XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: User Guide

7 Analysis chain for point-like sources

The purpose of the analysis chain xmmextractor is to produce high-level science products from the raw, uncalibrated, data files contained in the Observation Data File (ODF). While the automatic SOC product pipeline system (PPS) products can be used for scientific analysis, their calibration status may not be the most recent one, and the source extraction parameters are not adjusted to the particular requirements in an individual observation such as size and position of the background extraction region or pile up correction. With a single tool, it is possible to get all relevant science products for a given observation for all XMM-Newton cameras. The tool operates via a configuration file in xml format which will always by downward compatible. Once a new SAS version is released, the same configuration file can be used to update all science products using the same configuration file.

The long-term goal is to provide an interactive tool, but at this stage xmmextractor is a task that is still being developed. While basic usage, such an initial default processing of a given ODF with default parameters should work, some of the higher-level options may produce problems with the present version.

A more detailed description is available on the SAS Analysis Threads web page and in the package description of the xmmextractor.

European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre