ChangeLog for backcorr ====================== Version 3.8 - 2024-04-30 (AI) ----------------------------- + ccf.cif in test directory updated (SPR-7745) Version 3.7 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ----------------------------- + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.6 - 2006-01-09 (NW) ------------------------------- Corrected a small calculation error in make_backcorr that was causing some values in the output (corrected background spectrum) to be too small by a factor 0.5 or 0.333 as pointed out in SSC-SPR-3551. The same SPR requested that the detector map used to calculate the arf file for the background spectrum should be a flat detector map and further parameters to be added to the task so that the user can provide the eventlist, required by arfgen if a bad pixel correction is to be made as well as the option to keep the intermediary arf files. RDS also suggested calling arfgen with extendedsource=yes. These have all been done and the documentation has been updated. Version 3.5.1 - 2005-06-07 (NW) ------------------------------- Change to DEPEND for releasetrack version Version 3.5 - 2004-11-26 (NW) ------------------------------- Included dsslib' in DEPEND, as requested in SSC-SPR-3420. Version 3.4 - 2004-11-02 (NW) ------------------------------- Fixed a small bug that could result in a divide by zero in some cases. Version 3.3 - 2003-11-03 (NW) ------------------------------- Changed the USEDLIBS in the src/Makefile so that the task also builds in the static build Version 3.2 - 2003-05-07 (NW) ------------------------------- Changed the test harness, as the detector map may not be specified in X/Y coordinates in the current release of arfgen. This closes SPR-3118, `test harness fails whilst running arfgen'. Version 3.1 - 2002-11-20 (NW) ------------------------------- As version 3.0, but with param 2. + for the development track. Version 3.0 - 2002-11-19 (NW) ------------------------------- Major revisions after questions from the helpdesk. Corrected the cycle theiloop to cycle thejloop (typo) and added parameters to allow the user to make a background correction for highly off-axis sources if required. Added inputs for the source co-ordinates, to be used by arfgen, in the same manner as arfgen. A PSF function is now used for the `detmaptype' and the BACKSCAL value is set. The documention and the test harness have also been updated. Version 2.4 - 2002-07-25 (NW) ------------------------------- Updated the DEPEND file. It now includes a dependence on sas. Version 2.3 - 2002-06-03 (NW) ---------------------- Made the updates necessary for the new version of param Version 2.2.4 - 08-02-02 (NW) ---------------------- Test harness completely changed to solve the problem raised in SPR-2732 `test_backcorr. 2 fixes so test passes at MPE'. The test now calls a fortran program to test the output of backcorr, by checking the spectral content and the content of the headers. In this way any problems with different platforms is avoided. Version 2.2.3 - 23-11-01 ---------------------- Changes made to the test, to reflect the recent changes made to programs preceding backcorr. Version 2.2.2 - 07-11-01 ---------------------- Further refinements made to the test, to stop it failing on Linux. Version 2.2.1 - 19-10-01 ---------------------- A change has been made to the test, to stop it failing on Linux. Version 2.2 - 12-09-01 ---------------------- A `do loop' at the end of the `make_backcorr' module has been changed so that the energy boundaries don't have to exactly match those of the arf. This is to stop `backcorr' crashing with 'Internal file overflow', with regards to SPR 2511. The test has also been changed, so that it doesn't rely on the type of ftools being run, thus solving the problem in SPR 2532. Version 2.1.5 - 31-05-01 ---------------------- The test has also been changed so that it doesn't test for high or a low memory model. Version 2.1.4 - 30-05-01 ---------------------- The test has also been changed so that it takes into account a high or a low memory model. Version 2.1.3 - 22-05-01 ---------------------- Documentation has been changed to include an example of how to use backcorr and to document the columns required in the input files. The test has also been changed to make it sensitive to error in the task. Version 2.1.2 - 27-04-01 ---------------------- Changed the system call to call deleteDataSet which is appropriate for the SAS. Version 2.1.1 - 02-11-00 ---------------------- Revised the documentation and updated the GROUPS description Version 2.1 - 03-10-00 ---------------------- Updrade the version number as required for the SAS V5 Version 2.0.2 - 2000-09-26(DB) ------------------------------- Update the .info files to comply to the GROUPS definition Version 2.0.1 - 2000-06-27(DB) ------------------------------- SSC-SPR-1808 backcorr (version 2.0) - add file in the distribution. + Reactivate the test harness now that arfgen has settled a little bit, and make the code work with the arf files produced by arfgen. Version 2.0 - 2000-05-27(DB) ---------------------------- Major changes to the interface to follow latest release of arfgen (this fixes SSC-SPR-1686). This implied several changes in the code also, as some checks that do not need any longer to be done in the task (e.g. shape of the extraction region, this is now done in arfgen). Update of the documentation. Addition of the layout file, the info file. Version 1.7 - 2000-04-19(GV/SOC) ------------------------ + resubmission of 1.6, having removed build.tmp_ tht was causing the distcheck to fail. Version 1.6 - 2000-04-18 ------------------------ The following SPRs have been fixed: SSC-SPR-1640 backcorr (version 1.5.1): documentation macros SSC-SPR-1628 backcorr (version 1.5.1): Task fails test harness Version 1.5.1 - 2000-03-10 (GV/SOC) ------------- + patched to cope with a problem in the dal. Do not absorb this patch in the development track. Version 1.5 29/11/1999 ---------------------- SSC-SPR-1358 fixed: In the test file I was testing for SAS_CCFDIR which is no longer a environment variable needed Version 1.4 28/09/1999 ---------------------- The following SPR has been fixed: SSC-SPR-1270 backcorr (version 1.3): Use message instead of write(*,*) Note that the input spectrum now contains 4095 channels to comply with the CAL. Version 1.3 30/07/1999 ---------------------- The following SPR has been fixed SSC-SPR-1132 backcorr (version 1.2): dummy template .cc break build on Digital Unix (+fix) Submitted on 29th July 1999 by Achim Bohnet ( Closed 30th July 1999 Version 1.2 10/07/1999 ---------------------- Following the tests performed by Dean Hishaw, the following SPRs have been raised and are now closed in the version 1.2 SSC-SPR-1046 backcorr (version 1.1): Warning in verbosity level Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1049 backcorr (version 1.1): Bad output with high verbosity Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Accepted 10th July 1999 Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1047 backcorr (version 1.1): Unclear message for spectrum with zero rows. Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1045 backcorr (version 1.1): Does not fail when SAS_CCFDIR not set Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1044 backcorr (version 1.1): Should not test for FTOOLS in test harness Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1048 backcorr (version 1.1): Output file not OGIP compliant Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1043 backcorr (version 1.1): background region file not an annulus Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1042 backcorr (version 1.1): Input test file is not OGIP compliant Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1041 backcorr (version 1.1): parameter names do not follow SAS conventions Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1040 backcorr (version 1.1): Errors in parameter file Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1039 backcorr (version 1.1): backcorr should not depend on evselect Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 SSC-SPR-1038 backcorr (version 1.1): Potential scope of variables to broad Submitted on 8th July 1999 by Dean Hinshaw ( Closed 10th July 1999 The documentation has been changed accordingly. Version 1.1 05/07/1999 ---------------------- - arfgen is now included in the DEPEND file Version 0.1 ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.