth
                       40 - Mars
                       50 - Jupiter
                       60 - Saturn
                       70 - Uranus
                       80 - Neptune
                       90 - Pluto
8200 - Solar Feature   10 - Quiet Sun
                       20 - Active Sun
                       30 - Sunspot
                       40 - Plage/Active Region
                       50 - North Pole
                       60 - South Pole
                       70 - Equatorial Region
                       80 - Mid-Latitude Region
                       90 - Flare
8300 - Asteroid        10 - Main Belt Object
                       20 - Centaur
                       30 - Kuiper Belt Object
                       40 - Near-Earth
8400 - Comet           10 - Periodic
                       20 - Non-Periodic
                       30 - Sun-Grazing
8500 - Moon

9000 - Unusual object
9100 - Supernova       10 - Type I
                       20 - Type II
9200 - Hypernova
9300 - Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Source (ULX)
9400 - Supermassive Black Hole

9999 - unidentified