omsrclistcomb (step14). The source lists of the different OSW's
of all exposures contained in an observation are combined into one single
observation source list file using omsrclistcomb, which is invoked
when the analysis of the individual science windows is finished. The input parameter nsigma defines the criteria for the spatial matching of two sources in the merging of the source lists. omsrclistcomb generates a master source
list with RA/Dec coordinates, RA/Dec errors and galactic coordinates.
The list is sorted into increasing RA order.
The significance of detection, the instrumental magnitude and its error,
the semi-axis of the source detection ellipse and a set of flags are
written in the source list for each filter used in the observation.
The colour transformations are applied and the source brightness is also
listed in a standard photometric system. AB magnitudes and absolute fluxes are
also computed and included in the combined source list.
As in omatt (step 12) if a catalogue file is provided, then the merged
list sources are again cross correlated. This allows to derive a correction for
sources detected in the UV filters, which in fields with low number of sources
detected fails in the first cross correlation done with omatt.