As has been pointed out, OM grism data are image mode data. Since tracking corrections are not applied to grism data, spacecraft and summary files are needed:
0472_0125910501_OMS00500WDX.FIT - Exposure priority window file 0472_0125910501_OMS00500IMI.FIT - Exposure image file with grism data
and the process will be run in the following way,
step1> omprep set=0472_0125910501_OMS00500IMI.FIT \ pehset=0472_0125910501_OMX00000PEH.FIT \ nphset=0472_0125910501_OMX00000NPH.FIT \ wdxset=0472_0125910501_OMS00500WDX.FIT \ outset=g0125910501OMS005IMAGEI0000.FIT \ modeset=4
The input image corresponds to a user defined window. In the case of full frame low resolution exposures, the task omcomb must be run beforehand and its output image be used as input for omprep,
step2> ommodmap set=g0125910501OMS005IMAGEI0000.FIT \ mod8product=yes \ mod8set=g0125910501OMS005MOD8MP0000.FIT \ outset=g0125910501OMS005IMAGE_0000.FIT \ outflatset=g0125910501OMS005FLAFLD0000.FIT \ nsig=3 nbox=16 mod8correction=1
step3> omgprep set=g0125910501OMS005IMAGE_0000.FIT \ outset=p0125910501OMS005RIMAGE0000.FIT \ undistset=u0125910501OMS005IMAGE_0000.FIT
This undistorted and rotated image is the one from which the spectrum, or spectra, will be extracted.
step4> omdetect set=p0125910501OMS005RIMAGE0000.FIT \ regionfile=g0125910501OMS005REGION0001.ASC \ outset=p0125910501OMS005SWSRLI0001.FIT \ nsigma=2
The source spectra have been detected. They can be checked by overplotting the region file on the rotated image, using ds9.
step5> omatt set=p0125910501OMS005RIMAGE0000.FIT \ sourcelistset=p0125910501OMS005SWSRLI0001.FIT \ ppsoswset=g0125910501OMS005SIMAGE0000.FIT \ usecat=no rotateimage=yes tolerance=3 maxradecerr=1 maxrmsres=1.5
All detected spectra have been assigned RA and Dec. A sky, north aligned image is also produced.
Spectral extraction will be done now,
step6> omgrism set=p0125910501OMS005RIMAGE0000.FIT \ sourcelistset=p0125910501OMS005SWSRLI0001.FIT \ outset=p0125910501OMS005SPECTR0000.FIT \ bkgoffsetleft=6 bkgwidthleft=-6 bkgoffsetright=6 \ bkgwidthright=-6 spectrumhalfwidth=-6 spectrumsmoothlength=0 \ extractionmode=0 extractfieldspectra=no \ outspectralistset=p0125910501OMS005SPECLI0000.FIT \ regionfile=p0125910501OMS005REGION0001.ASC \ spectraregionfile=p0125910501OMS005SPCREG0001.ASC \ addedregionfile=0
Target spectrum, or all spectra in the field of view if,
is used, are extracted and calibrated.
Finally, the results can be plotted,
step7> omgrismplot set=p0125910501OMS005SPECTR0000.FIT \ binsize=1 plotdevice=/PS \ plotfile=g0125910501OMS005SPECTR0000.PS \ scalebkgplot=no plotflux=2 \ spectraregionfile=p0125910501OMS005SPCREG0001.ASC \ regionplotfile=p0125910501OMS005SPCREG0001.PS \ rotatedimageset=p0125910501OMS005RIMAGE0000.FIT
A PDF version of the plot is also produced.
European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre