Some of the tasks used in the processing of grism data are the same ones used in omichain and they perform the same functions and produce similar output. These tasks are omcomb, omprep and ommodmap (steps 0-1-2).
Other tasks are tools for spectroscopic data processing:
If the parameter extractfieldspectra=yes was set, then omgrism is used to establish correlations between the detected zero and first orders. The correlation is declared when the X coordinates of both orders are within a certain range and also their Y coordinates. After finding all the possible relations, the corresponding spectra are extracted. The proper identification of the zero order is essential since its position fixes the wavelength scale. In case a first order cannot be associated with a zero one, or Vice Versa, a default extraction is used. All detected zero and first orders are included in the SWSRLI source file, as well as the relations found among them. Only the successful ones giving rise to an extracted spectrum and the default extractions are written into the SPECLI source file and the SPCREG region file.
The performed extraction is by default a box car, with predefined width and positions around the first order (or the Y coordinate of the zero order, if defaulted) for the spectrum and background regions. Signal weighted extraction is optional although its use is not currently recommended.
The extracted net spectrum and the corresponding background are calibrated in wavelength and they are written to the output fits file (SPECTR) as count rate per angstrom in the whole spectral range contained in the image. Then the flux calibration, defined in a restricted wavelength range for each grism, is applied and the fluxed spectrum is written to the SPECTR fits file. The corresponding errors are also written to this file.
European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre