Release Notes for SAS 21.0.0

Richard Saxton & Aitor Ibarra

XMM-Newton SOC


SAS releases covered by this note

The version of the SAS installed can be displayed with the command:sasversion


Summary of important changes

The changes introduced in this release are the following:

Python support

Several SAS Threads implemented fully in Python and compatible with SAS v21.0 will be released as examples of data processing sessions from a Python Jupyter Notebook.

Binaries distributed

This version of SAS is released in three binary versions for Linux, Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 and Red HAT 8.6, and two for macOS, macOS 12.6 (Monterey) and 11.6 (BigSur).

These binaries have been tested to run correctly on several other platforms including Linux RHEL 7 , Ubuntu 21, and macOS Ventura. The package built on macOS 12.6 (Monterey) can be used on Macs based on both the Intel and the new Apple M1 processor.

Together with the release of the Linux VM for SAS 21.0 (VM4SAS21.0), a Linux based Docker image of SAS 21.0 is released docker4sas. The image includes Heasoft 6.31 FTOOLS and Xspec. The SAS Docker image can be run interactively or detached on any OS where a Docker Engine application is available.

New and withdrawn packages

Within SAS v20.0, extended source analysis was performed within a single package called esas. In SAS v21.0 this package has been split up into a number of discrete modules, which may be called independently.
A comprehensive cookbook describing how to use the esas modules is available.




Detailed list of changes between SAS 20.0.0 and SAS 21.0.0

Package arfgen: version 1.104 [was 1.102]
Package asmooth: version 2.32.1 [was 2.32]
Package attcalc2: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]
Package barycen: version 1.22.1 [was 1.22]
Package binadapt: version 0.16.1
Package binadaptmerge: version 0.12.1
Package bkgfilter: version 1.8.2 [was 1.8.1]
Package cal: version 3.257 [was 3.251]
Package caloalutils: version 1.125 [was 1.122]
Package catcorr: version 0.11.2 [was 0.11.1]
Package catprep: version 0.5.7 [was 0.5.6]
Package cheese: version 0.20.2 [was 0.16]
Package colimchain: version 1.9.1 [was 1.9]
Package colimplot: version 3.16.1 [was 3.16]
Package colsmooth: version 1.9.1 [was 1.8]
Package combimage: version 0.14.1
Package convregion: version 0.12.2
Package dal: version 1.199 [was 1.198]
Package dpssvali: version 0.7.1 [was 0.7]
Package ds9tomask: version 2.8.1 [was 2.8]
Package dscheck: version 0.5.1 [was 0.5]
Package ebkgmap: version 2.10.2 [was 2.10.1]
Package ebkgreg: version 0.8.1 [was 0.8]
Package eboxdetect: version 4.29 [was 4.28.4]
Package edetect: version 1.4.1 [was 1.4]
Package edetect_chain: version 3.17.2 [was 3.17]
Package edetect_stack: version 0.8.1 [was 0.7]
Package eimagecombine: version 0.9.1 [was 0.9]
Package eimageget: version 0.8.2 [was 0.8.1]
Package eimchip2sky: version 2.6.1 [was 2.6]
Package ekstest: version 2.8.1 [was 2.8]
Package emchain: version 12.0.1 [was 11.20]
Package emldetect: version 7.8 [was 7.7]
Package emlfill: version 0.12.2
Package emosaic: version 1.19.1 [was 1.19]
Package emosaicproc: version 0.5.1 [was 0.5]
Package epchain: version 8.82.2 [was 8.82.1]
Package epicproc: version 2.25.3 [was 2.25.1]
Package epicspeccombine: version 0.6 [was 0.5]
Package epspatialcti: version 1.3.1 [was 0.4]
Package epsplitproc: version 0.2.1 [was 0.2]
Package esensitivity: version 1.11.1 [was 1.11]
Package esky2det: version 1.19.2 [was 1.19]
Package eslewchain: version 1.20.1 [was 1.20]
Package esources: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]
Package espfilt: version 5.0.2 [was 4.3]
Package esplinemap: version 5.4.1 [was 5.4]
Package esrcselect: version 3.3.1 [was 3.3]
Package evarimgen: version 1.0.2 [was 0.9]
Package evenergyshift: version 0.2.1
Package evqpb: version 0.11 [was 0.10.1]
Package evselect: version 3.71.2 [was 3.71.1]
Package fitsutils: version 1.10.1 [was 1.10]
Package flspec: version 3.5.2 [was 3.5]
Package goflib: version 0.20.1 [was 0.11.2]
Package gtibuild: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]
Package hello: version 1.29.1 [was 1.28]
Package hkauxplot: version 4.8.1 [was 4.8]
Package implot: version 2.20.1 [was 2.20]
Package implotregions: version 1.1.1 [was 1.1]
Package inthist: version 2.23.2 [was 2.22]
Package lccorr_pcms: version 1.7.1 [was 1.7]
Package makemask: version 0.13.1
Package makethumbs: version 0.8.1 [was 0.8]
Package mosback: version 0.22.2
Package mosspectra: version 0.20.2
Package omatt: version 2.58 [was 2.57.1]
Package ombackground: version 0.7.5 [was 0.7.1]
Package omcat: version 1.9.2 [was 1.9.1]
Package omfchain: version 1.43.2 [was 1.43.1]
Package omflatindex: version 2.7.1 [was 2.7]
Package omgchain: version 1.12.2 [was 1.12.1]
Package omgrism: version 1.30 [was 1.29]
Package omgrismplot: version 1.8.6 [was 1.7]
Package omgsource: version 1.12.2 [was 1.12.1]
Package omichain: version 1.74.10 [was 1.74.9]
Package ompsfprofile: version 1.6.3 [was 1.5]
Package omsource: version 1.28.5 [was 1.28.4]
Package omsrclistcomb: version 2.24 [was 2.23]
Package omthlcplot: version 1.6.2 [was 1.5]
Package omvariability: version 1.6 [was 1.5]
Package orbit: version 3.2.1 [was 3.0]
Package pnback: version 0.19.2
Package pnspectra: version 0.18.2
Package pointsrc: version 0.12.4
Package ppsslewsumm: version 1.3.1 [was 1.3]
Package ppssumm: version 3.7.1 [was 3.7]
Package proton: version 0.19.2
Package protonscale: version 0.13.1
Package psfgen: version 1.7.1 [was 1.7]
Package pyeslewchain: version 1.2.1
Package pymakethumbs: version 0.1.1
Package pyomdrifthist: version 1.0
Package pyomgchain: version 0.1.2
Package pyrgsimplot: version 1.0
Package pyrgsspecplot: version 1.2
Package pysas: version 1.4.2 [was 1.4.1]
Package pysasplot_utils: version 0.4.3 [was 0.3.7]
Package pyutils: version 0.8.5 [was 0.5.3]
Package region: version 7.15.3 [was 7.15.2]
Package rgsdupframesfix: version 0.1
Package rgslccorr: version 0.57.2 [was 0.57.1]
Package rgsprods: version 1.11.1 [was 1.11]
Package rgssources: version 6.3.2 [was 6.3]
Package rmfgen: version 2.8.7 [was 2.8.5]
Package rmftools: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]
Package rotdet2sky: version 0.16.1
Package sas: version 1.614.2 [was 1.612]
Package saslib: version 1.88.1 [was 1.88]
Package sasperl: version 1.12.1 [was 1.12]
Package selectlib: version 4.77 [was 4.76]
Package slatec: version 1.49.1 [was 1.49]
Package slconv: version 2.6.2 [was 2.6.1]
Package sppartial: version 0.12.2
Package srcmatch: version 3.23 [was 3.22.1]
Package ssclib: version 4.36.1 [was 4.35]
Package swcx: version 0.16.2
Package testccf: version 1.128.2 [was 1.127]
Package testprods: version 1.52 [was 1.51.1]
Package tools: version 1.68.1 [was 1.68]
Package xmmextractor: version 1.11.17 [was 1.11.16]
Package arfgen: version 1.104 [was 1.102]

ChangeLog for arfgen

Version 1.104 - 2022-12-16 (RDS)
	  (doc/arfgen_description.tex)    - enhanced description of flags

Version 1.103 - 2022-01-05 (RDS)
	  (doc/arfgen_description.tex)    - describes the 
					    "applyabsfluxcorr" parameter 

Package asmooth: version 2.32.1 [was 2.32]

ChangeLog for asmooth

Version 2.32.1 - 2022-06-30 (EO)
	+ test/asmooth_test: She-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w replaced by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use strict and use warnings.

Package attcalc2: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]

ChangeLog for attcalc2

Version 1.5.1 - 2022-06-30 (EO)
	+ test/attbin_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict. 

Package barycen: version 1.22.1 [was 1.22]

ChangeLog for barycen

Version 1.22.1 - 2023-03-08 (RDS)
	+ (doc/varycen_description.tex) Coordinates srcra/srcdec can only
					be input as decimal degrees

Package binadapt: version 0.16.1

ChangeLog for binadapt

Version 0.16.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
	+ Doc improvements.

Version 0.16 - 2022-06-08 (BP)
	+ Parameter prefix takes inst+expid OR comb to use combimage file inputs.
	+ Renamed binadapt. Tasks binimage and adapt merged with same functionality.
	+ Removed redundant withadapt and withcomb parameters.
	+ Slight change to outputs for withbin/withsmoo/both.
	+ Fixed uninitialize variable causing floating point error occasionally.
	+ Updated DEPEND.
	+ Entries below are merged adapt and binimage ChangeLog entries for continuity.
	+ Merged with task binimage.

Version 0.15 - 2022-05-27 (BP)
	+ Added withadapt parameter to perform old adapt functionality.
	+ Fixed file name bug.
	+ Cleaned up docs.

Version 0.14.1 - 2022-05-27 (BP)
        + Changed param withswcx to withswcxbkg to be consistent with other ESAS tasks.
	+ Updated param files and docs.
	+ Lined up variable names shared in common with binimage.

Version 0.14 - 2022-05-26 (BP)
        + Changed some parameter names.
	+ Added sub to auto-create filenames.
	+ Added check_clobber functionality.
	+ Fixed array/pointer indicies.
	+ Fixed coord system attributes written to output.
	+ Fixed bug created with uninitialized variables.
	+ Cleaned up documents.

Package binadaptmerge: version 0.12.1

ChangeLog for binadaptmerge

Version 0.12.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.12 - 2022-07-21 (BP)
	+ New task that combines old ESAS adaptmerge and binimagemerge.
	+ Several parameter changes (check docs).
	+ Output filename changes (check docs).
	+ Updated DEPEND.

Package bkgfilter: version 1.8.2 [was 1.8.1]

ChangeLog for bkgfilter

Version 1.8.2 - 2022-06-30 (EO)
	+ test/testbkgoptratetask[2,3,4]: Replaced she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use

Package cal: version 3.257 [was 3.251]

ChangeLog for cal

Version 3.257.1 - 2022-08-11 (RDS)
	+ cxxtest/Makefile resotore
	+ cxxtest/ and  cxxtest/ accidentally updated in git repo.
	+ SOC-SPR-7689 fixed

Version 3.257 - 2022-08-11 (RDS)
	+ (src/	     	     - Addition of EQPB atom although
					       structure likely to change soon
					       so tests not activated.
	+ (src/         - Change in EPN_SPATIALCTI CCF
					       to include correction factors
					       for Cu and Mn (SCR-7657)

Version 3.256 - 2022-06-16 (RDS)
	+ (src/	     - Change in EPN_SPATIALCTI CCF
Version 3.256 - 2022-06-16 (RDS)
	+ (src/	     - Change in EPN_SPATIALCTI CCF
					       format from WDELTA to MDELTA

Version 3.255 - 2022-05-26 (RDS)
	+ (f90/	     - Swap of indices in 

	+ (src/	       Introduction of new
					       spatial CTI algorithm
					       from Sanders,Dennerl+ 2020

Version 3.254 - 2022-05-07 (RDS)
	+ (f90/	     - cal_fwcinfo  efficiency 
Version 3.253 - 2022-02-09 (RDS)
	+ (f90/	     - cal_fwcinfo now returns the
					       FF or eFF file depending on 
					       the current selected CAL mode
Version 3.252 - 2022-01-10 (RDS)
	+ (src/	     - Addition of FWC_EFF file

Package caloalutils: version 1.125 [was 1.122]

ChangeLog for caloalutils

Version 1.125 - 2022-08-11 (RDS)
	+ (src/Ccf.h)            Added support for _QPB file

Version 1.124 - 2022-05-26 (RDS)
	+ (src/Ccf.h)            Added support for SPATIALCTI file

Version 1.123 - 2022-01-10 (RDS)
	+ (src/Ccf.h)            Added support for FWC_EFF file

Package catcorr: version 0.11.2 [was 0.11.1]

ChangeLog for catcorr

Version 0.11.2 - 2022-06-30 (EO)
	+ test/catcorr_test: replace she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus addition of use warnings and use strict.

Package catprep: version 0.5.7 [was 0.5.6]

ChangeLog for catprep

Version 0.5.7 - 2022-06-30 (EO)
	+ test/catprep_test: Replace she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict. 

Package cheese: version 0.20.2 [was 0.16]

ChangeLog for cheese

Version 0.20.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.20.1 - 2023-02-10 (BP)
        + Changed logic of whether to run atthkgen.

Version 0.20 - 2023-02-01 (BP)
        + Fixed issue of making atthk.fits file when user wants to use their own.
	+ Fixed string initialization issue.

Version 0.19 - 2022-10-19 (BP)
        + Made params mos1file, mos2file, pnfile singular, not list.
	+ Changed params elow and ehigh to elowlist and ehighlist for consistency with other ESAS tasks.
	+ Removed subroutine catch_nfiles.
	+ Added more diagnostic messages.
	+ Fixed filename length mismatch with subroutine.

Version 0.18 - 2022-09-16 (BP)
        + Fixed bug in not creating total band subfiles occasionally.
	+ Fixed cut and paste bug causing celow(1) to be duplicated.
	+ Fixed concatenation of ecf in command call to edetect_chain.
	+ Lengthened command string to accommodate longer region expressions.

Version 0.17 - 2022-05-17 (BP)
        + Aligned check_clobber call with new gofio call.
        + Added new flags to 4 evselect expressions.

Package colimchain: version 1.9.1 [was 1.9]

ChangeLog for colimchain

Version 1.9.1 - 2022-06-30 (EO)
	+ src files makeclrhtml, minorbatch,, treehunter,
	makehtml, majorbatch: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict. 
	+ test/colimchain_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict.

Package colimplot: version 3.16.1 [was 3.16]

ChangeLog for colimplot

Version 3.16.1 - 2023-03-10 (RDS/EO)
	+ test/colimplot_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl
 -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict.

Package colsmooth: version 1.9.1 [was 1.8]

ChangeLog for colsmooth

Version 1.9.1 - 2022-06-30 (EO)
	+ test/colsmooth_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict.

Version 1.9 - 2021-11-29 (AG)
	+ Removed the PGPlot dependencies as they were never used.

Package combimage: version 0.14.1

ChangeLog for combimage

Version 0.14.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.14 - 2022-07-12 (BP)
	+ Fixed bug in writeMap call.
	+ Fixed makeOutNames for MSL type cheese files.

Version 0.13 - 2022-06-02 (BP)
	+ Made filenames consistent with docs and downline esas tasks.
	+ Fixed bug in PN OOT read.

Version 0.12 - 2022-05-27 (BP)
    + Fixed cut and paste error where same map was written for EXP as for PROT.
    + Dropped autorun feature, returned to automatic filename creation.
    + Added check for making sure bands and files lined up properly.
    + Fixed wrong sign in outImage calculation.
    + Fixed bug in logic to determine if OOT date should be applied.
    + Updated docs.

Version 0.11.1 - 2021-08-11 (EO)
    + doc/combimage_description.tex: Fixed typos around text "f90_"
    and in table of versions.

Version 0.11 - 2021-04-25 (BP)
        + Renamed from comb.
	+ New, standalone version for sas-20.
        + Removed from esas package.
        + Updates to filenames, parameters.
        + Edited ChangeLog to reflect ONLY comb-related former ChangeLog entries.

Package convregion: version 0.12.2

ChangeLog for convregion

Version 0.12.2 - 2023-04-11 (AI)
	+ strings_mod module added to convrestion_mod.f90.
Version 0.12.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.12 - 2022-11-23 (BP)
	+ Added call to ecoordconv to fix FITS region conversion issue.
	+ Fixed bug in reading ASCII file values in mode=2.
	+ Utilizes string parsing routine from goflib.
	+ Fixed pointer indicies off by one.
	+ Added sanity checks for all modes.

Package dal: version 1.199 [was 1.198]

ChangeLog for dal

Version 1.199 - 2022-05-28 (RDS)
	 + (src/common/ Added method to copy a column.

Package dpssvali: version 0.7.1 [was 0.7]

ChangeLog for dpssvali

Version 0.7.1 - 2022-07-01 (EO)
	+ src/ Repkaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict. 

Package ds9tomask: version 2.8.1 [was 2.8]

ChangeLog for ds9tomask

Version 2.8.1 - 2022-07-01 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict.

Package dscheck: version 0.5.1 [was 0.5]

ChangeLog for dscheck

Version 0.5.1 - 2022-07-01 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict.

Package ebkgmap: version 2.10.2 [was 2.10.1]

ChangeLog for ebkgmap

Version 2.10.2 - 2022-07-01 (EO)
	+ test/*_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict.

Package ebkgreg: version 0.8.1 [was 0.8]

ChangeLog for ebkgreg

Version 0.8.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ test/ebkgreg_test_pn: Repkaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings and use strict. 

Package eboxdetect: version 4.29 [was 4.28.4]

ChangeLog for eboxdetect

Version 4.29 - 2022-03-04 (IT)
        + edetect_io_box.f90: use the detection masks to determine the valid
          image areas (-> withimagebuffersize)

Package edetect: version 1.4.1 [was 1.4]

ChangeLog for edetect

Version 1.4.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ [src,test]/*: Replaced she-bangs /usr/local/bin/perl (-w) by /usr/bin/env
	perl plus use warnings and use strict. 

Package edetect_chain: version 3.17.2 [was 3.17]

ChangeLog for edetect_chain

Version 3.17.2 - 2022-11-30 (IT)
        Updated ECF link in the documentation

Version 3.17.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus use warnings ajd use strict. 

Package edetect_stack: version 0.8.1 [was 0.7]

ChangeLog for edetect_stack

Version 0.8.1 - 2022-12-15 (IT)
        + repaired she-bang

Version 0.8 - 2022-11-30 (IT)
	+ stacked fluxes are error-weighted instead of ("traditionally")
	  exposure-weighted to reduce the number of outliers
	+ detection likelihoods __DET_ML in the observation
	  level rows (= DET_ML of individual images): take degrees of
	  freedom into account as well
	+ mosaic-mode observations: allow for more (pseudo-)exposure
	  identifiers beyond the emosaic_prep standards
        + code cosmetics (informational output etc)
        + documentation updated

Version 0.7.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by 
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Package eimagecombine: version 0.9.1 [was 0.9]

ChangeLog for eimagecombine

Version 0.9.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ src/eimagecombine: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl  -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict". 

Package eimageget: version 0.8.2 [was 0.8.1]

ChangeLog for eimageget

Version 0.8.2 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ src/eimageget: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package eimchip2sky: version 2.6.1 [was 2.6]

ChangeLog for eimchip2sky

Version 2.6.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ test/*_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict". 

Package ekstest: version 2.8.1 [was 2.8]

ChangeLog for ekstest

Version 2.8.1 - 2022-04-07 (AG)
	+ Removed PGPlot dependencies that were not used.

Package emchain: version 12.0.1 [was 11.20]

ChangeLog for emchain

Version 12.0.1 - 2022-06-07 (EO)
	+ src/emchain: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict". 

Version 12.0 - 2022-04-21 (JB)
- All intermediate files have product-like names by default (starting with T)
  so that they do not overwrite each other.
- New usecanonicalnames parameter allowing to revert to previous behaviour.

Package emldetect: version 7.8 [was 7.7]

ChangeLog for emldetect

Version 7.8 - 2022-11-30 (IT)
	+ edetect_io_ml.f90, emldetect_mod.f90: if masks are provided,
	  determine subimage coordinates from valid mask areas instead of
	  exposed image areas
        + eml_io.f90: fluxes of multiple observations are error-weighted
	  instead of ("traditionally") exposure-weighted to reduce the
	  number of outliers
        + eml_io.f90: use input extent for rate-only fitting, if available
	+ emldetect_mod.f90: do not sort the input source list in simulate or
	  rateonly mode, but use its original order
        + emldetect_mod.f90: catch input sources outside the detection masks
          (for efficiency)
        + updated some links in the documentation

Version 7.7.1 - 2022-06-07 (EO)
	+ src/eml_io.f90: In line 331, replaced function long by int with
	kind=4, to pass compilation by GNU Fortran v11.3.0. This
	replacement is compatible with previous GNU Fortran v9.2.0.

Package emlfill: version 0.12.2

ChangeLog for emlfill

Version 0.12.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.12.1 - 2021-04-25 (BP)
	+ Changed param names srclist to emlin.
	+ Added layout file.
	+ Added diagnostics.
	+ Added formatted output.
	+ Changed name from filleml to emlfill.

Version 0.12 - 2021-04-16 (BP)
        + Re-upload for not incrementing VERSION.
	+ Changed method for detecting NULL fluxes.
	+ Added diagnostics.

Version 0.11 - 2021-04-14 (BP)
        + Renamed from fill_list.
	+ New, standalone version for sas-20.
        + Removed from esas package.
	+ Eliminates fitsio usage.
	+ Diagnostic output.
	+ Checks clobber().
        + Edited ChangeLog to reflect ONLY fill_list-related former ChangeLog entries.

Package emosaic: version 1.19.1 [was 1.19]

ChangeLog for emosaic

Version 1.19.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ test/emosaic_test: replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package emosaicproc: version 0.5.1 [was 0.5]

ChangeLog for emosaicproc

Version 0.5.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ src/emosaicproc, src/emosaic_prep: replaced she-bangs
	/usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/env perl. 

Package epchain: version 8.82.2 [was 8.82.1]

ChangeLog for epchain

Version 8.82.2 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ src/epchain: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl.
	+ doc/epchain_description.tex: Replaced reference to she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/env perl.

Package epicproc: version 2.25.2 [was 2.25.1]

ChangeLog for epicproc

Version 2.25.2 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ auxiliary/*: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl bu /usr/bin/env

Package epicspeccombine: version 0.6 [was 0.5]

ChangeLog for epicspeccombine

Version 0.6 - 2022-07-21 (RDS)
	+ src/,		- Fix error in finding number of 
	+ doc/epicspeccombine_description.tex  - Improved description of

Package epspatialcti: version 1.3.1 [was 0.4]

ChangeLog for epspatialcti

Version 1.3.1 - 2023-03-04 (RDS)
	+ Improved documentation
Version 1.3 - 2022-11-15 (RDS)
	+ src/		- throw an error if MN is used
					  together with eFF mode

Version 1.2 - 2022-08-23 (RDS)
	+ src/		- added new param "element"

Version 1.1 - 2022-06-13 (RDS)
	+ src/		- added outset parameter so that it
	  config/epspatial.par		  writes to a new file

Version 1.0 - 2022-05-26 (RDS)
	+ src/		- added Sanders et al 
					  method (SC-7657)

Package epsplitproc: version 0.2.1 [was 0.2]

ChangeLog for epsplitproc

Version 0.2.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/epsplitproc: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl. 

Package esensitivity: version 1.11.1 [was 1.11]

ChangeLog for esensitivity

Version 1.11.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/ + test/esensitivity_test: replaced she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings' and
	"use strict".

Package esky2det: version 1.19.2 [was 1.19]

ChangeLog for esky2det

Version 1.19.2 - 2022-07-13 (EO)
	+ test/edet2sky_test: replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Version 1.19.1 - 2022-07-04 (EO)
	+ test/esky2det_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package eslewchain: version 1.20.1 [was 1.20]

ChangeLog for eslewchain

Version 1.20.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src Perl tasks: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w
	by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and 'use strict".

Package esources: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]

ChangeLog for esources

Version 1.5.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/*_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package espfilt: version 5.0.2 [was 4.3]

ChangeLog for espfilt

Version 5.0.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 5.0.1 - 2023-04-01 (BP)
	+ Added some array and pointer initializations (to 0).
	+ Added hist_cnts(1)=0 to fix another gauss fit blow up discovered.

Version 5.0 - 2022-06-21 (BP)
	+ Completely eliminated NR subroutines.
	+ Added call to goflib subroutine nelmin to find local minima.
	+ Added function kip_gauss to perform fitting instead of NR.

Version 4.6 - 2022-04-08 (BP)
	+ Descoped withlongnames (interfered with downstream tasks).
	+ Added warning to test for when fit "blows up".
	+ Corrected docs discrepancies.

Version 4.5 - 2022-04-01 (BP)
        + Bug fix in ratio method.
	+ Allocation mismatch fix.
	+ Cleaned up docs.
	+ Removed withlongnames parameter.
	+ Removed future delta method (for now).
	+ Changed 'fov' output filenames to 'all' except fovlc.
	+ Stopped creating QDP file for ratio method.
	+ Added check for when fit ``blows up'' and produces NaN causing keyword write error.

Version 4.4 - 2022-03-18 (BP)
	+ Added withoot parameter to process PN OOT when previously it was run separately.
	+ Added elow and ehigh as keywords.
	+ Array bound bug fixes.

Package esplinemap: version 5.4.1 [was 5.4]

ChangeLog for esplinemap

Version 5.4.1 - 2022-12-14 (IT)
	+ radi_cal.f90: select current instrument when setting the PSF
  	  accuracy level (mainly cosmetics): SPR-7492

Package esrcselect: version 3.3.1 [was 3.3]

ChangeLog for esrcselect

Version 3.3.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/esrcselect_test: Replace she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl  plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package evarimgen: version 1.0.2 [was 0.9]

ChangeLog for evarimgen

Version 1.0.2 - 2023-02-24 (RDS)
	+ documented the 'testtype' parameter (SPR-7669)

Version 1.0.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/evarimgen_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Version 1.0 - 2021-11-25 (AG)
	+ Removed PGPlot dependencies: several sections have been commented
	out since they were not used. PlotHistogramFromReal is now written as
	an auxiliary Python script.

Package evenergyshift: version 0.2.1

ChangeLog for especget

Version 0.2.1 - 2023-03-17 (RDS)
        + Added parameter "extrapolate" (SPR-7683)

Version 0.2 - 2022-08-19 (RDS)
        + Restricted to EPIC-pn FAST modes
	+ Added the option of a third line point

Version 0.1 - 2022-05-09 (RDS)
        + Initial Version (SCR-7654)

Package evqpb: version 0.11 [was 0.10.1]

ChangeLog for evqpb

Version 0.11 - 2021-12-17 (RDS)
	+ doc/evqpb_description.tex     Minor update to productname param
	  src/			Support for EPN eFF mode FWC
					data (SCR-7648)

Version 0.10.2 - 2021-12-21 (AI)
	+ src/ Solve problem with wrong index in exps array.
	Solve problem with output file in case the attfile was not passed
	as input parameter (SPR-7642)

Package evselect: version 3.71.2 [was 3.71.1]

ChangeLog for evselect

Version 3.71.2 - 2023-03-15 (RDS)
	+ (src/         Soved problem with RA/DEC BOX
				       construct (SPR-7680)

Package fitsutils: version 1.10.1 [was 1.10]

ChangeLog for fitsutils

Version 1.10.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/*: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env
	perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package flspec: version 3.5.1 [was 3.5]

ChangeLog for flspec

Version 3.5.2 - 2023-04-11 (AI)
	+ (test/flspec_test) check that the cphead bianry is used from HEDAS
	SOC-SPR-7691 fixed
Version 3.5.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package goflib: version 0.20.1 [was 0.11.2]

ChangeLog for goflib

Version 0.20.1 - 2023-02-02 (BP)
	+ Moved runesky2det subroutine to goflib from several other tasks utilizing it.

Version 0.20 - 2023-01-12 (BP)
        + Added limit definitions to emanom doc.
	+ Added trim to int to char command to clean end of line.

Version 0.19 - 2022-11-18 (BP)
        + Added string parsing routine to fix reads of region ASCII files.

Version 0.18 - 2022-07-11 (BP)
        + Fixed bug in retrieving WCS header keywords in sub coord_keys.
	+ Fixed bug in mismatched string lengths.

Version 0.17 - 2022-06-21 (BP)
        + Fixed array bound issue with augment_mos and augment_pn.
	+ Added sanity check for QPB rows.

Version 0.16 - 2022-06-21 (BP)
        + Completely eliminated NR subroutines.
	+ Replaced NR with slatec subroutines.
	+ Added nelmin to minimize a function using the Nelder-Mead algorithm.

Version 0.15 - 2022-06-02 (BP)
        + Fixed bug where if INSTRUME=EPIC return of 2d array failed.
	+ Updated docs.
	+ Removed NR gfuncs sub (never used).

Version 0.14 - 2022-05-15 (BP)
	+ Changed chip masking values in gofutils.
	+ Changed call to read_rmf (array return issue).
	+ Added column existence sanity checks to read_rmf and read_arf in gofio.
	+ Fixed array bound issue with read_rmf MATRIX in gofio.
	+ Fixed MOS2 Med filter scalefactor in hardscale.

Version 0.13 - 2022-04-08 (BP)
	+ Fixed string concatenation bug in gofio affecting several esas tasks.
	+ Deleted some print statements, added some diagnostic messages.
	+ Enlarged some character strings because of data overruns.

Version 0.12 - 2022-03-21 (BP)
	+ Changed temp_corner.fits to *cortempev.fits in emanom to avoid overwrite
	+ Renamed subroutine aug_get_exp to augment_mos.
	+ Renamed subroutine aug_get_pnexp to augment_pn.
	+ Altered QDP output (new QPB files had too many data points for effective plots) in augment_*.
	+ Converted several hardcoded arrays to allocatable in augment_*.
	+ Added support for QPB spectrum produced with pattern=0 and pattern=4 for PN in augment_*.
	+ Reads emos1_qpb, emos2_qpb, epn_qpb files in testprods/esas_data not caldb versions in augment_*.
	+ Filters NaN rate columns in augment_*.
	+ Fixed default filename bug in spscale.
	+ Added sub "addtask" to add task generation comment for files produced within other esas tasks.
	+ Added sub "check_orbit" to check for CCD losses in all esas tasks.

Version 0.11.3 - 2021-11-23 (BP)
	+ Changed PN QPB EXPOSURE column to Real 64.
	+ Removed unnecesssary TYPE from spscale.

Package gtibuild: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]

ChangeLog for gtibuild

Version 1.5.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package hello: version 1.29.1 [was 1.28]

ChangeLog for hello

Version 1.29.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ doc/convert: Replace she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/perl
	plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Version 1.29 - 2021-11-03 (EO)
    + End-to-end test after major network migration. 

Package hkauxplot: version 4.8.1 [was 4.8]

ChangeLog for hkauxplot

Version 4.8.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 4.8.1 - 2023-03-15 (RDS)
	+ Fixed a problem with the precision of the TSTART label (SPR-7682)
	+ Added support for python plotting.

Package implot: version 2.20.1 [was 2.20]

ChangeLog for implot

Version 2.20.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/implot_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl. 

Package implotregions: version 1.1.1 [was 1.1]

ChangeLog for implotregions

Version 1.1.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/implotregions_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package inthist: version 2.23.2 [was 2.22]

ChangeLog for inthist

Version 2.23.2 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Version 2.23.1 - 2022-04-04 (AG)
	+ New upload of version 2.23 due to conflicts in the Changelog (wrong

Version 2.23 - 2022-04-04 (AG)
	+ Added in order to make the plots in Python. The
	PGplot version of the plots is still in the code. It was left in order
	to make the testing easier between the two versions.

Package lccorr_pcms: version 1.7.1 [was 1.7]

ChangeLog for lccorr_pcms

Version 1.7.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/lccorr_pcms_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package makemask: version 0.13.1

ChangeLog for makemask

Version 0.13.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.13 - 2022-09-22 (BP)
        + Changed some writes from Always to Verbose.
	+ Changed print statements to call message.
	+ Removed reserved keyword writes (caused warning messages).

Version 0.12.2 - 2021-10-04 (BP)
        + Returned to 0.12 code. Vector fixes in 0.12.1 produced rotated
	maps and elongated ellipses for sources.

Package makethumbs: version 0.8.1 [was 0.8]

ChangeLog for makethumbs

Version 0.8.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/orig_code: Contents removed. Preserved in previous version in
	+ test/ingestscrnames & testmakethumbssimple: Replaced she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and
	"use strict".

Package mosback: version 0.22.2

ChangeLog for mosback

Version 0.22.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.22.1 - 2023-03-10 (BP)
        + Initialized uninitialized arrays causing NaN conditions in calculations on Linux machines.
	+ Removed superfluous print statements.

Version 0.22 - 2023-01-13 (BP)
        + Removed parameter withimage (confused downstream esas tasks). Makes image by default.
	+ Cleaned up comments and docs.

Version 0.21 - 2022-10-19 (BP)
        + Fixed call to check_orbit (was erroneously masking CCD3/CCD6 for MOS2).

Version 0.20 - 2022-09-21 (BP)
        + Added call to check_orbit.
	+ Added diagnostic print statements.

Version 0.19 - 2022-08-18 (BP)
        + Implemented new method for obtaining path to QPB calibration file.

Version 0.18 - 2022-06-28 (BP)
	+ Moved variable initialization causing occasional blow up of exponents.
	+ Removed writes to fort.nn.
	+ Upgraded slatec calls to their double precision counterparts.
	+ Lined up code with new augment_mos in goflib.

Version 0.17 - 2022-06-22 (BP)
	+ Switched to double precision versions of SLATEC routines used.
	+ Cleaned up diagnostic messages.
	+ More doc updates.
	+ Fixed uninitialized array error causing bridgefit plot problems.

Version 0.16 - 2022-06-21 (BP)
        + Completely eliminated NR subroutines.
	+ Replaced NR with slatec routines.
	+ Bug fixes.
	+ Doc update.
	+ DEPEND file update.

Version 0.15 - 2022-05-17 (BP)
        + Aligned check_clobber call with new gofio call.
        + Fixed block causing SegFault when withimg=F.

Version 0.14 - 2022-04-08 (BP)
	+ Fixed incorrect attribute change (was PRIMARY now table SPECTRUM).
	+ Cleaned up docs.

Version 0.13 - 2022-03-23 (BP)
        + Replaced hardcoded arrays with allocatable arrays.
	+ Reads emos*_qpb.fits file from testprods/esas_data not "caldb" files.
	+ Replaced "prefix" with inspecfile.
	+ Other than the input spectrum, user can define all other in/out files or they will be derived by default.
	+ Seven ccdN parameters now a single boolean array, "ccds".
	+ Diagnostic images and message outputs controled with SAS_VERBOSITY and withplotfiles not "diag" parameter.
	+ Removed chi squared flag "chisqflg" for converting between count rate and count spectrum (may be readded).
	+ Removed "clobber" param, replaced with SAS_CLOBBER.
	+ Several input and output filename changes (see doc).

Version 0.12.2 - 2021-11-23 (BP)
        + Added copying of array attributes (was only doing set attributes and rotdet2sky needs them).
	+ Fixed titles and some output messages.

Version 0.12.1 - 2021-10-12 (BP)
        + Fixed QDP outputs.
	+ Corrected matrix calculation.
	+ Fixed non-closing logical unit number.

Version 0.12 - 2021-09-19 (BP)
	+ Added call to testprods to retrieve QPB cal files.
	+ Improved file opens and reads.
	+ Fixed call to read_2Darray in goflib.
	+ Updated filenamesfor upstream tasks.
	+ Updated array allocations.
	+ Added call to release to close dataset.
	+ Updated task dependencies.

Version 0.11.2 - 2021-08-11 (BP)
	+ Fixed sub calls to goflib.

Version 0.11.1 - 2021-05-10 (BP)
	+ Fixed doc build error.

Version 0.11 - 2021-04-08 (BP)
	+ Renamed to mosback from mos_back.
	+ Parameters changed (see docs).
	+ Removed fitsio (all DAL/CAL/OAL usage).
	+ Completed, f95, CCF-supported version.
	+ Modularized and removed from ESAS to standalone package.
	+ All below changes are old ESAS changes relevant to mos_back.

Package mosspectra: version 0.20.2

ChangeLog for mosspectra

Version 0.20.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.20.1 - 2023-02-10 (BP)
        + Changed logic for region file to die if not found or readable.

Version 0.20 - 2023-01-30 (BP)
        + Fixed initialization issues with region definition.

Version 0.19 - 2023-01-14 (BP)
	+ Removed parameter withimages (confused downstream esas tasks). Makes all images by default.
        + Cleaned up diagnostic messages.
	+ Fixed typo in filename.
	+ Added test for zero in hardness denominator.
	+ Added test for orbit number (no cal data for ESAS < 42).

Version 0.18 - 2022-09-20 (BP)
        + Lengthened command string to accommodate longer region expressions.
	+ Fixed missing character in fwcmask filename.

Version 0.17 - 2022-08-28 (BP)
        + Added warning if withimages=F downstream ESAS tasks will not work.
        + Removed superfluous print statements.
        + Added	print of OBSID and EXPID.
	+ Fast submode with ccd1=T changed to Warning, reset ccd1=F, continue.

Version 0.16 - 2022-05-17 (BP)
        + Aligned check_clobber call with new gofio call.

Version 0.15 - 2022-03-22 (BP)
        + Standalone f95 version converted from perl in esas.
	+ Replaced "prefix" param with eventfile/cornerfile/imagefile.
	+ Users can enter full file names or allow mosspectra to derive them from INST+EXPID by default.
	+ Added keepinterfiles param to allow user to delete intermediary files.
	+ Allows user to enter evselect PATTERN.
	+ Seven 'ccdN' parameters are now a single boolean array.
	+ Allows user to pass badpixelresolution param to backscale to speed runtime.
	+ Now reads new EMOS*_FWC_nnnn.CCF not 'caldb' FWC files.
	+ Changed "mask" integer param to boolean withsrcrem paired with
	mask filename for source exclusion.

Package omatt: version 2.58 [was 2.57.1]

ChangeLog for omatt

Version 2.58 - 2022-05-27 (AG)
	+ Removed PGPlot dependency from the code. 
	+ Added to handle the only residual PGPlot part left in
	the code. 
	+ Removed DisplayFit from src/omastromcorrect_mod.f90 as it was not

Package ombackground: version 0.7.5 [was 0.7.1]

ChangeLog for ombackground

Version 0.7.5 - 2023-04-03 (RDS)
	+ improved documentation

Version 0.7.4 - 2023-03-15 (RDS)
	+ config/ombackground.par	- set default filename to 
					  ombackground.pdf (SPR-7681)

Version 0.7.3 - 2023-03-03 (RDS)
	+ Positioned legend within the plot
	+ Solved issue with unsorted filenames
	+ removes temporary files which may exist in
	  the current directory at the beginning of the run

Version 0.7.2 - 2022-02-22 (AG)
	+ Fixed an issue which caused the Python exit status unkown to the
	main Fortran code.

Package omcat: version 1.9.2 [was 1.9.1]

ChangeLog for omcat

Version 1.9.2 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/*.pl: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env
	perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package omfchain: version 1.43.2 [was 1.43.1]

ChangeLog for omfchain

Version 1.43.2 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Package omflatindex: version 2.7.1 [was 2.7]

ChangeLog for omflatindex

Version 2.7.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/genfiles: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package omgchain: version 1.12.2 [was 1.12.1]

ChangeLog for omgchain

Version 1.12.2 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Package omgrism: version 1.30 [was 1.29]

ChangeLog for omgrism

Version 1.30 - 2022-04-20 (AG)
	+ PGPlot dependencies removed due to not being used in the code.

Package omgrismplot: version 1.8.6 [was 1.7]

ChangeLog for omgrismplot

Version 1.8.6 - 2023-04-03 (RDS)
	+ Improved documentation

Version 1.8.5 - 2023-03-06 (RDS)
	+ Fixed axis labels and improved naming convention of temporary
	  files. (SPR-7673) - currently produces PDF and postscript output.
	  PGPLOT code has not been removed.

Version 1.8.4 - 2022-05-24 (AG)
	+ Fixed a typo in the documentation.
	+ Added support for plotting regions alongside the rotated image in
	Python (
	+ Added pysasplot_utils to DEPEND.

Version 1.8.3 - 2022-05-09 (AG)
	+ Fixed an issue related to the ChangeLog entry for version 1.8.2.

Version 1.8.2 - 2022-05-09 (AG)
	+ Fixed a bug in which the DATE-END keyword could not be found.
	+ Made some changes in the appearance to match the original PGPlot

Version 1.8.1 - 2022-02-03 (AG)
	+ Fixed a bug in which if the plotting device was set to /XW, an empty
	pdf file would be created. Now it's deleted after the plots are
	displayed to the user.

Version 1.8 - 2022-02-01 (AG)
	+ Added in order to make the plots in Python. Old
	PGPlot plots are still created in order to make the testing parts

Package omgsource: version 1.12.2 [was 1.12.1]

ChangeLog for omgsource

Version 1.12.2 - 2022-05-10 (AG)
	+ Removed unused pgplot dependencies from Makefile to test how it
	affects the SAS builds.

Package omichain: version 1.74.10 [was 1.74.9]

ChangeLog for omichain

Version 1.74.10 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Package ompsfprofile: version 1.6.3 [was 1.5]

ChangeLog for ompsfprofile

Version 1.6.4 - 2023-04-03 (RDS)
	+ Improved documentation

Version 1.6.3 - 2023-03-10 (RDS)
	+ Updated test to check existence of ompsfprofile.pdf

Version 1.6.2 - 2023-03-07 (RDS)
	+ Set default name to ompsfprofile.pdf (SPR-7674).
	+ Also resolve problem with wrong output filename.

Version 1.6.1 - 2022-01-12 (AG)
	+ Added to src/Makefile to prevent errors in the build.

Version 1.6 - 2022-01-11 (AG)
	+ Added containing the Python code to be used instead of
	+ In order to make testing easier, both PGPlot and matplotlib results
	will be produced in this version (.ps and pdf, respectively).

Package omsource: version 1.28.5 [was 1.28.4]

ChangeLog for omsource

Version 1.28.5 - 2022-05-12 (AG)
	+ Removed PGPlot from src/Makefile. Removed the file deldel.

Package omsrclistcomb: version 2.24 [was 2.23]

ChangeLog for omsrclistcomb

Version 2.24 - 2021-11-29 (AG)
	+ Removed PGPlot dependancies, as the code was not using any real
	plotting utilities (calls were commented out).

Package omthlcplot: version 1.6.2 [was 1.5]

ChangeLog for omthlcplot

Version 1.6.2 - 2023-04-03 (RDS)
	+ improved documentation

Version 1.6.1 - 2023-03-08 (RDS)
	+ Fixed various problems with the Python output
	  Changed temp filenames to omthtmp_* and set 
	  default plotfile name to plot.pdf

Version 1.6 - 2022-08-23 (AG)
	+ Added src/ in order to do the plots in Python.
	Current version creates both PGPlot and matplotlib plots for testing

Package omvariability: version 1.6 [was 1.5]

ChangeLog for omvariability

Version 1.6 - 2022-03-01 (RDS)
	+		- Reverses the Y axis in the
					  light curve plot so that lower
					  mags (higher flux) is above
					  higher mag (low flux) - SPR-7652

Package orbit: version 3.2.1 [was 3.0]

ChangeLog for orbit

Version 3.2.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 3.2 - 2023-01-14 (BP)
	+ Removed parameter withtrend (always adds SUN_ANG/RAM_ANG to output).
        + Improved SUN_ANG correction for orbit midnight issue.

Version 3.1 - 2022-12-21 (BP)
	+ Fixed SUN_ANG sawblade issue at orbit midnights.

Package pnback: version 0.19.2

ChangeLog for pnback

Version 0.19.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.19.1 - 2023-03-10 (BP)
        + Initialized uninitialized arrays causing NaN conditions in calculations on Linux machines.
        + Removed superfluous print statements.

Version 0.19 - 2023-01-13 (BP)
	+ Removed parameter withimage (confused downstream esas tasks). Makes image by default.
        + Cleaned up comments and docs.

Version 0.18 - 2022-10-14 (BP)
        + Changed very chatty messages to Verbose.
	+ Fixed array bounds error in image creation.
	+ Added call release to FWC image creation.
	+ Moved two only withimg calls inside if block.

Version 0.17 - 2022-08-18 (BP)
        + Implemented new method for obtaining path to QPB calibration file.

Version 0.16 - 2022-06-27 (BP)
	+ Completely eliminated NR subroutines.
	+ Replaced NR with slatec routines.
	+ Bug fixes.
	+ Doc update.
	+ DEPEND file update.
	+ Aligned check_clobber calls with new gofio call.
	+ Cleaned up diagnostic messages.
	+ Fixed array bound error in augment_pn.

Version 0.15 - 2022-05-15 (BP)
        + Updated call to read_rmf in gofio.
	+ Cleaned up comments.

Version 0.14 - 2022-04-08 (BP)
	+ Fixed incorrect attribute change (was PRIMARY now table SPECTRUM).
	+ Cleaned up docs.

Version 0.13 - 2022-03-23 (BP)
        + Replaced hardcoded arrays with allocatable arrays.
	+ Reads epn_qpb.fits file from testprods/esas_data not "caldb" files.
	+ Replaced "prefix" with inspecfile.
	+ Other than the input spectrum, user can define all other in/out files or they will be derived by default.
	+ Four quadN parameters now a single boolean array, "quads".
	+ Diagnostic images and message outputs controled with SAS_VERBOSITY and withplotfiles not "diag" parameter.
	+ Removed chi squared flag "chisqflg" for converting between countrate and count spectrum (may be readded).
	+ Removed spectrum selection on PATTERN (may be readded).
	+ Removed "clobber" param, replaced with SAS_CLOBBER.
	+ Several input and output filename changes (see doc).

Version 0.12.2 - 2021-11-23 (BP)
	+ Added copying of array attributes (was only doing set attributes and rotdet2sky needs them).
	+ Fixed titles and some output messages.
	+ Updated QPB file, EXPOSURE changed to Real64.

Version 0.12.1 - 2021-11-21 (BP)
	+ Added PATTERN support.
	+ Fixed subroutine call type mismatch.
	+ Cleaned up fort.* write statements

Version 0.12 - 2021-10-12 (BP)
	+ Added call to testprods to retrieve QPB cal files.
	+ Improved file opens and reads.
	+ Fixed call to read_2Darray in goflib.
	+ Updated filenames for upstream tasks.
	+ Updated array allocations.
	+ Added call to release to close dataset.
	+ Updated task dependencies.

Version 0.11 - 2021-04-25 (BP)
	+ Renamed to pnback from pn_back.
	+ Parameters changed (see docs).
	+ Removed from ESAS.
	+ Removed fitsio (all DAL/CAL/OAL usage).
	+ Completed, f95, CCF-supported version.
	+ Modularized and removed from ESAS to standalone package.
	+ All below changes are old ESAS changes relevant to pn_back.

Package pnspectra: version 0.18.2

ChangeLog for pnspectra

Version 0.18.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.18.1 - 2023-02-10 (BP)
        + Changed logic of whether to run atthkgen.

Version 0.18 - 2023-01-30 (BP)
	+ Fixed initialization issues with region definition.

Version 0.17 - 2023-01-14 (BP)
	+ Removed parameter withimages (confused downstream esas tasks). Makes all images by default.
        + Fixed typo in emask call.
	+ Removed print statements.
	+ Added more diagnosic messages.
	+ Added param withdetcoords=Y in eexpmap call.
	+ Replaces hardcoded calls to determine file exists. Now calls goflib check_clobber like other ESAS tasks.
	+ Added more filename variables to help diagnose sub call issue.
	+ Added revolution check similar to mosspectra where orbit<42 has no cal.

Version 0.16 - 2022-09-20 (BP)
        + Lengthened command string to accommodate longer region expressions.
        + Fixed missing character in fwcmask filename.

Version 0.15 - 2022-08-28 (BP)
	+ Added warning if withimages=F downstream ESAS tasks will not work.
	+ Removed superfluous print statements.
	+ Added print of OBSID and EXPID.

Version 0.14 - 2022-05-17 (BP)
        + Aligned check_clobber call with new gofio call.

Version 0.13 - 2022-03-22 (BP)
        + Standalone f95 version converted from perl in esas.
	+ Replaced "prefix" param with eventfile/cornerfile/imagefile.
	+ Users can enter full file names or allow pnspectra to derive them from INST+EXPID by default.
	+ Added keepinterfiles param to allow user to delete intermediary files.
	+ Allows user to enter evselect PATTERN.
	+ Changed "mask" integer param to boolean withsrcrem paired with
	mask filename for source exclusion.
	+ Four 'quadN' parameters are now a single boolean array.
	+ Allows user to pass badpixelresolution param to backscale to speed runtime.
	+ Now reads new EPN_FWC_nnnn.CCF not 'caldb' FWC files.

Package pointsrc: version 0.12.4

ChangeLog for pointsrc

Version 0.12.4 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.12.3 - 2021-05-10 (BP)
	+ Fixed src/Makefile.
	+ Fixed new doc build error.

Version 0.12.2 - 2021-04-25 (BP)
	+ Fixed doc build error.
	+ Corrected DEPEND, use statement.
	+ Array bug fixes.

Version 0.12.1 - 2021-04-20 (BP)
	+ Cleaned up docs.
	+ Added missing package use.

Version 0.12 - 2021-04-16 (BP)
	+ Changed some parameter names (removed "_").
	+ Added layout file.
	+ Added diagnostic messaging.

Version 0.11 - 2021-04-08 (BP)
	+ Renamed from point_source.
	+ Parameters changed (see docs).
	+ Removed fitsio (all DAL/CAL/OAL usage).
	+ Completed, f95 version.
	+ Modularized and removed from ESAS to standalone package.
	+ All below changes are old ESAS changes relevant to point_source.

Package ppsslewsumm: version 1.3.1 [was 1.3]

ChangeLog for ppsslewsumm

Version 1.3.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/pindex2cpp: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Package ppssumm: version 3.7.1 [was 3.7]

ChangeLog for ppssumm

Version 3.7.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/pindex2cpp: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Package proton: version 0.19.2

ChangeLog for proton

Version 0.19.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.19.1 - 2023-02-10 (BP)
	+ Changed default for param bbreak.
	+ Fixed doc to match params (defaults and types).

Version 0.19 - 2022-10-14 (BP)
        + Removed initialization of pointer.
	+ Added more diagnostic messages.

Version 0.18 - 2022-05-17 (BP)
        + Removed withsky parameter (rotation done by rotdet2sky task).
	+ Fixed doc/parameter mismatches.

Version 0.17 - 2022-05-15 (BP)
        + Fixed call to CAL_flaremap.
	+ Moved CCD loss masking to maskchips in gofio/gofutils.
	+ Fixed array bound issue.
	+ Removed automatic rotation to sky coords until rotdet2sky fixed.

Version 0.16 - 2021-10-03 (BP)
	+ Added call to check\_orbit (in goflib) to check for CCD3/CCD6 losses.

Version 0.15 - 2021-05-05 (BP)
	+ Fixed pointer array indicies.
	+ Added more diagnostics.
	+ Moved chip masking into preloop.

Package protonscale: version 0.13.1

ChangeLog for protonscale

Version 0.13.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.13 - 2022-03-23 (BP)
	+ Fixed call to spscale in goflib (again).
	+ Derives iNST from input files.
	+ Reads spdetmap from CCF not "caldb" file.
	+ Sanity checks input arrays.
	+ Uses allocatable arrays instead of hardcoded.

Version 0.12 - 2021-04-16 (BP)
	+ Fixed call to spscale in goflib.
	+ Added diagnostics.
	+ Added layout file.
	+ Updated documentation.
	+ Added text file sanity check.

Version 0.11 - 2021-04-08 (BP)
	+ Renamed from proton_scale.
	+ Parameters changed (see docs).
	+ Removed fitsio (all DAL/CAL/OAL usage).
	+ Completed, f95, CCF-supported version.
	+ Modularized and removed from ESAS to standalone package.
	+ Added CAL call to retrieve SPDETMAP instead of caldb method.
	+ All below changes are old ESAS changes relevant to proton_scale.

Package psfgen: version 1.7.1 [was 1.7]

ChangeLog for psfgen

Version 1.7.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/imgpsfgen_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict". 

Package pyeslewchain: version 1.2.1

ChangeLog for eslewchain

Version 1.2.1 - 2021-12-16 (AG)
	+ Fixed an issue causing  the units not showing up in the final band

Version 1.2 - 2021-11-16 (AG)
	+ Fixed the issue corresponding to the format of the tables.
	+ Removed extra quottes on filenames.
	+ Changed how the files are merged to improve overall speed.

Version 1.1 - 2021-11-12 (AG)
	+ Fixed the order of files in pyeslewsearch's source list.
	+ Reduced the precision from the output tables.

Version 1.0 - 2021-11-08 (AG)
	+ Renamed again as pyeslewchain for further testing.

Version 0.6 - 2021-10-11 (AG)
	+ eslewsearch rewritten in Python.
	+ Perl dependency removed from Makefile.

Version 0.5 - 2021-08-19 (EO)
	+ doc/eslewchain_description.tex: Removed CR+LF present in the \author field which were not accepted by macOS LaTeX.

Version 0.4 - 2021-05-12 (AG)
	+ Python refactoring completed.
	+ Python ChangeLog:

Version 0.3 - 2021-05-10 (AG)
	+ Added tests to the proper folder.
	+ Fixed a bug in which the task would raise an exception looking for the SAS_ATTITUDE variable.
	+ Added a test event file.
	+ Changed pysas dependency.

Version 0.2 - 2020-10-14 (AG)
	+ Added the license entry to eslewchainUtils and eslewchainTime.
	+ Added exceptions to eslewchainUtils to avoid the script to quit if some extensions could not be found (taken from the original).

Version 0.1 - 2020-10-13 (AG)
	+ First version.

Package pymakethumbs: version 0.1.1

ChangeLog for pymakethumbs

Version 0.1.1 - 2022-05-19 (AG)
	+ Fixed an issue with the dependencies for running pymakethumbs -d.

Version 0.1 - 2022-05-13 (AG)
	+ First version.

Package pyomdrifthist: version 1.0

ChangeLog for omdrifthist

Version 1.0 - 2021-11-03 (AG)
    + Changed back to pyomdrifthist with version resequenced from
    0.4.3 up to 1.0.

Version 0.9.5 - 2021-10-28 (AG)
	+ Fixed: extra PDFs could be removed when using the task
	alongside other SAS processes.

Version 0.9.4 - 2021-10-26 (AG)
	+ Fixed some issues concerning the labels of the histograms.
	+ Fixed a bug in which the initial circle may not appear if the data
	was too far apart from it.
	+ Changed the dimention of the main plot to make it look closer to the
	original (and avoid some visual issues).
	+ Removed additional text in the second plot.

Version 0.9.3 - 2021-10-07 (AG)
	+ Fixed a bug in which absolute paths did not work whenever such paths
	contained several '.'.
	+ Fixed a bug in which the plots were not created if the path did not

Version 0.9.2 - 2021-10-06 (AG)
	+ Fixed an issue coming from omichain and omfchain in which the path
	of the output file was relative to the working directory (SPR 7635).

Version 0.9.1 - 2021-10-05 (AG)
	+ Issue 0007631: now the format is specified directly in the plotfile
	parameter instead of the format parameter, which has been removed, and 
	now is case sensitive. The pages are now sorted before merging if

Version 0.9 - 2021-08-19 (EO)
    + doc/omdrifthist_description.tex: Removed CR+LF present in 
    the \author field which were not accepted by macOS LaTeX.

Version 0.8 - 2021-08-19 (AG)
	+ Added link between pytest and the log output from make test.

Version 0.7 - 2021-07-12 (AG)
	+ Fixed a bug in which the PDFs would not merge if the plotfile value
	contained the extension.

Version 0.6 - 2021-06-07 (AG)
	+ Bug fix. Text not displayed correctly in page 1.
	+ Added format as a parameter.
	+ Now the 2 pdfs are merged in a single file used pysasplot_utils.

Version 0.5  - 2021-05-05 (AG)
	+ New version in Python. Below is the Python ChangeLog.
	+ Pythhon ChangeLog:

Version 0.4.4 - 2021-04-22 (AG) 
		+ Changed the name of the parameters to match with the code in omichain and omfchain.
		+ Added rm *png to the tests, in order to avoid messing with git with extra files.
		+ Fixed not working correctly.

Version 0.4.3 - 2021-04-13 (AG)
		+ Fixed a bug in the first plot in which the text was not fully adapted to the histogram axis.
		+ Added a first check for the input FITS file before evaluating the datamode.

Version 0.4.2 - 2021-02-28 (EO)
		+ ChangeLog: Typo in date for version 0.4.1

Version 0.4.1 - 2021-02-28 (EO)
		+ DEPEND: pysas 0.10 -> 1.0

Version 0.4 - 2021-02-19 (AG)
		+ Added the new logging system for SAS tasks.
		+ Fixed a bug that prevented the first png image to be created.

Version 0.3 - 2021-02-17 (AG)
		+ Fixed value for n_out not being calculated as in the original.
		+ Fixed test Python environment not being linked to the correct version.
		+ Fixed a bug in which the calibration folders may be splitted in several folders instead of just one.
		+ Fixed a bug in which the pdf file was not created when specified.
		+ Adapted the plots to be shown if run in a Jupyter Notebook.

Version 0.2 - 2021-02-05 (AG)
		+ Added ZERODRIFT error.
		+ Now the text from the original plot is displayed.
		+ The verbosity parameter has been deleted to rely only in the already existing -V parameter from SAS tasks.
		+ Added search for platescale parameter.
		+ Fixed issues with the doc file and the test file.

Version 0.1 - 2021-01-28 (AG)
		+ First version uploaded.

Package pyomgchain: version 0.1.2

ChangeLog for pyomgchain

Version 0.1.2 - 2021-08-19 (EO)
    + doc/pyomgchain_description.tex: Removed CR+LF present
    in \author field which were not accepted by macOS LaTeX.

Version 0.1.1 - 2021-02-28 (EO)
    + DEPEND: pysas 0.7 -> 1.0
Version 0.1 - 2020-10-20 (AG)
	+ First version.

Package pyrgsimplot: version 1.0

ChangeLog for rgsimplot

Version 1.0 - 2021-11-08 (AG)
	+ Added device as a parameter for the function.
	+ Changed declination to be shown in DMS.
	+ Renamed again to pyrgsimplot after roll-back to original code.

Version 0.8 - 2021-10-07 (AG)
	+ Changed the name of several parameters to match the original
	rgsimplot script (SPR 7633).
	+ Changed how the format is read: removed the 'format' parameter. The
	format will be read from the plotfile parameter. 
	+ Fixed how the naming convention works, so files don't get
	overwritten and don't get their name changed whenever possible. 

Version 0.7 - 2021-08-19 (EO)
	+ doc/rgsimplot_description.tex: Removed CR+LF present in \author field which were not accepted by macOS LaTeX.

Version 0.6 - 2021-08-18 (AG)
	+ Added more information to the log files.
	+ pytest now gives a proper status code linked to the make test
	+ Added a dark mode for the plots.
	+ .pytest_cache is now clobbered after testing.

Version 0.5 - 2021-06-10 (AG)
	+ Inverted is no longer yes by default.
	+ Added PDF support.
	+ Added format as a parameter.
	+ Now plots will show if running in a Jupyter Notebook environment.

Version 0.4 - 2021-05-11 (AG)
	+ Python refactoring complete.

Version 0.3 - 2021-05-10 (AG)
	+ Now the sources for the energy dispersion plot are separated with colours depending on the energy level.
	+ Clobbered files created during the test phase.
	+ Added the inverted parameter.

Version 0.2 - 2021-03-16 (AG)
	+ Added text to the figures.
	+ Made the code clearer deleting the old transformation functions.
	+ Added the RA-DEC source data to the plots with a conversion function.
	+ Added smaller tests to the test file.
	+ Fixed some warnings.

Version 0.1 - 2021-03-11 (AG)
	+ Directory structure created by pkgmaker. First working version.

Package pyrgsspecplot: version 1.2

ChangeLog for rgsspecplot

Version 1.2 - 2022-05-24 (AG)
	+ Fixed an issue with how the dispersion angle was being read for the
	BETA/lambda conversion.
	+ Fixed keywords not being properly read.

Version 1.1 - 2021-12-13 (AG)
	+ Added an extra name to avoid deleting already existing PDFs.
	+ The device parameter has been brought back.
	+ Removed n_points parameter.

Version 1.0 - 2021-11-08 (AG)
	+ Fixed an issue related to how the format is detected: format
	parameter has been deprecated in favor of just relying in plotfile.
	+ Changed the rebinning system to match the original.
	+ Renamed again to pyrgsspecplot for further testing after roll back.

Version 0.5 - 2021-08-19 (EO)
	+ doc/rgsspecplot_description.tex: Removed unnecessary CR+LF
	which were present in \author field, not accepted by macOS LaTeX.

Version 0.4 - 2021-08-18 (AG)
	+ Added .pytest_cache to CLOBBERDIRS.
	+ Added dark mode to match some of the original plots.
	+ Connected the output from pytest to the make test file.

Version 0.3 - 2021-06-24 (AG)
	+ Task moved to Python.
	+ Python ChangeLog:
Version 0.2 - 2021-06-18 (AG)
	+ Added tests.
	+ Fixed some tags not properly loading into the plot.
	+ Added PDF and Notebook support.
	+ Changed the documentation and the parameters file.
	+ Added grouped spectra and COUNT/RATE spectra.
	+ Fixed minor labels not displaying the proper information.

Version 0.1 - 2021-05-06 (AG)
	+ Directory structure created by pkgmaker. First draft.
	+ Fixed a bug in the par file undetected in the test phase.
	+ Removed the limit of two spectra.

Package pysas: version 1.4.2 [was 1.4.1]

ChangeLog for pysas

Version 1.4.2 - 2023-03-28 (AI)
   + src/pysas/ single and double quotes are not properly handled. SOC-SPR-7683 fixed

Package pysasplot_utils: version 0.4.3 [was 0.3.7]

ChangeLog for pysasplot_utils

Version 0.4.4 - 2023-04-10 (AI)
	+ Dependency to pyPDF2 changed to pypdf
Version 0.4.3 - 2022-07-29 (AG)
	+ src/pysasplot_utils/pysasplot_utils: fixed a bug that caused some
	builds to crash due to an incompatibility between types.

Version 0.4.2 - 2022-07-18 (AG)
	+ src/pysasplot_utils/ catched an exception that
	raises in Python 10.5 in load_figures.

Version 0.4.1 - 2022-05-24 (AG)
	+ Added plot_region_box and reg_to_list in order to work with region files.

Version 0.4 - 2021-12-13 (AG)
	+ Added plot_image and check_format_compatibility.

Package pyutils: version 0.8.5 [was 0.5.3]

ChangeLog for pyutils

Version 0.8.5 - 2022-08-26 (AG)
	+ Added download_ODF_from_XSA.
	+ Added some additional tests.
	+ Fixed some typos in the code documentation.

Version 0.8.4 - 2022-08-25 (AG)
	+ urllib added

Version 0.8.3 - 2022-08-25 (AG)
	+ src/XMMextractor_tools/ added image_from_XSA,

Version 0.8.2 - 2022-07-29 (AG)
	+ src/XMMextractor_tools/ fixed some issues from the original
	version (from the old PythonUtils)

Version 0.8.1 - 2022-07-27 (AG)
	+ src/XMMextractor_tools/ fixed a bug that
	caused standalone OM event lists to appear missing to XMMextractorpy.

Version 0.8 - 2022-07-19 (AI)
	+ Added functionalities for xmmextractorpy

Version 0.7.2 - 2022-05-11 (AG)
	+ Added a patch that correcteed some issues in XMMextractorpy 0.1.1.

Version 0.7.1 - 2022-03-11 (AG)
	+ Added XMMextractor_verify to XMMextractor_tools; in order to gather
	all the XMMextractor tools in a centralised environment.

Version 0.7 - 2022-03-01 (AG)
	+ Added the XMMextractor_tools module.

Version 0.6.3 - 2022-02-17 (AG)
	+ Moved RunCifbuild and pyOAL to a standalone package (XMMextractorpy)
	due to their scope going beyond pyutils.

Version 0.6.2 - 2022-02-15 (AG)
	+ RunCifbuild: added a third module called RunCifbuild.
	+ pyOAL: now the user can specify an OBSID that will be downloaded
	using astroquery and processed.

Version 0.6.1 - 2022-02-11 (AG)
	+ pyOAL: fixed some bugs and added run_task.

Version 0.6 - 2022-02-03 (AG)
	+ Added the first version of pyOAL, used alongside pysas.

Package region: version 7.15.3 [was 7.15.2]

ChangeLog for region

Version 7.15.3 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/*_test: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package rgsdupframesfix: version 0.1

ChangeLog for rgsdupframesfix

Version 0.1 - 2022-08-30
	+ First version.

Package rgslccorr: version 0.57.2 [was 0.57.1]

ChangeLog for rgslccorr

Version 0.57.2 - 2023-03-28 (AI) 
	+ GTI and EXPOSU inconsistency warning text modified. SOC-SPR-7685

Package rgsprods: version 1.11.1 [was 1.11]

ChangeLog for rgsprods

Version 1.11.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/ & test/rgsprods_test: Replaced she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use

Package rgssources: version 6.3.2 [was 6.3]

ChangeLog for rgssources

Version 6.3.3 - 2023-04-10 (AI)
	+ Debug line in rgssources_test removed. SOC-SPR-7688 fixed
Version 6.3.2 - 2023-03-31 (AI)
	+ outfiles directory created in the hardness test. SOC-SPR-7687 fixed

Version 6.3.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/ Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl
	by /usr/bin/env perl.

Package rmfgen: version 2.8.7 [was 2.8.5]

ChangeLog for rmfgen

Version 2.8.7 - 2023-02-27 (RDS)
	+ (src/  - Removed useless debug statement

Version 2.8.6 - 2023-01-26
	+ test/runrmfgen         - Updated test in line with a
				   change in the chkrmf ftool
				   used in testing (SPR-7664)

Package rmftools: version 1.5.1 [was 1.5]

ChangeLog for rmftools

Version 1.5.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/readresp: Replaced she-bang /sur/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/env

Package rotdet2sky: version 0.16.1

ChangeLog for rotdet2sky

Version 0.16.1 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.16 - 2023-02-01 (BP)
	+ Fixed call to esky2det.
	+ Fixed user-defined vs derived output filename creation.
	+ Fixed detx/dety/skyx/skyy parameter paradigm issues.
	+ Removed withlong param (redundant).
	+ Added call to goflib/runesky2det subroutine shared by other ESAS tasks.

Version 0.15 - 2022-07-12 (BP)
        + Fixed hardcoded CTYPE to work on all coordsys types allowed.

Version 0.14 - 2022-05-15 (BP)
        + Fixed calculation for center pixel.
	+ Fixed bug where it grabbed the wrong WCS values and made rotation incorrect.

Version 0.13 - 2022-03-25 (BP)
	+ Added sanity check for RA_NOM/DEC_NOM.
	+ Cleaned up docs.
	+ Improved screen diagnostic output.
	+ Array indicies bug fixes.
	+ Fixed array read (was using wrong cdelt from template).
	+ Uses SAS\_CLOBBER not clobber parameter.

	+ Fix pointer array indices.
	+ Formatted diagnostics.

Package sas: version 1.614.2 [was 1.612]

ChangeLog for sas

Version 1.614.2 - 2022-08-22 (EO)
	+ Updated determination of TARGET_OS for Linux Red Hat. 

Version 1.614.1 - 2022-07-21 (EO)
	+ Corrected typo in subst of .$(SO) by .a.

Version 1.614 - 2022-07-20 (EO)
	+ bin/whichpart: Each invocation of make to process the SAS master
	Makefile (Make.include), requires to set properly the variable 
	$(TOPDIR) from the value of $SAS_DIR. 

	$(TOPDIR) is used to compute the variables $(REFERDIR) and $(RELATDIR),
        which are used constantly to create soft links for many key files 
	from package subdirectories into the same subdirectories below $SAS_DIR.
        For example, the header file 'include/config-std.h' provided by 
        package 'sas' must be soft-linked to $SAS_DIR/include/config-std.h. 
        $(REFERDIR) and $(RELATDIR) are used to set such soft link as

        ln -s $(RELATDIR)/$(REFERDIR)/config-std.h $(SAS_DIR)/include/config-std.h

        As soon as the $SAS_DIR includes a soft-link in any of its component paths
        $(REFERDIR) and $(RELATDIR) are computed wrong.
        Given that the definition of soft-links in $SAS_DIR is required
        to organize properly multiple builds across different operating systems,
        we can not avoid using soft-links in $SAS_DIR. 

	The Perl script 'bin/whichpart' exists to identify properly $(TOPDIR)
	regardless of having any soft links as components. Until now we have
	used the method cwd from Perl Cwd to identify TOPDIR. However, 
	this method does not work on macOS. After replacing method cwd by
	getcwd, still resulted insufficient. Finally, we have added
	the python script '', which "resolves" the SAS_DIR to 
	real path components. That script is not part of package 'sas' but 
	of the building environment scripts. 

	+ Fixed bug in the creation of combilibs on macOS.
	The bug showed up ONLY when using the real 'make' from GNU, not with the 
	'make' from Apple Xcode, which claims to be a real GNU make, but it is not !

Version 1.613 - 2022-01-20 (EO)
    + Modified several files (AKA,, etc) to produce SAS

Package saslib: version 1.88.1 [was 1.88]

ChangeLog for saslib

Version 1.88.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/testDirectory: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by
	/usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict".

Package sasperl: version 1.12.1 [was 1.12]

ChangeLog for sasperl

Version 1.12.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/[loaderror.t, loadsas.t, testerror.t, loadparam.t,
	testparam.t]: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/env
	perl plus "use warnings" and 'use strict" 

Package selectlib: version 4.77 [was 4.76]

ChangeLog for selectlib

Version 4.77 - 2022-08-30 (AI)
	+ (src/utils/ mergeTimingAttributes method does not check if the attributes to
	be added to the table belongs to the same table or not. If they belong to the same table,
	the dal deletes the pointer to the attribute value and therefore, the new value is not correct.
	Extra check added to the mergeTimingAttributes method to check if the keywords belongs
	the same GTI table.

Package slatec: version 1.49.1 [was 1.49]

ChangeLog for slatec

Version 1.49.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ aux/slatecdepend: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl. 
	+ test/dtest[01-54]: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Package slconv: version 2.6.2 [was 2.6.1]

ChangeLog for slconv

Version 2.6.2 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/[slconv_pl_test, slconv_test]: Replaced she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and
	"use strict".

Package sppartial: version 0.12.2

ChangeLog for sppartial

Version 0.12.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.12.1 - 2021-11-22 (BP)
	+ Changed call to read_2Darray to refected added variable typeA in goflib.
	+ Fixed array bounds for SPDETMAP.
	+ Updated DEPEND file.

Version 0.12 - 2021-09-19 (BP)
	+ Added call to read_2Darray.
	+ Removed print statements.

Package srcmatch: version 3.23 [was 3.22.1]

ChangeLog for srcmatch

Version 3.23 - 2022-12-14 (IT)
	+ on user request: optional parameter "extentunit" to choose
	  between image pixels (default and previous behaviour) and arcsec
          in the *EXT* output columns (SPR-7644)
        + added unit arcmin to the *_OFFAX output columns (SPR-7645)
        + updated documentation accordingly

Package ssclib: version 4.36.1 [was 4.35]

ChangeLog for ssclib

Version 4.36.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ test/[dss1_test, sourcecutouts_test, testcelcoordspm, testssclibpm,
	testcoordspm, testpaircoordssyspm]: Replace she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and
	"use strict".

Version 4.36 - 2022-05-30 (AG)
	+ Removed pgplot_aux.f90 from src. Removed pgplot from src/Makefile
	EXTERNALS, as the only task that uses this code is eimsim and it is

Package swcx: version 0.16.2

ChangeLog for swcx

Version 0.16.2 - 2023-04-04 (BP)
        + Doc improvements.

Version 0.16.1 - 2023-02-14 (BP)
        + Cleaned up output messages.
	+ Reconciled doc with parameter file.

Version 0.16 - 2022-05-15 (BP)
        + New call to read_rmf (in gofio).
	+ Sanity checks for rmf arrays.
	+ Fixed bug in calculation of area from ARF.
	+ Fixed bug in calculation for frac.

Version 0.15.1 - 2021-11-22 (BP)
	+ Removed rotation to sky coords until algorithm is figured out.
	+ Fixed array bound issue with masking chips.
	+ Added elow ehigh as keywords to header for downstream task.

Version 0.15 - 2021-09-19 (BP)
	+ Tweaked call to rotdet2sky yet again.
	+ Fixed call to read_2Darray in goflib.
	+ Allows for different input array types.
	+ Fixed wrong array index in arf.
	+ Updated dependencies.

Package testccf: version 1.128.2 [was 1.127]

ChangeLog for testccf

Version 1.128.2 - 2023-03-13 (RDS)
	+  constituents/ccf.cif: added EPN_SPATIALCTI_0001.CCF

Version 1.128.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ src/dumptables: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl by
	/usr/bin/env perl.

Version 1.128 - 2022-01-12 (RDS)
	+  constituents/ccf.cif: added EPN_FWC_EFF_0004.CCF          

Package testprods: version 1.52 [was 1.51.1]

ChangeLog for testprods

Version 1.52 - 2022-07-30 (BP)
        + esas_data/epn_qpb.fits.gz     - Replaced file with new version with
        more OBSIDs and removed erroneous rows.

Package tools: version 1.68.1 [was 1.68]

ChangeLog for tools

Version 1.68.1 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ imageutils/test/imageutils_test: Replaced she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and
	"use strict".

Package xmmextractor: version 1.11.17 [was 1.11.16]

ChangeLog for xmmextractor

Version 1.11.17 - 2022-07-05 (EO)
	+ external-perl-modules/Log-Log4perl-1.48: Replaced she-bang
	/usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/env perl. 
	+ external-perl-modules/Old_Modules: Removed.
	+ lib/Makefile: Replaced /usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/env perl in
	ARCHNAME definition.