The OM team, under the auspices of the SSC, produces a catalogue of sources detected by
the Optical Monitor. The latest release, XMM-OM-SUSS6, is based on data processed through
the XMM pipeline processing system, to ensure consistency between the catalogue contents
and the archived OM data products.
This 6th version of the XMM-Newton OM Serendipitous Ultraviolet Source Survey Catalogue
(XMM-SUSS6) was released in October 2023. It includes public data up to November 2022.
The catalogue embraces 12 057 XMM-Newton observations and contains 9 920 390 detections of
6 659 554 sources, of which 1 225 117 have been observed more than once, thus allowing variability
The XMM-SUSS6 catalogue can be accessed through the XSA search interface. Further, either
the complete catalogue or a reduced version of it (the SLIM version) can be downloaded from
the XSA.